
I forced myself to sleep but because of an unknown, weird, and questionable reason, I can't.

It was three in the morning and sleep won't just come to me and hit me like a wrecking ball. With anger and irritation, I pulled myself up from the bed and opened the window. I stared at the sky blanketed with the moon and several stars.

A ding made me look back at my phone that was on my bed.

From: Hebiana

Hey, Cody. Are you still up?

If this feeling existed, well, my heart stopped beating for like a milli-, milli-, millisecond then it began beating again.

I cleared my throat as I began noticing a small smile forming in my lips.

To: Hebianna

Yes, why are you still awake?

I facepalmed after I realized that I should have asked her about the reason why she had to send me a message at this hour.

From: Hebiana

I could not sleep.

From: Hebiana

I suddenly thought of you.


I exclaimed after the phone fell on my foot. I groaned in pain as I immediately picked my phone up to reply, not minding about my foot that got hurt.

To: Hebiana

Oh haha. I was thinking about you too.

My eyes widened after hitting the send button.

'Shit.' I said to myself.

I immediately closed the window and ran to my bed. I dived into my pillow and hit myself with the other pillow.

I calmed down after I thought of a response to not make it seem like I was thinking about-- no, no. I am not thinking about her.

To: Hebiana

Sorry, the text got cutted off. I was about to say 'your caramel machiatto'.

I exhaled as if something that was blocking my airway got remove immediately.

From: Hebiana

May I call?

I was smiling like an idiot, nodding at the phone several times as if Hebiana could see my reaction. A whisper-yell shriek came out of my mouth as I saw her name on my screen.

"Hello?" I immediately picked up.

[Hey...] she spoke on the other line.

"Why are you still awake?" I asked.

[I think I drank too much caramel macchiato frappe.]

"You love caramel macchiato too much," I chuckled as I imagine her pouty face.

[Yes, I do love it so much.]

Just like what happened in her cafe, Hebiana and I told stories to each other and even revealed secrets. A topic was opened which made me stop all of my actions.

[How many exes did you have?]

I cleared my throat, thinking on how to answer her without making her feel awkward.

[I am sorry. I should not have asked any--]

"I had one," I answered with pure honesty.

[Oh, I see. I won't ask anything else about her.]

I chuckled at her, "No, it's fine. You can ask anything."

[How long were you together?]

Her first question caught me off guard.

"I do not know," I answered with pure honesty.

[What do you mean?]

"She cheated on me with my brother--"

I heard her loud gasped which made me chuckle. [She is terrible.]

"Do not get mad at h--"

[Why won't I? She is bad. She must have taken care of you.]

"Well, I won't know that she was cheating on me if she was still alive."

[What do you mean by that?] she asked.

"She died in a boat explosion along with my older brother."

[I am sorry. That must be so painful for you.]

"I'm fine."

[Do not say that when you are clearly not okay.]

"Thank you for cheering me up."

[I will always cheer you up with a pair of pompoms and ca--]

"Caramel macchiato frappe."

We both chuckled at my answer.

[Are you happy or are you just hiding your sadness?]

"I am not," I answered her at once.

[Well, I hope you won't be deceiving me.]

"Why would you think of that?" I asked.

[Well... HAHAHA.]

"Well what?"

[My ex-boyfriend deceived me.]

"What do you mean?"

[My ex-boyf--uh no. My ex-fiance, well, HAHAHA.]

Her voice broke a little.

[Hey! Do not think of it like I haven't moved on yet. I already had moved on, it's just that the fear of being deceived always lingered around me.]

"Hmm, do not be defensive. I am not even saying anything," I chuckled at her.

I could imagine her, playfully rolling her eyes as her hand would make its way to hit my forearm.

[Well, I was about to get married but then during our wedding day, a woman stopped the wedding. She was carrying a, I think the child was seven months old. I slapped my ex-fiance in front of our families and ran away. We met in a milktea shop so I decided to put a cafe.]

"Why would you put a cafe?" I asked, puzzled about her reason.

[Milktea is sweet and has different colors. Coffee is either dark or light and is just simple. I think from too colorful relationship, all I would want would just be a simple yet good relationship.]

"So, you are looking for a new man to be your boyfriend?" I asked. My eyes went wide after I realized what I had just said. Those words just slipped out of my mouth so recklessly. I silently hit my mouth with my hand.

[Uh, nope. I want to enjoy being single and running my business.]

I felt a string of sadness in my heart.

'Wait... Was I expecting for her to say that she is not looking for someone else right now because she has me?'

I facepalmed again and sighed loudly, "Oh, I see."

[Hmm, you should ask more questions.]

"What would I ask?"

[Favorites? Ideals in life?]

"You should do it first."

[I have been asking you since three in the morning. It's already seven in the morning, Mister Cody.]

I looked at the window and realized that the sun was alreading peeking out from the clouds. A small smile formed in my lips.

"Hmm, okay. What is your ideal man?"

She chuckled. [I do not have really one. All I would want is a faithful man.]

"Okay. I wish you'd have a faithful man."

[I am wishing the same too.]

"Hmm, next question... what is your favorite food? Of course except the caramel macchiato frappe!"

She giggled. [I really love caramel cakes.]

"Do all of your favorite foods have something to do with caramel?"

She laughed at me, [I just love the flavor and the color.]

"Oh wow. It does even make sense."

She laughed harder. [Hmm, how about yours?]

"I love meat and caramel coffee."

[Meat as in pork, beef, chicken, mutton, veal...] She asked as she prolonged the ea sound.

I chuckled. "I love beef and pork."

I heard a yawn from her so I spoke again, "You must sleep. You have a long day ahead."

[Oh. Right. Thank you. Good mornight!]

"Goodmornight, Sunshine."

Call Ended.

End of Chapter 4.

Next chapter