He was disconcerted, and I looked at that hot man right there in front of me and was being paid to take him to bed, so I did what I had to do, and I threw him on the couch and I opened his shirt and kissed his body he was out of air and open his pants and he held my hand, was totally shaky and dropped my dress he looked at me and still holding the zipper of the pants I smiled.

"Are you afraid I'm going to see the size? Irrespective of.

He smiled naughty, he barely breathed and was already full of hot to open the zipper and I stick my hand inside the pants and his limb grew in my hand, it was huge and gave me a hard-on, and he slid his body on the couch and I squeezed with his fingertips and he groaned and I went down his mouth to his limb he twisted up to feel my mouth play on the head of the member of it. I looked into his eyes he was ecstatic to be teasing, so I took advantage and I thought I'll do it soon, I snapped hard and wet him and licked hard, he moaned at the moment to feel my mouth, I lifted the balls with my tongue and glide dwelled to him spread his legs and I lowered his pants and played on his limb with his tongue and mouth I looked at him.

But I wanted to sit a limb delight, I looked into his eyes and bit his limb's head and pulled the condom with my teeth and went down with my mouth and swum my mouth across the length and in a single motion I put the condom with my mouth. He looked and moaned, and I towed my wet inner part on his limb's head, and he pulled me hard, and I sat very slowly my intimate part in the head and I went down with everything and I enjoyed and sucked mine, breasts hard I wanted to show him who was sending me and more and more forcefully he was ecstatic, and I turned my back to him and I sat back on his limb and rode without to, and he held me around the waist and I rummage and let out a little of the limb inside me, so he would see the movements in and out he screamed.

"Don't do it like that, I'll come.

"Without Cumming, I didn't even start.

All expectations exceeded; he was perfect owner of everything. I say you're hot and well-endowed. I knew how to make a woman wet, and I was licked by so much excitement. He swum his finger on my ass, I twisted it in his lap. I shaved him and made him feel, every wall of my body, and I let his finger get in my ass, and he went crazy with a hard-on, I pulled him, and he was shaky and out of air I was on all fours on the couch. Like my glass was going to put him inside me.

"I want it hard, everything.

He smoothed my ass and kissed, sliding his tongue and penetrated me again and harder and all. I moaned and squeezed him he was ecstatic, and I wet with a thing, I swum for him to come in more, I knew he was going to come in, so I pulled him again I wouldn't let him, he's got him on the couch and I took the condom.

I smiled and threw the condom to the ground and slipped my lips and sucked his limb again with quick movements and smoothing with his tongue and more and more, and he screamed, and I feel the explosion of his orgasm in my mouth, I look at his eyes he trembled.

I licked my lips and let him see that I was capable, he held on to my hair and moaned.

"Nunca aconteceu comigo, o que você fez comigo?

"Eu nado, você me agarrou, eu tenho que ir hoje à tarde.

Ele sorriu e me segurou pela mão e me puxou e eu caí em cima de seu corpo, e ele me empurrou no sofá.

"Agora é a minha vez, você comandou tudo, e eu obedeci, então estou no comando agora.

"De jeito nenhum, ninguém está no comando de mim.

Eu me levantei e nem usei o vestido eu peguei o casaco e me vesti, e ele se levantou e me segurou pela cintura ia me beijar eu virei o rosto, e saí segurando o vestido na mão, e quando eu ia entrar no elevador eu estava sem ar e eu sentei no chão e respirei forte meu corpo tremia eu ainda estava êxtase de prazer. Como ele era um homem dominador eu tinha que dominar, peguei o telefone e liguei e quando atravessei a rua olhei para cima e o vi na janela com a mão no bolso minha vontade era passar a noite dele, mas eu não poderia ter que tomar as rédeas da reunião.

"Está feito, mais uma missão cumprida... Boa noite!


What night was it this night? My father I was snatched by a mysterious woman, she knocked me down and overpowered me, I'm out of air and with shaky legs so far I wanted more of this mysterious woman. I'd all night and perfect and wet, I can't my thoughts were scrambled, and I'm getting married, and I'm here thinking about another woman, I've lost my mind.

I was lost, and I don't even know her name, it was all so fast and pleasurable that I was silly around her, what a skin and soft mouth, damn! I had to know who it was, and I called Chris nonstop.

"Take this shit, man, I'm going to kill you if you don't answer.

I walked around the office and took off my clothes and went into the bath, and I stood under the water thinking about what I did, and only she came into my mind did not come to blame, only the hard-on I felt with an unknown woman.

When I found myself, I was touching myself under the shower and stroking my limb and I saw her in front of me, and you could feel her mouth I jerked off to an unknown woman I lost my head myself and sporious in my hand.

" Bitch...

I walked around the office and went to sleep in the morning, and I just woke up with the secretary opening the windows, I hate about me for letting myself be overpowered. I lost control of myself, and my life found myself cast by a strange woman.

" Send Chris, I came here now, I need him.

She left and came back with a strong coffee and went out collecting the mess of the office and the bastard arrived.

"I tried to talk to you where you've been, damn it! I didn't even sleep.

"I'm hung over, what do you hear, buddy?

"Who is that woman from yesterday? I was walking around, desperate. Where did you get the line?

"I don't know, but it must be some executive she was at the business cocktail party, so I don't know. He dumped his body on the couch. "It must be anyone.

I need to talk to her.

" You're going crazy, where are we going to find her?

"Turn around and think, that woman. I light my cigarette and look out the window. "I thought she was your friend.

"My friend, you lost your mind in that group of women only going to business meeting. He drank my coffee and smiled, stood up running and hugged me. "Lucky. He laughed. Today there is a cocktail in the Palace more and politician, you can find it.

"Get me the invitation.

I had hoped to find her, and I needed to see that woman again. I don't know what's gotten into me, I'm getting married, and I'm desperate to fuck another woman.

Ele saiu, e eu continuei tentando trabalhar, não conseguia ainda ser surpreendido pela noite anterior, ou melhor, pela mulher. O que entrou em mim? Aquela garota sabia como enlouquecer um homem, e desta vez fui eu. Andei pelo escritório e minhas pernas tremiam.

"Ah, rapaz! Que tempo!

"Eu recebi de uma das meninas que saiu, mas ele deve um favor a ele.

"Você paga. Olho para o telefone e vejo que Dulce tinha ligado várias vezes. Eu viro o uísque e dei o meu melhor sorriso – não suporto que Dulce me ligou cinco vezes hoje, estou sem paciência para falar sobre casamento, me dê uma desculpa, por favor.

Ele conversou sem parar com Dulce até rir do assunto, cara de pau muito mulherenga não perdoa nem minha noiva mas estava nervosa e sem paciência eu odeio me sentir dominada eu sempre dominei minha vida. E mulheres e agora, eu estou correndo atrás de uma mulher. Estou chamando minha agenda para ir atrás de uma mulher desconhecida. O que entrou em mim, eu não sei, mas eu estou explodindo, e eu quero isso de novo? Espero que seja apenas sexo, mas uma vez.

" Cancelar a minha agenda.

Next chapter