Indigo's Point-Of-View

"Uncle Monie, how are you?" I asked him as he was sitting in front of Uncle Cody's grave.

"He was so unfair," he whispered, his hands touching the cold tomb. A tear escaped his eye which made me automatically hand him my handkerchief.

"He would not want to see you cry," I said. "Eviana Larks has already been found."

Uncle Monie immediately looked at me, "Where? When?"

"She is hiding in Hawaii," I answered.

Ever since Uncle Cody and Aunt Hebiana died, Uncle Monie would take care of me when my mother would work. She was diagnosed with lung cancer and died when I was ten years old. Then, he decided to adopt me. I would always see him tear up every time he would see the wedding photo of Uncle Cody and Aunt Hebiana so I wanted to bring justice to their deaths.

I'm a policeman as of the moment and one of my missions is to find Eviana Larks, the twin sister of Aunt Hebiana.

She became the suspect for the death of Aunt Hebiana. Even though it was tagged as suicide because of the mixtape she left, witnesses said that they were speaking hours before Aunt Hebiana jumped off the bridge which means she could have triggered the latter to commit suicide.

The couple was suicidal. Each's mistakes and losses were caused by their own deaths.

"I swear. She must rot in the prison," Uncle Monie said.

"I am wishing for the same thing too. Let's go?" I asked him.

He took a glance at the tomb of Uncle Cody, "I am going to give you the justice that you deserve. We had waited too long for this, Buddy."

I patted his shoulder, "I am sure he would be happy."


When I arrived at the police headquarters, there I saw a woman who was giving an officer with a menacing gaze.

"Yo, Inds," I looked at Jacobe who called me. "Here is the woman you asked me to find."

"My name is Indigo. How could you shorten a three-syllable-word?" I asked jokingly.

"Whatever," he said. "Bro, that woman is crazy. She had been repeating these words for like a thousand times already that I memorized it already."

"What words?"

'I never intended for you to choose me over her.

My anger and resentment brought me to this drastic plan. Please forgive me.

Maybe until now, you are still questioning that night.

To be honest, I am really sorry. Please forgive me even if what I did was unforgivable.'

I sighed and looked back at Jacobe who was shaking a little. "I'll get going. I'll leave you two alone."

"Thanks, Jacs," I said and waved my right hand.

I sat in front of the woman, "Hi."

She raised her head and met my eyes.

"May I ask you--"

She cut me off, "I did not say anything for Hebiana to jumped off the bridge. I sent a mail saying that Cody and I had a child. She met me near the bridge, I was asking for forgiveness. I told her, 'If you can't accept your future niece or nephew, then better die!' I did not expect that she would really do it."

"Madame, do you not know that what you did is punishable by law?"

She placed her face on her palms. She was sobbing.


"The child," I started. "Where is the child?"

She shook her head, "He died after I gave birth to him"

"Is he really the son of Mr. Cody Robinson?"

My question made her quiet. She lowered her head and avoided her gaze.

"It wasn't Mr. Robinson's, was it?"

She spoke the same words she was saying.

"I never intended for you to choose me over her.

My anger and resentment brought me to this drastic plan. Please forgive me.

Maybe until now, you are still questioning that night.

To be honest, I am really sorry. Please forgive me even if what I did was unforgivable."

I sighed, knowing that the answer was 'yes'.


I went home and got greeted by Uncle Monie. He was on the couch.

"Hey, how are you?" he asked me.

"Good," I answered shorty. "I talked to Eviana Larks."

"What did she say?"

"She explained what happened and she had been repeating these sentences over and over again."

I showed him a video.

"So she ruined two lives just because she wanted revenge?" Uncle Monie said as his voice cracked and his tears fell.

I placed my arms around his shoulders as he continued crying. Uncle Monie loved and cared for Uncle Cody and Aunt Hebiana so much that their loss left a big impact on him.


I was about to sleep when my eyes landed on the diary of Uncle Cody. He threw it outside his window, along with the mixtape of Aunt Hebiana.

As I went through the pages, I had seen how their love story bloomed and died.

I felt a pang of pain that was little by little destroying my heart.

After reading a few more pages, I closed it, feeling my heart getting heavy every second.

To live is to die. He lived for her, so he is going to die for her.

To love is to leave. Aunt Hebiana loved him, but she left him too.

To choose is to regret. Eviana Larks chose to dwell on the past and avenge for what had happened between her and his boyfriend which now results in her being in prison for her lifetime.

To resent is to revenge. She was too mad and obsessed to make Aunt Hebiana's life like hell. She successfully did it, but eventually faced the consequences of her actions.

Nothing comes good from anything bad. Nothing bad happens when you choose well. Anything good benefits well. Anything bad benefits evilly. If only she had chosen to forgive, she might have been happy with someone else. If only she had let her sister be happy, Uncle Cody and Aunt Hebiana could have been alive.

Everything attained ludicrously is everything you would lose insanely.

Everything attained through kindness is everything you will attain advantageously.

Maybe, love does really conquer everything. It was just that maybe Uncle Cody and Aunt Hebiana's story proves us that sometimes, love is not the only foundation of a couple or a family. It's trust, faith, and forgiveness.

The End.