Chapter 2: How "us" began (II)

Date: (Past) August 12, 2012 at 7pm, The party where it started.

Bonnie and Carylle were finished with their classes and by that time, it was already 6:30 pm. They only got half an hour to get ready and go to the council's party.

They didn't get to prepare much. All they did was just put on some powder, lip balm, and spray some perfume. It was just a small party anyway with just the student council present.

4 minutes before the meeting time, Bonnie and Carylle arrived at the venue. It was near the university so it didn't take too much time to get there.

Pink Lemon is a pub where a lot students from their university hang out. It was the nearest chill out place. In addition to this, the vibe from the pub is really chill with all the music and lights making the mood lighter.

The girls found their acquaintances sitting at the corner of the pub, all were too loud to notice. There were at least 7 who were present at the pub and all of them are already drinking and talking about how they spent their summer and how they missed each other.

"Oh hey! I thought you two will be late since you have late classes," Jerome, a black-haired dude with round glasses said as he approached the ladies who just got there.

"Nope, we traveled here as fast as we can. We couldn't disappoint the team of course," Carylle replied to Jerome.

The two sit with the rest of their team and started conversing what happened during the orientation and preparations earlier. However, Bonnie noticed that the one who invited her and Carylle is nowhere to be found. She expected Devon to be the first one who'll greet them when they arrived earlier.

"Where's Devon? He's the one who invited us over," Bonnie asked the rest. She glanced over every corner of the pub yet she still can't see where Devon was.

"Oohh... someone's longing for someone," A colleague teased Bonnie.

Bonnie still can't get used to her colleagues teasing her and Devon but she still managed to laugh at the joke to avoid being awkward.

"Someone called him before you guys arrived. Don't worry, he'll come back any minute now," Jerome said to Bonnie with sarcasm in his eyes.

"Hmph! I wasn't worried, I was just asking, "Bonnie replied defensively while others still laugh at the joke.

Before Jerome and the others can think of a comeback to Bonnie, Devon showed up looking as handsome as he'll ever be.

Bonnie has to admit that she was really fascinated with how Devon wear his outfit. I mean how the hell did is this dude so gorgeous when he was just wearing a plain beige top, 3/4 sleeves, and his usual pants? Bonnie asked herself. She was amazed by the thought.

"Hey Bon, when did you get here?" Devon asked Bonnie who was staring at him for a minute now.

"We just got here when you were at the phone"

"She was worried and started to look for you Dev. You shouldn't worry your girl like that," Jerome teased once again. This time, Bonnie rolled her eyes and Devon just shrugged it off.

As the night deepens, more and more teased the vice president and president of the council. Bonnie and Devon wouldn't have thought that the small party they attended that night would lead into them becoming a real couple.

After the teasing and all that night, Both Bonnie and Devon started noticing each other in a certain way. They spent much time with each other more than they did before. But, dating was another part of their story.

End of chapter.

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