Mystery Stories

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An Arranged marriage! Why not ? Marrying a Stranger? Why..... what the hell? Arranged marriages are not weird at least not in Asia but marrying a stranger is utter foolishness, don't you think? What will happen if a girl who was brought up in an Orthodox family married a complete stranger? What will be her views on the marriage? Will she succumb? What will be the groom like? A chauvinist? A dominant? A Jerk? Or every girl's dream husband? Are you ready to ride this rollercoaster journey with me to their story? What are you waiting for? Step in! The journey is about to start!
Matt and Julie are sent to prison for drugs. They both want custody of Molly when released. Matt has a personal relationship with the Guardian ad Litem Christina. To influence the to give him custody. Julie wants to reunite with Matt and share custody. Matt is shot was it a murder attempt. Christian ends up in a coma. How will it effect the custody case? Will her husband find out and report her? Will Matt and Christina be killed by a jealous spouse. Will they live happy ever after?
Emila was a sweet and caring lady, who did her best to make people smile. Even though, she herself wasn't happy, she tried to portray a happy façade for the world. Emila lived with her step-father, who didn't love her at all, and only kept her around as a personal maid whom he didn't have to pay a single penny to get things done around the house. Her step-father, finally tired of her, arranges for Emila to be married to the eldest son of his business partner, Arthur Smith, in order to pay off a debt to him. Jacob Smith had no interest in settling down with one woman. He was perfectly content with his Casanova ways, but when his father orders him to marry Emila he's left with little option to refuse, only because his father tells Jacob that he is giving Emila to him as a present for his twenty-eighth birthday. Will Jacob fall in love with Emila, or will she forever suffer from unhappiness?
This is a story about a young boy who has no one else but his best friend, Johnathen. Johnathen and his mother took Tyler in after Tyler lost his mom and sister to a killer. This killer is now after Tyler, and his father is still missing. What will Tyler do when the nightmare of his past resurfaces? Read more to find out
Slashing the sun and the moon with the palm of the hand, slashing the netherworld with the sword and stepping on the sky, there are trillions of mortals in the world, Asura becomes a god and I am the craziest! The proud son of this day was framed by villains and abandoned by his family. After falling into the mortal world, my talent awakened. I, Chu Feng, vowed to kill the Nine Heavens and take back everything that belongs to me! All beings regard me as a Shura, but they don't know that I use Shura to become a god of war!
"I want you. Yield to me..." he announced again, this time pinning her down the sofa. ~ 0 ~ When all is left in ruins, how would a princess live being held captive inside the mansion of her most hated captor? Her freedom all denied, true. But, not her will and heart.... Genre: Fantasy-Royalty, Historical Romance Status: Complete All Rights Reserved JMFelic Books 2020
In the era when the world was being ruled by some famous Elite families, while all other people were considered as Low class and were treated brutally by Elites. Among these Elites, there's a boy named Keith who decided to change these wrong parameters by going against his own family..
'It astounded me, how Kunal retains every single detail about me. I had forgotten every aspect other than that I called him kunu. He was bigger than me, maybe three-four years age difference but still he was a child. He was gifted with great memory skills, I wondered. He passed a questioning gaze at me, seeing me lost in thought. I shook my head gesturing nothing. It was so pleasant to know, someone just knew your past in such detail and actually remembered about you.' 'As Kunal had mentioned in his script, that was the exact guy any girl would wish but that didn’t suit Rithvik. I laughed at the thought, I won’t ever fall with a person like Rithvik traits.' Two-man, Kunal, and Rithvik. Shanaya has two different opinions about them. Who will turn her prototype soulmate?
No digest~Six years have passed and Sabrina has moved on. She is engaged to a man she hopes will help her forget the love and fear that has followed her from the past, but when that past comes back to confront her, she realizes she isn't ready to move on after all. Her love for Giovanni Viagano is still as strong as it was before his brother kidnapped her and tried to kill her and Sandra. With his small daughter by his side, Giovanni finds the courage to try and win Sabrina back before it’s too late and she becomes the wife of another man. Can he convince her their love can make the dreams they once had come true.
Bai Zhan, the first person in the fourth-rank Tianyu, brought the mysterious Nine Dragon Balls to rebirth in the Tianyuan Continent, cultivated the Nine Dragons Battle of the Heavens, and plundered the spiritual energy of all things in the world. "First Sword God, that's my apprentice!" "First God of War, that's my little brother!"
"I'm going to show you how dark I can be." ~ 0 ~ Book 2 of I THIRST FOR YOU Once enemies in the past, now lovers. Amanda wishes to help Cord break his curse without sacrificing her life. Cord wishes to protect Amanda from himself. How will their relationship work when their past comes to invade them? Genre: Vampire-Romance, Mystery Status: Complete All Rights Reserved JMFelic Books 2020
With a perfect family and school life , Shreya was living a normal and lovely life. But her life got shattered when her neighbor later her teacher became obsessed with her. ******************************************* Finally he reached his house and now he was standing in front of the tree ,a species of night flowering jasmine.. jasmine! He hugged the tree and smelled the flower. the flowers are so fresh . so beautiful. He circled around it and plucked a flower. and sat on the ground with his head resting on the tree's trunk. After closing his eyes he hummed a song. and finally stood up . he kissed the branch and walked to the door. before going in he looked at the tree for one more time " i hope you like it there,love.."
Arthur is a noble-born reincarnator searching for absolute immortality to avoid the terrifying fate he witnessed in the afterlife. Thanks to a failed spell designed by an unimaginative ancestor, he is able to glimpse a path leading toward immortality while laying the foundations to become the world's first necromancer. However, magic in the world of Nithe is as brutal and complex as the world itself. Although Arthur would like nothing more than to focus his efforts on advancing his goals, the circumstances of his birth compel him to be an active participant in the world's happenings regardless of his desires. With death hanging around every corner, to attain absolute immortality, Arthur first needs to survive the cruel yet fantastical world he now inhabits.
Winter Simpsons was raised in a life of luxury and lavish. She's the heiress to a multi-billion dollar company, and being the only child, she's her Father's princess and her mother's baby. Despite the way she grew up, Winter strays away from being perfect. She treats everyone like equals, makes straight A's, and genuinely loves the man she calls her boyfriend. Her life is perfect and there's nothing that could change that. That's what it seems until Winter meets Damian. He's completely opposite from her in every way. While she has blonde hair, he has dark hair. Her eyes are crystal blue, but his are honey brown. Winter is always surrounded by friends, but Damian is quiet and remains alone. While Winter was raised with everything being handed to her, Damian was raised in a life of hardworking, middle class folks. When the two are paired on an assignment, things begin to change drastically. She begins to rethink her life, including the relationship she thought was perfect. But is he willing to let her go?
Adelayn's life revolves around home and school, apart from her strict parents, she has never had a close friend. But with Adelayn's transfer from the other University, she will be endangered and put in trouble. An unknown man claims her and keeps changing her personality. But why? What's wrong with him and that's all it takes to protect her? What is his real intention? Is there anything he should know? What is behind the man who kidnapped her? Who is she really? Who is Adelayn?
I can't leave you, when you are bearing my baby." He whispered, his gaze soley on my flat tummy. "Baby?" I was stunned and speechless. Fresh drop of tears are pooled down through my cheeks. If it's not today, I would have been happy but now... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reil Rahan, a scientist student gone for research in Chennai. The most genius scientist Mr. Hayle Stone Says it's an animal whose body is covered with human flesh. He warned her already to stay out of this when she shows some interest on this case. She wants to prove these are just a lie nothing but the scientists made mistake over a years and spread rumours to keep their reputation on bay using the monster name 'Heil.' But one thing she doesn't know that how the animal looks like, whether it is a human or human shaped animal like they said? She and the group of her friends gone together to research further. Will they succeed or lost their life not taking Mr. Hayle Stone words serio
Azarion the Undying is an ancient, powerful being trapped by his strength. The universe won’t let him die unless someone as strong as him ends his life. For ages, he has sought a worthy successor, but all have failed—until he meets Kai Ren. Azarion’s timeless appearance, with silver hair and deep, knowing eyes, hints at his immense power and wisdom. Despite his strength, immortality feels like a curse, and he hopes Kai Ren will finally set him free. Kai Ren a 14-year-old boy who lost his entire family in the aftermath of a battle between two cultivators decides to end his life by jumping off a cliff but fate has other plans for him. Just as Kai Ren was about to jump off a lightning bolt struck him, he thought that if he was going to die anyway, why be scared of it? As he was waiting for his ultimate demise he felt a pleasant feeling that he thought was the feeling of the afterlife, but the next moment he heard a deep celestial voice in his head "Open your eyes, child, as you are not dead." The voice decl
All my life, I've been thinking about the same thing...That because of who I was, I was destined to be alone forever... But who would've thought, that I was actually destined to be bound to Death himself? "His fingers went under my chin, coaxing me to look back up at him and as soon as I did, my heart started racing again, noticing the way his haunting eyes were now trained on my lips as he huskily said those two words again, "Forgive me." And before I could utter a single word, his soft, plump lips crashed against mine in a chaste, yet passionate kiss, sending warm tingles all over my body, making my heart almost jump out of my chest as we stayed like that for a few moments, before he suddenly pulled back, staring at me a little shocked, only now realizing what he had just done, then turned around and quickly walked away, leaving me standing there, speechless."
Arthur Bilgart was a successful and vastly wealthy businessman on Earth. However, he was kidnapped and tortured by his wife, Claudia, who was after everything he owned. He was tortured and isolated from the world for no less than a year before miserably dying. But death wasn't the end for he was reincarnated into a parasite in a foreign world. Volume 1: The Blood Purge (Chp 1🡢29) Volume 2 : The Mysterious Bottle (Chp 30🡢43) Volume 3 : The Bloated Murderer (Chp 44🡢65) Volume 4: Ruination (Pt1): Single-Minded Pursuit (Chp 66🡢86) Volume 4 : Ruination (Pt2): Feast of Lies and Sea of Spies (Chp86🡢128) Volume 5 : The Shadow Keep Penitentiary(Pt1): 'Why was the goose sad?'(Chp129🡢?)
My eyes widened as he quickly reached out and pulled me against his chest, his hands wrapping my waist like a snake. I was trapped. "It hurts me to know that you are being touched by another man other than me, Lianne. You find his kisses pleasurable? I will show you what a real kiss is." With those words out, my mind went blank. I stiffened. I couldn't do anything when his face inched nearer. I couldn't explain the feeling when our lips touched, but I honestly thought I was in euphoria. His lips massaged mine with finesse and oh, I didn't care less if I was breathing or not. ~ 0 ~ A sequel to Ceaseless Gravity. All Rights Reserved JMFelic Books 2020
"I am pregnant, " I say looking into his eyes intensely but his face is emotionless. "what? " he asks stunned, he paces around for few minutes "I can't take care of a child right now" he snaps holding the office table tightly. "We have to because I have no way to go," I say pleading for acknowledgment and understanding. "what do you mean, " he said eyeing me suspiciously. "my parent disowned me," I say looking down in shame. "I will take you in but don't expect me to care for you and your baby because all this means nothing to me" he glanced at me before walking out of his office. Tears run down my cheek, feeling of embarrassment, and lost claws in my heart. I lost everything my family, my self-esteem, I feel lost and worthless. Most of all I lost love.
1669 Ian Worthington’s life as a pirate has always been filled with excitement and the thrill of the sea, but as stimulating as it once was, the young captain finds his heart longing for a new experience. King Edward, of the Island of Westerly, has spent the past 20 years traveling the world, researching the perfect routine for sex, but he needs someone willing to test his technique. For Ian, it sounds like the perfect solution for a dull life. Angelique Abbott holds her father in her arms as he drew his last breath. Unable to see the completion of his dream, the king’s goal to bring a bordello and peace to his little island is left on the shoulders of his daughter. Morals and inexperience pulls on the young queen’s conscious as she tries to find a way to make her father’s dream come true, but she’s forced to accept whores on her island. With Ian’s promise to see the king’s technique put into action, Angelique finds her hands full. Can the pirate captain save her island, while rescuing her lonely heart from
His determined enough not to let her go again. So he take all his courage to say these words to her. “Why can’t it be? Why can’t it be the two of us? Why can’t we be lovers? Only friends? Her psychological condition is the main reason. Her emotion is always splitting. The young man belongs to a wealthy clan, he is a billionaire who had a dark past unknown to the society where he belongs at present. Only the lady knew his deepest secret, his past. She played the big role in his life long time ago… When they meet again, the memories of his past comes back to him. Then the billionaire hope that maybe at present time they can be more than just friend but then again the lady wants to say goodbye to him. Would she stay? Or would she say goodbye? Will can they be lovers? Or will can’t be?
What would you do if you were asked to pay back for all the obligation that someone has done to you.??? This is a story of Serah, who had an awesome life untill someone related to her committed a mistake and she ended paying up for that person's mistakes. A story of Michael who was heart broken when his love left him mid way and he was forced to do something terrible only for the sale of family and society.