I never imagined that I would meet him and right next to my house, I wanted to run away from there more what bothered me was the woman who was with him, very beautiful and elegant, should the bride because he was going to get involved with me some. She was perfect, a beautiful body brown hair well treated and a beautiful smile.

"Friend he was accompanied, my heart is, shot.

"He looked at you very fixed, friend, you are very involved.

"Then and I miss him so much, friend, I don't know what to do.

"Take his proposal and I wouldn't think twice.

"I will accept Guto's request, I cannot be his lover.

"Enjoy and spend these days with him, since he wants a friend.

"And prolong the suffering, we get too involved in it and perfect.

"He hasn't stopped looking at you, I'm sure he's fallen for you.

"We had wine, together I lay on his body. I never feel so much pleasure in my life.

"Do you realize that everything you say about him? I see these two days has been marked.

"Yes, I realized, and automatic.

"What do you have to lose?

"That he can leave me and I being in love, I will suffer again for love.

"It can be the other way around and better paid to see, and so you will know.

My heart already belonged to him, I got too involved, I could not have accepted the trip and still be normal I have no right to have a happy life, just wanted to smell it again. My head a thousand and I imagining it with another I was jealous not to be lover can not be jealous Mia remember this.

As soon as I had dinner with Maitê, and we went home and walked down the canal to relax, arriving home I lay in my bed and looked at the sky and saw how much I was already his, how much I needed him, but I could not be his lover and spoils his life. I didn't want to be his lover any more than to be his lover.

"I can't sleep, fucking.

I can't fall into temptation again. I've never been involved like this, like I'm going to go on without him. And every single thing I talked about, he was in the middle, and this wasn't good for me. I woke up at dawn and took a cold bath I was sweating, and the cravings were surfaced in my body the stiff nipple the legs wobbly, I got under the shower and I touched the water ran in my body and when I closed my eyes I felt the touch of his hands touching me and squeezing me, Slowly I reached orgasm in my hands,  I was panting and angry.

"I want it in my body, I want it back, and I will fight for it.

I rolled in bed for hours until I managed to fall asleep glued to his shirt that I brought from memories and by the way, I like to suffer even. I woke up in the morning, the shirt between my legs and I ended up laughing at me, I couldn't be in love with a client I just spent two days with him.

"Good morning, friend, is terrible.

"I can't do it, I fell asleep and look. I showed her hair wet, and she looked at the bed and saw the shirt curled up and laughed. "There was no way he overpowered my mind.

"I've been thinking, Mia. She gave me the coffee, and we sat on the balcony looking at the people passing by on the street, I had to say was the best view facing the canal with violet flowers and the smell that came from the coffee bars.

"What does a prostitute have to lose being the mistress of a millionaire man like him?

"Please I hate it when you say that word, I'm an escort.

"All right, escort who does the same job as the prostitute. What do you have to lose?

" Clown. She was right, and in fact, I was wounded with my pride because Guto made me the best offer and I thought he could offer a lot more. "Nothing, I have nothing but my life.

" Mia, you're about to graduate from college.

"Almost, but all right, and what do you have in mind?

"As much as I fought against him and with the different Guto, I felt good and loved is with him. But with Max, it was unforgettable, he made me feel things I never felt or with my ex's dog.

"What can I do?

"If you like him and want to be with him, then put your rules in a contract.

— Contract?

"Yes, in which you two agree, put your rules.

Olhando do jeito, ela falou foi muito fácil eu queria ver no papel, porque eu sabia que ele não ia ceder às regras, ele quebrou todas as minhas regras e até fez a dele.

— Max e muito dominador para aceitar regras ele quebrou todas as minhas regras e até colocou as dele em prática e eu dominei pelo que ele tem no meio das pernas cedidas como uma puta.

"Então seja menos puta e feche as pernas e apenas vá para a cama com ele depois de assinar o contrato e assim você estará segura.

"Não vai funcionar esse homem e um diabo.

"Você é muito negativo e deixa de se sentir inferior e o mais desejado no catálogo e sabe disso. Aproveite, você tem alguns dias para virar a cabeça desse homem.

"Vou tentar. Desanimou e puxou meu braço me sacudindo. " Foi o que aconteceu.

"Você vai acabar com esse casamento. Entendeu? Ela estava gritando e me sacudindo, e eu a abracei com um sorriso, e eu estava sentindo outra pessoa depois disso.

"Ele será meu.

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