Chapter 8

It also took a few seconds for Hannah to tell Lance that lie. And maybe because of a few seconds of Hannah telling stories like that, Lance noticed and asked her.

"Tell me the truth Hannah, are you making up stories?
" Lance asked seriously. His question was so serious that even I turned to the two of them.

A-anu..." Hannah replied in a mumbled voice. Ice! already know. Sold out. Even if it's really Hannah.

" Lance said seriously. It's like when he called Hannah's name, everything became intense in an instant. I saw that Hannah was nervous. Gosh! It's obvious that he is.

" That's all he said. It's too boring. His eyes are moving left and right. "Wh-what..."

Seriously, is she trying to speak Japanese?

Lance's gaze on Hannah remained serious, causing my attention to focus on the two of them as well.
It's almost as if Lance doesn't blink because he's so serious. But after a few seconds, Lance suddenly smiled and I was shocked by what he did next. He stood up and approached Hannah and hugged her. Hannah and I were both shocked by what happened. It's like our eyes widened at the same time.

"Ahh ..
Lance" after a few seconds, Hannah seemed to come to her senses and spoke to Lance.

" Lance asked Hannah still hugging her.

" Hannah seemed unable to say what she wanted to say to Lance so I decided to say it.

"Lance, that's disrespectful.
But you're still hugging Hannah" I said scratching my head while looking away.

Awkwardness alert!

Hannah scratched her head and so did Lance and then he let go of Hannah's hug and left.

I raised an eyebrow and Hannah did the same.

"Anyare there?
" I asked but Hannah just shrugged her shoulders and continued eating. I also just continued what I was eating when not far away I saw AJ looking at me badly.

He looked at me as if I had done something bad.
He signed for me to move in with him. I pointed to myself because maybe later I'm not what he calls me, I'll still be embarrassed, right?

He widened his eyes at me to force me to stand up and move with him.

"What is written on the bulletin board?
" He asked me impatiently. His jaw is also black. Gosh! I'm dead!

"Ahh ..
what's written on the bulletin board? There's nothing written on the bulletin board, right?" I still smiled, trying to hide the fear I have inside.

"Are you teasing?

"Oh, no.

"If that's the case, come with me" and without a word, he suddenly grabbed my wrist.
He violently pulls me here in the hallway. I just went because the female students were starting to watch, and they were all looking at me badly. They think they are going to kill me.

Tell me you didn't write that" he violently let go of my wrist when we got to the opposite side of the bulletin board.

I stared at the bulletin board.
Hannah wrote almost all of our names here and there are actually hearts in her name. And Lance is really equal to his name.

What is he really thinking?
Does he really want to destroy me?

"AJ, this is all a misunderstanding...

Are you blind? The evidence is right in front of you, you're still lying!" He promised hard.

"Look AJ, it wasn't me who wrote that, in fact, Hannah wrote that she tripped because you know, she knows us right" cross your fingers.
Hope to work. I hope he believes. Please!

A moment of silence enveloped us.
It's so quiet that the only thing you can hear is the hand of the clock moving on the wall.

He crossed his arms while not taking his eyes off me.
He thinks that makes me even more nervous. Somebody help me. I'm in danger here. AJ is scary!

" and he turned his back on me. And before he started walking, he continued what he was going to say. "But I won't go to that pointless thing. If you're going to embarrass yourself, don't feel sorry for others. I'm not like you!"

Without looking back at me.
And after he said that. He started walking. I was stunned in my place. It hurts to speak. Is he really human?

If he acts like he's not human, his behavior is bad.

I let out a sigh before turning back.
I was about to walk back to the cafeteria when my stomach suddenly rumbled. I got hold of it.

As for my food, I only reduced it a little bit.
And Lance and Hannah just freed me. It's annoying. If I still have a job. I wouldn't have ... oh really! I scratched my head.

So even though it was against my heart, I immediately ran to catch up with AJ and when I caught up with him, I blocked the way, causing him to stop walking.
He looked at me.

"What game is that?

"I'm not playing.
I just wanted to say something" I stretched my hand as if in basketball. I don't want to let it go.

"Tss, how childish.
Get out of the way" and he forcefully pushed me away but I stopped him.

"You can't pass if you don't listen to what I have to say first," I insisted.

"It's not important what you say, so go ahead" he continued to send me away.
But I'm not leaving but I'm blocking his way even more.

"When I say it's important.
It's really important!" I said in shock while trying to stop him and even though he was pulling me out of the way so unexpectedly one of my feet suddenly slipped so I suddenly fell on him.

Our position is awkward now.
I am above. Yikes! And right here in the hallway. What will gossip women say? AJ and I are doing that something? Eww. Yuck. Never in forever.

I looked into his eyes and of course, he did the same.
It seems that there is something that he means by looking at me like that.

"I just noticed that your eyes are beautiful" he suddenly said.
I felt like I suddenly blushed because of what he said. I also saw that he smiled causing me to blush even more.

And as quickly as the words, he suddenly robbed me of a kiss.
I was stunned afterward. But I also returned to the present when I heard him laughing so I suddenly slapped him and I immediately stood up and ran away from him.

The thickness of his face.
After complimenting me, then stealing a kiss, and then laughing at me. What does he think of himself? is he handsome No! It's ugly. It looks like a dead nail.

When I was tired, I just walked.
I can't remove the bitterness from my face because of what AJ did. The thickness of that man's face. The thickness. His face is even thicker than the dictionary layered on top of each other. And to make him look human, maybe he took the skin of a decomposing dog from their neighbor's house. The face is really thick.

He was left with such a look, his behavior is bad.
Hey! Mark is more handsome than you!

I got angry.
And I was almost marching while walking. That man is really annoying.

"You're really annoying.
You're not handsome, in fact, you look like a nail" I said, almost echoing in the entire hall.

It's annoying.
How will I be later? I don't have a ticket yet. I'm too lazy to walk. What will I expect from Lance later if he delivers me?

It's annoying!
I almost used up the money I had left when I was still working. So now ...

I just put my hand on my forehead.
And when I saw a seat, I sat down first.

"What about me later?
I don't have any money?" I am sad to say. I feel that my tears will fall at any moment. I am ashamed of myself. If only I hadn't been stuck in my current situation, I hope everything would be ok and not this complicated.

" I immediately turned to the person who called me and I suddenly hugged her. I hugged him tightly because his arrival was right because I needed sympathy now.

"Thank you for being here...
" and my tears fell one by one.


"Just don't talk.
Please" I just closed my eyes as my tears continued to fall. Fortunately, someone came.

"But Clare...
" there was urgency in the tone of his speech.

"Please let's just stay like this for a little while?!

"NO," He said firmly causing me to break away from the hug and unexpectedly I didn't know the person I was hugging.

"Who are you?
" I mumbled a promise. It's embarrassing!

"I'm Harv and that's why I called you earlier because you dropped your handkerchief...
" I just scratched my head. Awkwardness!

"Ahh ..
that's b--"

And please just hug your girlfriend. You're shy. Your boyfriend is known here on campus and you're like that?" And then he looked at me full of hatred. And then he left. I was stunned by what he said.

Am I shy?
Do you know my boyfriend? Gosh! So is the shadow of that nail-like thing really stuck to my back? It's really annoying! Why would anyone want to be in my position, come hurry up, and let's change?

After I composed myself, I continued my walk.
Maybe I'll just go home. And just look for a job, nothing will happen to me if I rely on that nail.

When I was near the room where I put my bag, someone suddenly pulled me.
I struggled.

"Let go of me.
Let me go" I tried to struggle but he didn't let go of me and then I heard one laugh after another causing me to look back at the one who pulled me.

What are you doing here?"

"Isn't it obvious?
I'm pulling you?" He smirked as if to make me even more pissed off.

Do you really have a brain disease? You're still mentally ill." I struggled as he grabbed my wrist and when I was lucky, I immediately entered the room and immediately took my bag.

But I was about to leave the room when AJ blocked the way.

"Where are you going?
" I just tormented him and tried to get him out of the way.

"In a place where you are not.
Do you want to come? I'm sorry you can't because you're not allowed there"

Really?" It's still teasing.

So get out of my way. Go" I pushed him away but he just held my hand tightly.

"AJ, what is it?

"Don't you like it?

That's why I'm so pissed off.
I suddenly slapped him. He was shocked by what he did.

"AJ, that's enough.
I don't want it anymore. If you want to put me in jail, it's up to you. I'm tired of you not helping me. That's enough." I left the room because he was no longer blocking the way. I also turned back but before I started walking I said something to him.

"Thank you everyone.
" and I started walking away.

It's okay.
Maybe even I can forget myself.

Next chapter