From Mavis, With Hate


15.53k words

10 chapters



Table of Contents


To: Rush Dela Vega
Subject: I Hate You

Dear Boss Bastard,

No. I don't like sitting beside you or even being near you. So stop asking me to be with you because I hate you. I'd willingly do anything you say if you ask me nicely. Sheesh! Heck, I'd even throw a party if you'd ever say 'please' and 'thank you'. I'd even be happy if I heard you say anything positive. Gosh!

How I wish I can send you these emails just to see a shocked look on your face. But because I badly need this job, I'll postpone it later. When I resign.

From Mavis, with Hate

P.S. I hate that you look even more tempting and sinfully hot today. You smell better too. Shit. I hate you. Really! Right?

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