The Gift

The worst mistake I ever made was leaving my phone at home. As much as my body was there, my mind wandered around the room, waiting for Mr. X to call me. I barely touch my food. My anxiety does not let me at least pay attention to Carlos who moves his lips constantly, showing being nervous. If I was paying attention, I’d say my husband’s about to tell me something.

— Dalia? - calls Carlos, making me wake up. — I did not bring here only for his birthday. I know it’s the most important thing today, but I have something to say.

He calls the waiter, who hands me a glass of champagne for me and another for my husband, arousing my curiosity.

— There were some rumors in the company, but nothing concrete until the meeting this morning.- says Carlos smiling. — Dalia, I’m the new partner of the company! We are partners!

— Oh, my God! - I exclaim, surprise. — Congratulations! I’m very happy to know! How great, my love.

—We will finally buy the apartment of our dreams. - says Carlos, happy. — Let’s start taking a turn in our lives, making our dreams come true.

— No doubt, my love. I knew I could do it, you’re a fighter, and you deserve it.

— And that’s not all. - says Carlos. He takes a little black box and puts it on the table, opening it right away: Inside a baby-shaped gold pendant. — We can already go to our next step: having a child.

I hold the pendant in my hands. That was an old dream I thought we weren’t going to realize anytime soon. I look at my husband, moved. Finally, I would have what I wanted most in life: to have a son of Carlos.

— So... – says Carlos, moved. He lifts his cup and I lean mine on his. — A toast to us, our future family and our son that we will order from now on.

We get home and we’re kneading.
I take Carlos’s suit and throw it on the floor, then he throws himself at me, throwing us on the couch. We’re kissing when I notice my phone is flashing, showing a call. I push Carlos off me and pick up the phone as I am watched by my husband’s confused eyes. I look at my visor and the word Mother stands out, I show it to him and answer then.

— Hi, Mom. - I mean, panting.

— You finally answered that phone, Dalia. - says my mother, worried.—I’m calling to confirm your schedule tomorrow.

— We will arrive at lunchtime, mother.
- I say, irritated.— Carlos said on Sunday.

—I know, I’m just confirming. Well, have a good night and Congratulations.

—Thank you, mother. - I say hanging up. 

I notice that my phone has two more missed calls. I go through the record, but none is unknown. I look at the clock, and it’s one in the morning, Mr. X hasn’t called me.

Carlos pulls me off the couch, I grab him with my legs around his hip and my arms around his neck. He throws me, fondly, into bed and finishes taking off his clothes. I sit on the bed, and he approaches, kissing me again, as he tears my dress impatiently. He walks away and stares at me, breathing breathlessly:

— Are you ready?

— I’m... - I answer, kissing Carlos again.

He pulls my dress, finally getting it out of my body.
He lies down on me and kisses my neck, descending slowly, enjoying all the way to my breasts. He caresses them as he thrusts himself into me, calmly.

Our pace is calm, slow, we are in no hurry to end.
He sticks his head in the middle of my hair, as I kiss his neck, my hands sliding down his back.

—I love you...
-murmurs Carlos, kissing my forehead. Then each of my cheeks. He lightly bites my chin and then takes my mouth, pulling my lips. — You’re wonderful…
also... love you... - I say between each thrust harder than Carlos. I cling to him and bite his shoulder, scratching his back.

It increases speed by watching my expressions of pleasure.
He grabs hold of me, and we lose control… he completes me… and I become him again… as it should be…


The ringing of my phone wakes me up, I take Carlos' arm off me and go to the living room.
It’s definitely my mother freaking out that we didn’t make it. I answer the phone,

— Speak up, Mother.

— Good morning, Doce.- says a calm male voice on the other side of the line.

My body seems to have been shocked, I feel the electric current passing through my body.
It can’t be…?

— Dalia? Is that you?- asks the man on the other side of the line.

— X?
- I ask, returning to reality.

—Yes, it’s me. - says X on the other side of the line.— I know I was supposed to call you yesterday, but I didn’t want to disturb your day with your husband. Well, I’m calling to wish you happy birthday that you continue to be this sweet and captivating person who attracts everyone around you. You are awesome and deserve all the best in your life. I hope I can spend many years watching you blossom and being this amazing woman.

— Thank you.
- I answer without believing that I am talking to him.

— And that’s not the only reason I called you. - says X, with the most serious tone. — I was warned yesterday and I need to tell you: I am the new division director of the organization. In a week I will be going to Switzerland. It’s not permanent, it’s only two years, and then I’ll come back. What do you think?

My phone runs down my body, falling on the carpet in the living room.
Mr. X is coming out of my life…

—Dalia, are you there? - Question X, worried. — Hello? Dalia?

I pick up the phone from the floor while I clean my face by taking a deep breath.

—Yes, I am.
- I say. I take a deep breath and say, trying to show happiness in my tone. — I’m glad to know you got the spot of your dreams. Carlos became a partner yesterday. What a coincidence, not?
 — Excellent, I’m very happy to know that.
- says X, calm. My news does not affect him. — We even started trying to have our son. - I say trying to hurt him. —  Very good to know, Dalia. I’m sure you’ll be a great mother. — That’s the idea. - I say in silent tears. We were silent for a few minutes. His breath numbs me, I close my eyes. —  I need to hang up... I have to go to my birthday party. – I say. —  Your family really made a party for you. - comments X , laughing. — As you can see, yes. I need to shut down… Success in Switzerland, X. Goodbye. — It doesn’t have to be goodbye, Dalia. After all, I’m only going to Switzerland and not to another planet. We may not talk so often, but I’ll still find a way to talk to you. Find your way and be happy with your husband. See you soon, sweet. —  See you soon, X.- I say listening to the line, get muted. I keep looking at your number on my phone. Now that I can finally hear his voice, he’s gone… even if he says it’s not goodbye, I feel like it’s the end. — Good morning, love. – says Carlos, hugging me. He looks at my phone and asks:—Who was it? —  A friend… called me to say that he will live far away… far away. - I reply. — Hummm... right.- says Carlos, walking away. —  We have to get ready and go to his party. I pull him back and lead him towards the room. — I don’t mind being late. We have a son to make! 

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