Chapter Twenty-four

There are times in my life when I thought Blake was dead, I wished that one day he would meet my son or at least Ethan would meet him. I imagine how lovely it would be to watch them together like a divided fruit having the same looks. I am always wondering how it looks like seeing Blake carrying his son in his arms while swaying and humming until he gets into a deep sleep. I am curious on how they would behave with each other and how they would bond together. All of those thoughts came across my mind, I admit. But, now when it's going near from reality, I'm taking it back. 

I'm not happy. It's not a good idea. It's a fvcking bullish!t and the start of a battle. 

"Hey, why are you fighting here in front of other people? In front of your son? Seriously, can't you settle it privately and maturely?" Celestine suddenly croaked out. 

I shot her a cold stare. I want to blame her for what happened but I can't. She was always so supportive to me and I know she didn't mean to spill it. It was all a sort of accident that's why I can't just put all the blame to her that easy. 

"Shut up," I replied, short. 

He raised her hands in the air and rolled her eyes. "Chill. I'm just suggesting. I'm out here already," she said and sighed before she continued. "Just… just an advice… As your sister, give him the chance. It's his right after all. Put yourself on his shoes, Amber." She tapped my shoulder. "I'm not on his side but I think that was the right thing to do being you as a mom, don't be selfish to your son," she said before leaving the both of us dumbfounded. 

Am I? Am I being selfish? I thought I was just overprotective. Okay, selfish may it seem but could they blame me? Meeting him would cause our lives miserable, that was all I knew. We are living at peace now and one day he would pop up, claiming the both of us like nothing had happened from the past? It's crazy. 

Really, everything is fvcked up. 

Little did I know, my tears were already streaming down to my face. Blake pulled me closer to him and wrapped me around his big warm arms. He gently caressed my hair and rubbed comforting circles around my back. I am supposedly pushing him away but my body found the comfort on his embrace. 

"I hate you," I mumbled between my sobs. "Just please let us go. We are living at peace now, Blake. Please, don't ruin it.

I know it was dumb to please him like this but it's all I can do now. Blake is powerful, he has every resource he could use to take my son away from me. I can't live a day without Ethan on my side either. 

"I won't mess your life. All I want is to meet my son and spend time with him." He pulled me a bit distant to him and met my weary eyes. "Please, Amber let me take my place. You don't want to begin a fight between our sides right?

I sighed. "We're flying back to Italy days from now —" 

"Let me take those days to be with my little man," he suggested. 

After the long discussions, I ended up giving him time with Ethan. He always shot his points and assured that he won't do any move that would harm the both of us and just handle things maturely. Now, I am at peace. 

Ethan, who was in his dad's arms, keeps on blabbering incessantly. Never in my entire life saw as cute scene as this and hadn't even seen Ethan talking comfortably to random people he just met once. 

"Dude, do you know how to play basketball? Do you want to have a match with me? Dada Barack can't play basketball and he is always busy while mom is so poor at it. I want someone who could match and fair my moves," Ethan told him arrogantly. I laughed at their expense especially when Blake told him that he was a basketball superstar and they can play together. No wonder, their veins flow the same blood. 

"They are lovely," Elaine commented unconsciously for the nth time. 

"Can't wait to see Thunder with my kiddo bonding together like them," Celestine continued. 

"Stop that talk. You can't still convince me." Guilt was hell eating me that I was pushing myself not to agree with them. It's a one stupid mistake. Period. 

"Are you hungry, dude? You wanna eat?

"Yes! Can we eat here together with Mom, Aunt Celestine and Ate Elaine?

"Of course, invite them. They might decline if I did," Blake murmured at him though we can hear their loud voices. 

"Mom—" Celestine cut him off. 

"We're going, honey," she replied. I raised a brow at her and she did the same, measuring my stares. 

I heaved a sigh of surrender. "Alright." I replied, making them release an individual grin. 

Rest of our day was just following and watching over Blake and Ethan who were doing their shopping while Celestine just left a while ago as she felt dizzy. Paranoid may it seem but I didn't take a single glance off to them because he might run my son away. Now, they have been playing basketball in the arcade of this mall and I have no idea when they will stop. 

"Baby, aren't you getting tired?" I asked as soon as I reached them. They both looked at me and replied in unison. 

"No, we're still having fun." And they looked at each other strangely. 

Ethan squinted his eyes to Blake like he did a grave crime. "What's with the look, dude?" he asked. 

"Why did you answer my mom? You are not her baby, I am." I chuckled at them. 

Blake scratched the side of his nose and looked away in red face. "Sorry, dude. I didn't mean to change your role," he replied. 

I shook my head and got my son off of the arcade he was standing in. "You are so wet now, Ethan. Go to your Ate Elaine first and ask her to change your clothes," I ordered which he immediately followed. 

The moment when Ethan left, our environment was filled with an awkward silence. To break it, I got a ball on my side and threw it on the basketball rim in front of us. 

"For three!" I commented as soon the ball landed. Blake then followed what I did. "A point to thank you," he said with a half smile. After that, silence came back not until Ethan popped up on our side. 

"I'm done changing my clothes, mom!" he cheered, exposing his blue polo that Blake bought to him.

I nodded and pulled him up to my arms. "Say goodbye to your dude now because we're going home.

He smiled and raised a fist bump in the air which Blake also did. "Thank you, dude!" Ethan said. 

"Can I carry him up to the exit of the mall?" he asked. Without a word, I gave him the pleasure. 

I never thought that this time would come. That the string of these two guys would meet and probably sticks firm with each other. 

"They are very lovely, Yzabelle. I haven't thought that what you have told me was true—that they really have the same faces." I groaned at her. "Stop it, Elaine. You are telling me that for a hundred times this day. It's annoying already.

She giggled then suddenly faded away. "Any plans of telling this to Barack?

"That was another problem. Maybe yes, maybe no. I don't know." I heaved a deep breath and took the pace of Blake when we were almost on the exit door. 

"We're going now. Thank you for making my son happy," I told him, claiming my son back from him. 

He heaved a sigh. "I hope this is not the last time?" he asked. I sincerely smiled at him. 

"Certainly not."

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