1. The First Day of School

BEEP! BEEP! Beep! Beep! Beep! The alarm clock is off.

The warm sunshine through the tall black curtains of my huge Victorian oak glass windows flows out to my huge, wide porch that has a breathtaking view of the forest and a spiral staircase that leads down to the ground of the forest property. My bedroom was on the second floor, and I had a medium-sized balcony with a large spiral staircase leading down to the ground. I was lucky to have this room because it looked out into the picturesque forest. It was right next to my little sister, so I could keep a close eye on that little spoiled child. My bedroom has a huge walk-in closet filled with a few different clothes and even girly-type clothes for extraordinary events such as weddings, parties, and that type of stuff. I am not really into dressing up, but I have because my mother has made me do it since I was a child.

After a good night of storming, the smell of wet leaves, tree bark, and a small hidden lake all combined to create a magical scent that makes you feel like you are right in the forest. You can smell and feel it through your veins. Anyway, it was about the right time for the sun to shine through my windows—about the proper time to wake up and get ready for the first day of my junior year of high school. Since it was raining last night, I know my little sister crawled into my bed. This is because she fears thunderstorms and cannot sleep in them without her family nearby. I can feel her kicking and tumbling around, and her breathing and heartbeat picking up after a thunderstorm. All I can hear and feel is my sister waking me up.

"Charlie, Charlie, wake up, wake up; it's time to get ready, c'mon," she said while jumping up and down on the bed and doing it over and over.

"Give me five minutes, and I'll get up, okay, Hazel," I said sleepily as I awoke slowly.

"Nope, now, before you are late for school." "I wish I could accompany you to school with you, but I cannot, and my mother said last night she was making some chocolate chip pancakes," Hazel said while getting into bed and opening the window curtains to let in more light.

"I am up, Jesh Haz; all right, I am getting up; just chilling." "You better hurriedly take a shower; you smell gross, and I will meet you downstairs," I said while slowly getting out of bed and stretching my arms and legs.

"Yay, see you in a bit; just don't take too long!" She said this while walking out of the room cheerfully and jumping with joy.

As soon as I woke up, I walked straight to my walk-in closet, which had two exceptionally large brown oak doors with dark handles. I looked around the huge closet for my favorite dark blue jeans with holes, a red V-neck top, and black Converse shoes. A bit later, I took an enjoyable hot shower and finished getting ready by brushing the tangles out of my long chocolate brown hair. I dressed for the day. I clean my bedroom and bathroom, making sure there is nothing on the floor before my mother becomes insane if there is anything on the floor. It took me about ten minutes to leave my bedroom. I grabbed my book bag and iPhone and read with a two-in-one writing tablet. I also grabbed a computer and some other things for the day.

When I got downstairs to the kitchen, I could see my brother eating like two big football players fresh out of practice. My sister, brother, and our best friends, who are siblings, laughed at the two big-fat cows known as the guys while my mom made more food because they ate it. I joined in by throwing my book bag down on my chair and eating too.

About thirty minutes later, it was time to leave for our first day of school. I mean, it is pleasant to get back to school and see your friends and teachers, but it is like a whole new world all the time. Anyways, Kaylie, my sister Hazel, and I got into her brand-new black Mustang and drove down the long driveway while my brothers Colton, Troy, and Max followed in his red Jeep. Kay and I had to drop off my sister Hazel and brother Max at middle school. The guys picked up some of their football teammates. It was not a problem to drop her off since she was on her way.

About ten minutes later, we arrived at Hazel's school. I cannot believe it is her last year in middle school. This is a huge relief because she gets to come to school with some of the other kids and not by herself. We said our byes for the day and watched her run to her friends, throw the car windows, and then drive off to school. Today is our first day of junior year, while our brothers are now seniors. Kaylie drove right to her parking spot and turned off the car to wait for the guys. We waited for a few minutes and saw Colton's red Jeep pull up and park right next to us. We all got out of our cars and walked to our school's front door. Everyone wanted to be like us because we were at the top of the pack, the biggest and strongest pack in the country. Everyone knows us; some people think that we support the royal family and even own the country. We do not, but our dads are top council leaders. We can get anything we want, but I am not a spoiled daddy's girl like Kaylie and Hazel. My favorite thing about the girls is that they are unusual people. They are more tomboyish than they are, but hey, I like being myself and not changing who I am no matter what.

My brother Colton is the quarterback of our high school's all-state football team. Troy and Max are the halfbacks and fullbacks, more like the first and second, and they take the biggest and hardest hits. It is an excellent thing that werewolves exist. Kaylie and I co-caption state cheerleading. She made me cheer for her. I had no choice, but I like dancing. With my clumsiness, I am surprised I am proficient at cheering. I am glad I did not do anything stupid in a cheer while in a game. I cannot imagine what I would do if that happened during a huge game like the playoffs. I would be embarrassed to run and hide somewhere and never come out. Kaylie parked her brand-new black Mustang in our spot while my brother Colton pulled up in his spot with his old, dirty, muddy truck. I do not know why he just got an upgraded one when it is not that expensive to buy one. We got out of our cars and walked up towards our group that was waiting for us to get there. This was under a huge tree, and that was our spot. When I was on the last step of the stairs, Leah jumped onto my back. Noah and her twin brother popped out of nowhere and yelled loudly and fast. Both scared the hell out of me and almost made me trip on my stomach while stepping on the top step. I have no idea why they wanted to scare me so badly, but it worked. Holy howls. I swear, it will be some fun payback if they do that again.

Everyone was ready for this day to be over and to get home so we could run together. It has become a tradition for us to run on the first day of school or even the last day. The school bell rang exactly at eight o'clock, telling us that school was now in session and ready to kick off the school year. We started to walk to our homeroom, thankful we were all assigned the same room for the first week of school. Then, I guess, no more homerooms, and that stinks. At least we all get to have lunch and classes together. Speaking of classes, I hope to take one advanced art class and improve my artistic abilities. The homeroom teacher is Ms. Something; I do not know her name since I was not paying attention. She passed out our class schedules in alphabetical order and talked to some other students about theirs. Finally, I received mine. As I scanned mine, I got the classes I wanted, including the art course. I am so happy I could get up and dance. I do not care what people say; I am proficient at it.

The morning was slow, even for the classes I had, like science, math, and social studies. I also had some classes I never really cared about, like computers. It is lunch. Thank God, I am hungry. Of course, I am a werewolf. I can eat twice as much as a human. Before I could go to lunch, I had my first favorite class and my art advanced class. I was so happy that I could have skipped down the hall and sang. Yes, I am off to an impressive place where I can imagine the world living peacefully. When I entered the class, I felt like I was in heaven. This is where I belong. Welcome home, Charlie. HA! I wish that could happen. Anyway, I found an empty desk, took out my sketchbook, and started to draw more on my wolf drawing for my little sister. I also listened to music on my iPhone, blocking out the world so I could be in mine.

Suddenly, I was pulled out of my solitary world and felt someone's hand on my neck after pulling my earphones out of my ears. How rude! I mean, I do not do that to people. Some people these days do not know how to be polite. I turn my head to the left when the pencil in my hand looks like I am about to kill someone. I quickly put it down since this guy's face looked like he was about to pee himself. Who are we to laugh at? Oh man, I wish that had happened. Next time, he is hot with those green-blue eyes and a dark guy with medium-length hair, whose bangs almost cover his eyes and his incredibly attractive face. Yes, that is appealing, and I would be mortified to the point of hiding. He sat right next to me on the desk. Oh my god, I must chill my tail. This is just a boy, but he is dreamy and delicious.

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