Chapter 11

"Do you think he's ok?" I heard a worried voice of a woman. It's Hannah.

I slowly opened my eyes and when I opened them I saw the worried faces of Lance and Hannah.
I gave them a small smile before I asked.

"Are we in the hospital?
" I'm having a bit of difficulty speaking, maybe this is also the effect of AJ choking me.

Hannah just nodded but Lance seemed restless.
"La-lance, is there a problem?" Did I ask him? I also felt nervous because of Lance's worried look.

Lance closed his eyes tightly before saying goodbye to Hannah.
"Girls, excuse me for a sec. I'm just going to fix something"

After he said that, Hannah and I just nodded and he completely left.

I heard Hannah let out a deep breath.
I turned to him as he took a bench and sat there.

"Clare, you're luckier because Mark was prompt earlier"

"Who? Mark?" He immediately turned to me when I said Mark's name.

Hannah straightened up before looking at me seriously.
"Clare, Mark is the reason why you were immediately taken to the hospital. The doctor said it was good that you were taken to the hospital promptly because otherwise, you might be in a coffin. But thank God. You are alive" and I smiled at what he said. but also because of what he said, I feel worried about Mark and AJ. It could have been the two of them when I heard the two men screaming before I completely lost consciousness.

Mark Adrian's POV

"If you think Clare was happy with what you did.
You are wrong. You just hurt her" I said turning my back. My fist is clenched and shaking with the anger I feel now.

I want to punch him but I try to stop myself because somehow I want to understand the reason why he did that.

"I know .
" His frugal answer made my head even hotter. I faced him but he just turned his back and faced the lights so that you can see the whole city at the same time as the violent wind.

"If you don't want her anymore.
Why don't you want to let her go? Give her back to me. After all, I know that Clare still loves me..." I said in a high voice.

But instead of being scared, I heard him softly laugh.
And for sure he was still smiling. "If I don't want her anymore. What can you do? You will divorce Zoe? For what? To exchange her?" he faced me.

His hands were in both his pockets and he looked at me without emotion.

"Adrian, before you utter words, think carefully because what you are doing might hurt other people" I was going to answer what he said but he immediately left, I would have chased him but I was stunned because I saw I saw Zoe who was just listening from the side while her tears continued to fall.

"A-Adrian, is what I heard true?
Can you divorce me for Cl-Clare?" He asked tremblingly. I approached him and was about to hug him when he suddenly left me.

I just washed my face and just sat on the bench chair here on the rooftop.

"Is there a place where I won't get hurt?
" I went and washed my face and when I went, suddenly what happened earlier came back to my mind.

Clare immediately left me in the middle of the covered court surrounded by students.
I knew he saw AJ so I thought of following him.

I followed him, I stayed on one side, and listened to their conversation until I saw that AJ had choked Clare.
I immediately clenched my fists but I stopped myself. I waited for the right opportunity until I couldn't hold back anymore and I was about to rush them in case I was late because Clare had fallen to the floor so I immediately came over to see if Clare was okay.

"Clare ..
Clare .. " I called her name but there was no response. I repeated one case but there was still no response so I raised my head to the man who was looking at Clare and me with no emotion.

I slowly laid Clare down on the floor and then I stood up and yelled at her.
I can no longer hold back my anger. He almost saved up.


He just kept looking at me with no emotion.
There is no trace of worry on his face, you can't even see any emotion. It's like a stone without feeling.

"What about you?
" He said no emotion. I took a bite and I couldn't stop myself and I punched him. It may be because of the full force that I gave in the blow that I gave him that knocked him down and made him fall to the floor.

The edge of his lips is also bleeding a little.
He looked at me badly and slowly stood up. He fixed his tangled clothes for a while and veiled me.

"You don't have the right to immerse yourself in the lives of others.
You don't have the right to care about our lives and you don't have the right to pretend to be the boyfriend of the girl you left behind" I was stunned by what he said. How? Can afford..

I turned to another direction and unexpectedly, my tears fell one by one.
I briefly looked at Clare who was unconscious on the floor breathing. I violently wiped my tears before I raised my head to AJ, who looked indifferent or emotionless.

"Maybe I don't have the right, maybe I'm ruining your life but remember before you came into his life.
I was the one he loved first before you"

And after I said that, I slowly knelt down to slowly pick up Clare to take her to the hospital while most of the students remained watching us.
I left AJ there as if I were Clare's boyfriend.

Yes, I pretended to be the boyfriend of my ex-girlfriend who left me myself.
I may not have the right, but this is what my heart tells me to do, so even if it's illegal, I'll do it for the person I love so much.

Lance Damian's Pov

I was kicked against the wall of the hospital.
I don't know whether to be happy or angry. Will he be happy because Mark brought Clare here to the hospital or will he be angry because AJ almost killed Clare? He almost killed my best friend. What class is he in?

At the very beginning, I told Clare that if she didn't listen, she used her heart more than her brain.
I can only do this because I don't want him to experience being hurt like I experienced when Annika and I were still together.

"Annika ...
Annika .." I was wearing my sweet smile that day. I even brought flowers and chocolates for him. Even with us, I still don't stop flirting with him. Because he said that, he feels important if someone gives him things like that.

The sweet smile that I was wearing on my lips was like a bubble that disappeared when I saw Annika kiss the person I never expected to be able to fight.
The person who inherited the Fernandez Group of Companies is also my mortal enemy. AJ Rafael Fernandez.

I immediately let go of the flowers and chocolate I was holding and just pulled AJ away from Annika and punched her.
At first, he was shocked but later he started fighting.

We can hear Annika's shout that we have stopped but we are not stopping.
I want to beat that man's body so that he can neither move nor speak. And it's also better that I break his bones.

"That's right, please.
Lance, AJ. PLEASE! STOP THIS" Annika shouted but I continued to beat AJ until he fell to the ground. I even stepped on his head as a sign that I would be shocked by his appearance.

"Lance, please...
" I turned to Annika who was now holding my wrist. I saw in his eyes the begging.

" her tears fell one by one. I violently removed his grip on my wrist and moved away from him.

"Lance, hear me out first.
I'll explain everything, listen to me first" I watched him silently as he said that.

I'm sorry. If I cheated on you ---" I couldn't stop myself and gave him a strong slap to make him stop.

For what? Because you cheated on me? Wow! It's okay. It's okay. Just think about it, you're going to be cheated on by someone you don't even want" I looked at AJ who was now sitting on the floor while placing his hand on his swollen face.

"Lance, Please.
I didn't intend to hurt ---"

"You don't intend to hurt me?
It's too late, you've already hurt me. Look, Annika, I love you. I give you everything you want, even if it's not right, I give it to you, so what? You just change me?"

"Lance, I didn't like everything ---"

"Don't lie.
What didn't you like? You didn't really like it but you enjoyed it too much. You enjoyed it too much to fool the person who really loves you?" and here, my tears fell one by one.

I loved truly and then this is what will happen to me.
What kind of class is that? I didn't wish for this. Not once, I ever dreamed that this would happen in my life.

"I'll accept it, Annika, just say 'Let me go.
I'm ready to let you go, I'm ready to let you go, I'm ready to let my happiness go. Even if I can't, I'll force the case... you ruined everything. You wasted my love for you for this kind of person. You wasted everything."

He came closer to me and tried to hold my hand while crying but I violently removed his hand.
"Lance .. please I need a second chance. Please give me a second chance. I'll try not to hurt you again"

I grinned before uttering my last words for him.
"Second chance? Sorry, Annika you just ruined this chance that I gave. Sorry, we're done" and after that, I left them there.

With every step I take, he is also a tear in my heart.
I loved him. In fact, she's the only woman I've ever loved like this. She hurt me and changed me.

"Don't let me see your face, AJ Rafael Fernandez, because I promise.
You will reach your destination promptly"

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