{FOHC} Chapter 4: New House

"Okay, thank you for the new house, Mr. D-" Aki was saying as she got cut off by Luna's father saying, "Oh, dear please call me dad." He said as he left Aki confused. "What was that?" Aki questioned herself. As she went to wake Luna up to make lunch for her. She walked into the room she put Luna in and found it empty. 'Weird, she's supposed to be sleeping, why's she not here?

Aki's thoughts finally got an answer as Luna quietly but quickly put a knife on Aki's neck and said, "Move, and I will slice your neck in half, I have the power to do so, so don't move.

"Okay, I won't move, I promise, now what's happening? What do you want." Aki said coldly as she stayed still, keeping her promise as Luna said, "What is your relation with Lucas? And why are you so close with him?" Aki almost laughed at her sudden outburst.

"hy should you care? He's no longer your boyfriend, and I doubt he cared about you at all; who would? You're a cold person; I'm betting you didn't even reciprocate his feelings or care when he broke up with you. You're a bad person. I understand why he abandoned you." Aki laughed, and the grip on Aki's neck loosened as she expected Luna to respond or hit her, but to her dismay, she didn't.

So Aki turned around, and the first thing she felt when she saw the sight was regret, intense regret. She saw Luna's eyes tear up a bit and quickly stopped laughing and replied to Luna's question, "He's my cousin, I'm sor-" Luna interrupted Aki.

"You have no right to say that I did not reciprocate his feelings! You can't just say that, you asshole. I tried, I really fucking tried. You have no idea how much I cried when he dumped me, and you have no idea what's going on in my life to pass judgment on me. You have no idea how much I worried about him only to discover he was playing me, or how I did everything he wanted, but when I wanted something, he was always busy, all I ever wanted closure, and he was fucking busy. And, yes, I'm cold, but that's because I've developed insane trust issues and don't know who to fucking trust, it's like everyone's against me. I tried again and again and again but nothing ever worked!" Luna said as she was sobbing and Aki was regretting everything she said, even if Luna was her enemy, she wouldn't go that far.

"I hate this, I truly hate you, Aki; you're so cruel! My heart is still ripe from Lucas; it's this wound that I can't heal, and you think it's funny to make jokes when I'm in pain? Do you know how many markings and scars Lucas left on my body? It's so painful that I can't look at my body the same way, I'm disgusted by my own body, you have no idea how much pain Lucas put me through, he fucking manipulated me into thinking hitting me until I pleaded and pleaded for help was normal." Luna said as she stopped to think for words. She continued with a broken and shaky voice, "Do you really find that amusing? What's so amusing about it, Aki?"

"No, Luna, I'm sorry, I had no idea he hit you, and I assumed you didn't care because you were cold, and I assumed it didn't affect you, I'm sorry-" Luna cut Aki off again, saying, "You can't expect me not to be affected by your words, especially since Lucas said nearly the same thing. It's painful down here." Luna said this as she pointed to her heart. "Why, why does it bother me if I'm cold, as you say? It's always painful these days. Where did I go wrong? Please tell me so it doesn't hurt so much anymore, Aki. It hurts, it really does." Luna said as she wiped her tears and then walked away leaving Aki thinking about how much she regretted everything. 

'Oh no, I totally screwed up. I'm an asshole.' Aki thought to herself

Meanwhile, Luna had just discovered a bedroom and jumped into bed. She's been trying to sleep for quite some time. But she can't sleep no matter what. She tried every position, even sleeping while sitting, after all that tossing and turning because all those words Aki said were haunting her. Nothing was working. She finally fell asleep after a solid five minutes of staying still. But what happens in her dreams makes her want to stay awake rather than sleep.

Luna peacefully woke up, in a bed she didn't recognize, "Where am I?" Luna asked herself as a voice painfully familiar responded with, "You're finally home, darling." Lucas said as he pinned her hands down while unbuckling his belt, after he successfully got it off, he aimed it to reach Luna's stomach. "No! NO! PLEASE NO, DONT HIT ME LUCAS PLEASE NO." Luna pleaded as she felt someone shake her, jolting her awake from her dream. 

Luna opened her eyes and saw Aki staring at her with worry evident in her eyes. "Are you okay?" Aki asked as Luna got up and ignored Aki as she got her luggage to unpack her stuff. Luna finally got her bags as she was going to her room, she saw Aki cooking something and the aroma was good, it smelt amazing. Luna was dragging her bags upstairs and was setting up her clothes and items. 

"Finally, I'm done." Luna said as she laid back down. She began to remember the stuff that Lucas did to her, back then when she thought it was normal. She hates Lucas but loves the memories he gave her, those memories were valuable to her because Lucas had made her smile, however she never knew that the things he'd made her forcefully do would affect her greatly. Honestly, back then she'd always thought that this is what normal couples do, so she asked her parents why they didn't do it and they were more than furious at Lucas for everything. Luna never understood how everything seemed to go different for her. As if the universe itself was against her.

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