The Hunter's Werewolf


40.54k words

18 chapters



Table of Contents


No digest~Imagine a world where a fierce wolf and a mighty hunter cross paths. Two individuals, each with their own secrets, find themselves drawn together by a remarkable connection.

Being a werewolf can be unsettling, especially for a woman. Teenagers often navigate between two different worlds, excelling in school while also leading a secret life as a werewolf.

Charlotte, known as the "Alpha Luna," is the sister of the new Alpha leader. She is determined to uncover the well-kept secrets of their dominant pack and protect them from dangerous hunters and cunning rogues.

But soon, she will break the pack rules and find herself falling in love with the son of the local leader. Can a secretive life, one that can be embraced with just one bite, truly be entrusted to someone unknown?

Join Charlotte on her journey and discover the captivating world of werewolves and hunters.

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