Meeting her was not good I felt like hugging her and being with her and as I will go on with my life without her, I out of pride and curiosity I went into a world that I did not know and that I confess that I loved I never had the pleasure I had with her was magical.

Dulce sleeping next to me, but my head was on it and my wishes too, I looked at her and slept because I didn't feel the same way about her and a wonderful woman. Maybe it was a long time together everything I felt one day became friendship. All my life planned and my family with plans for an expansion of business and I desperate for a mysterious woman who takes me off the ground and fills me with life.

I can't throw life away, so I look at Dulce next to me and I just feel guilty, she doesn't deserve this.

What a shit and I deserve this unhappiness I do not feel horny when she touched me and the other when I saw her in front of me, I was excited the moist skin and the desire in the look.

I didn't sleep at night I just thought of her, it's not the same smell and neither does she mouth, but I can’t.

Hurt Dulce, we planned this wedding for two years. In the morning I was already having coffee and Dulce hugged me, was so happy I just slept next to me. Wasn't it weird that we slept together without sex? The night of the engagement, we took an oath that we would only lock up on the wedding night crazy things.

"I will arrange everything for our journey then, my love. And did you see the gift the governor sent us?

"Don't you, darling, what is it?

"A work of Art of the Titian, I cried upon seeing my love.

"I imagine it's worth a fortune.

"My father personally thanked him and even arranged a dinner with us after the wedding.

She'd talk, and I'd smile without even listening. "Do you hear me, my love?

"Yes, darling, I'm sorry.

I arrived at the office had a lot of meeting, what I really wanted she reunited with her, I was losing my mind and when my parents found out I was screwed.

" Chris, I can't stand too much guy I need to vent, I'm going to go crazy.

"I'm involved with another woman, I can't stop thinking about her.

What about that mysterious woman?

I couldn't say I already knew who she was, and what she was doing. And soon I who would never pay a woman to sleep with me, I paid was a weekend by your side, I can not demean myself to this level not at all. I stayed away, I forgot to pay.

"Oh, boy! I forgot to pay.

What are you talking about, Max?

"Forget it, but what do I do now?

"Long live, this relationship fills the woman with pleasure.

"Man I'm getting married, I'm lost.

" Relax short, the woman still has a few days. And then make her your mistress, which woman wouldn't love to be your mistress?

She's. He looked at me and shook his head and sat across his legs. "Not all accept the role of lover.

"But did you propose to her to be your mistress, and she said no?

"Sim, ela não aceitou e ainda disse que tinha uma proposta melhor que a minha.

"Foda-se que ela quebrou todos os seus planos que a mulher inteligente que eu quero, conhecê-la. Ele andou, e eu me olho para a porta. "Nenhuma mulher diz não a Maximiliano.

Eu olhei para Chris e estava pensando em como tê-la de volta, mas eu não encontrei nenhuma resposta que ela não queria, ela deixou claro que NÃO mesmo. Olhei pela janela e fiquei por horas pensando e tentando uma solução para encontrar lá.

Meu coração transbordava de saudade do seu cheiro e da sua boca. Chris estava certo, nenhuma mulher me disse "Não", ela não seria a primeira, nunca. Eu tinha um motivo para ir atrás dela e pagar. Mas eu não suporto mais ouvir NÃO. Eu precisava pagar e passar por cima daquela mulher, não podia passar mais um minuto sem sentir aquilo cheio e beijar sua pele.

Passei o dia cansada e mega triste, dava para sentir seus toques virei o gole de uísque e tomei um banho no escritório me preparei para trocar eu ia procurá-la, preciso disso preciso disso, veja pela última vez que fui correndo fui até a casa dela e cheguei Roni já me esperava e olhava para Jarbas estava junto.

Jarbas tira a noite de folga.

Eu entrei no carro, eu não queria que todos soubessem sobre ela apenas Roni eu confio nele e algo muito íntimo.

"Vamos para a casa dela.

Next chapter