
"Yo, don't you have any plans to go out?" Monie asked as he barged into my room.

"Do you think I would want to go out?" I asked him back.

"Come on, dude, get a life," he said as he sat beside me on my bed. "You have been here for like days already. You should meet new people."

New people...

I looked at him in confusion, "I did not even go out to meet you. You just came into my life like a wrecking ball."

He chuckled and rolled his eyes on me, "Good thing you had to buy some cereals or by that time I would be lying on the cold pavement with a cold body and several gunshots."

One night, I was craving for cereals and unluckily I had none. I had to go out and buy two boxes. On my way home, I saw Monie and he was about to be shot by a robber. Good thing I acted fast and attacked the robber. From then on, he decided to live with me and take care of me.

"Yeah, good thing," I nodded at him.

"Get out of the house or something, please," he begged in a low tone, almost a whisper. "You need to freshen your mind up."

I nodded just to make him leave me alone. He smiled and walked out of the room.

I sighed as my eyes landed on the orange sky.

'I better go out.' I said to myself.

I grabbed my black leather jacket and motorcycle keys. I went downstairs and drove the motorcycle to the park near a lake.

On my way, I suddenly had the urge to drive pass the speed limit. I had the urge to bump the car in front of me, but Monie would be terribly sad if I decide to leave him behind...

I parked my motorcycle in the parking area of the park. There, I saw kids running around. I actually never cared for kids. They are too rowdy for me. Some of the kids were running around the trees and the swings.

I sat down on a bench and in front of me was running. He was carrying a cone of ice cream. Split-second later, the kid fell few inches away from me. I was first instinct was to run towards him.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I picked him up. A woman came running towards us. Her long black hair was flowing with the wind. She was wearing a long-sleeve purple top and a black jeans. My eyes followed her as she was standing beside me.

The kid answered by shaking his head as he cried loudly. I looked at his knees and thank heavens because he did not have any bruises.

"Why are you crying, oh my goodness," the girl asked as she used her handkerchief to wipe the boy's tears.

"M-My ice cream..." the boy sobbed.

The woman and I both looked at the melted ice cream on the ground with broken pieces of cone, "We can buy a new one."

As the girl smiled, it was as if I had seen hope as a person.

"Well, let's go?" she asked.

The boy smiled at me, "Mister! Mister! Let's buy ice cream!"

"Didn't your parents teach you that you must not go with strangers because they may be kidnappers?" I asked as I put him down. "And what is your name?"

"My name is Indigo. How about you, Mister?"

"I am Cody."

"Do I look like a kidnapper to you, Mister Cody?" she chuckled. "I am Hebiana as in M-I-N-K-I and I actually own the cafeteria in front of the park so I am familiar with the faces of the kids in this park."

"Don't you sell ice cream?" I asked.

She chuckled at me, "We don't. We only put ice creams on top of certain drinks."

She keeps on chuckling. She really is hope in human form.

"Come on, Mister. Let's buy ice cream!" the kid tugged the sleeves of my leather jacket.

"Where are your parents?" I asked him as I began walking behind Hebiana.

"My dad is working in another country and my mom said she needs to buy something. She asked me to play first," he smiled widely. "What flavor should I get?"

"Well, chocolate?" Hebiana asked.

"Can I have two scoops?" Indigo asked.

"Well, it's up to you since it's my treat."

I looked at Minky who was looking at me. We just said the same sentence at the same time.

"Uhm... no it's fine. It's my treat."

We stopped in our tracks. We just said the same thing at the same time for the second time!

Hebiana laughed, "We looked stupid."

A smile unknowingly formed in my lips.

"So I'd get four scoops then?"

I looked at Indigo who asked.

"Sure." / "Okay"

The three of us laughed as we headed towards the ice cream shop which is just three blocks away from the park.

As we arrived, Hebiana went towards the cashier. I placed Indigo down and stared at him as he ran towards Hebiana.

"I want one scoop of vanilla, one scoop of strawberry, and two scoops of chocolate all in a cup," Inidgo smiled at Hebiana. She chuckled and looked at the cashier.

"You heard his order, right? Please make it for him," Hebiana smiled. The cashier smiled back as she repeated Hebiana's order. "Oh wait."

She turned around and waved her hand at me, "Mister Cody, do you want anything?"

"Anything would do."

Hebiana looked at the cashier, "Do you have any suggestions? I do not know what he likes."

I chuckled at her statement.

"Well, why don't you try the Espresso ice cream?"

"Oh yes yes, two servings with two scoops each, please," Hebiana said.

The cashier smiled at Hebiana.

"Thank you!" Minky said as they walked towards my direction.

Indigo sat down in front of me while Hebiana sat beside her.

"Next time, do not run around too much," Hebiana reminded Indigo.

The kid smiled and nodded at Hebiana, "I will, Aunt Hebiana."

Hebiana pouted which made me smile, "Just call me Hebiana.

"Okay okay, Hebiana," Indigo smiled.

A waiter came to us placed our ice creams.

"We should return to the park. It is already six o'clock," I said as I glanced at my phone.

"Yes, your mom must be looking for you."

Indigo nodded as he was busy eating his ice cream. I was holding Hebiana's cup as she was opening the door for the kid.

A smile appeared in my lips for the nth time today because of Hebiana.

"Hey, Mister Cody," I looked at Indigo who was in front of me. "Do you like Hebiana?"

I laughed, "Why did you ask that?"

"You keep on smiling at her."

I shook my head and chuckled, "No."

"If someone courts her and you're too late. It's your fault."

He laughed and ran towards Hebiana who was walking farther and farther away from us.

I shook my head and ran towards them.

As we arrived at the park, Indigo saw his mom.

"Mom! Mom!"

Indigo ran towards his mother. He wrapped his tiny arms around her waist. I smiled.

"Where did you go?" his mom asked.

He pointed at me and Hebiana, "Mom, I met them. They replaced my ice cream."

His mother walked towards us, "Thank you for cheering my son up. How can I pay you back?" She grabbed her wallet from the bag. I was about to stop her but Hebiana did.

"It's fine, Madame. We do not need your payment," she looked at me then back at Indigo. "We are glad to make a child happy."

"Thank you," Indigo's mother said. She bowed her head slightly. Hebiana and I did the same. "By the way, you are a good couple."

Hebiana's eyes widened as she chuckled with a tint of nervousness laced on her voice, "Ah, no no." She chuckled again and playfully hit my forearm, "We are just friends."

"Well, I hope you'd make a good couple!" his mother said.

I, at that moment, chuckled as my hand made its way to ruffle my hair, "I hope so..."

"What..." Hebiana asked as she raised her eyebrow on me.

I smiled cheekily on her as she laughed, "Don't say those things."

Indigo's mother looked at the darkening sky, "We have to go. Please take care-- may I know your names?"

"I am Cody and she is Hebiana."

"Oh, right. Please take care, Cody and Hebiana, and please also be a good couple."

I knelt on my knee as my hand ruffled Indigo's hair, "Be careful and do not play too much, is that a yes?"

He nodded and hugged me, "Yes."

"Where is my hug?" Hebiana spoke.

Indigo ran towards Hebiana. He wrapped his arms on Hebiana and she did the same.


Indigo waved his hand as he walked away with his mother.

"Shall I be your cab, Miss Hebiana?"

Hebiana smiled at me, "I live nearby, remember?"

I scratched my head, "Right, but still, let me walk you home."

We crossed the road and arrived at the cafeteria that she owns.

"My house is just behind this cafeteria," she pointed the place. "I am good. You may leave. Please take care."

I looked at her and smiled again, "Thank you."

She was about to leave when I stopped her, "May I see you again?"

She turned around and walked towards me.

She planted a kiss on my cheek which made me flustered, “Meet me here, if you want.” She grabbed my hand and left a piece of paper. She dashed out of my sight.

I unfolded the paper only to see a series of numbers.

Her phone number.

End of Chapter 1.

Next chapter