Horror Stories

27 Stories


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This is a story about a young boy who has no one else but his best friend, Johnathen. Johnathen and his mother took Tyler in after Tyler lost his mom and sister to a killer. This killer is now after Tyler, and his father is still missing. What will Tyler do when the nightmare of his past resurfaces? Read more to find out
"Walt..." I looked at him, my hand trailed his chest. I was biting my lip, I need him. It felt like I need him to make me forget. It felt like a familiar thing to do. But I still wasn't sure that he wanted us to happen the way it was intended to. But then he cupped my jaw and kissed me. His lips touched mine, his facial hair tickled my face softly. I was opening my lips, as his thumb stroked my cheek. "You need to stop me, Flo, we shouldn't be doing this." He whispered hoarsely in my ear. ****** Flo was abused and misused by her parents because of her ability to see the future and see the dead. Until one day she runs away and finds herself in Walter's protection. She had all the right feelings for him, but he kept pushing her away until she finally left. Then he realized that he needed her more than he knew. ***** Walter had been let down by the universe over and over again. He had to rebuild himself from his lowest moments several times already. He was trying to be strong, and he was finally h
Sometimes seduction is not as simple as you might think. I've been running from Jared ever since I escaped CORE. They partnered me with him for years. Now he's shown up to make me disappear. If only that'd been all he'd intended for me... He was a machine. A ruthless trained killer with an expertise in torture and seduction. A dangerous mix, I thought. I'd loved him once but soon realized that he was a sociopath. Incapable of real emotion. Exceptionally skilled in making others suffer. When I'd escaped CORE, I'd escaped him. Or so I'd hoped. But Jared is an expert hunter. An optimal predator. And I've become his favorite prey.
(Warning: Has a lot of R-18 adult content and intended only for the mature audiences! Read at your own risk.) Mia, a 21st-century 18-year-old open-minded girl, goes on a vacation to a remote island with her friends, Agnes, Harry, Scarlett, Daisy, Rusty, and Scrooge. There she encounters memories of her previous life, and they haunt her throughout the vacation. The country they chose happened to be Agnes’s birthplace. Suddenly, something strange starts to happen to them, and they begin to wonder if Agnes, they all knew, was the same simple-minded person or did she join their gang with the ultimate motive. Will Mia and her friends ever come out of the island and carry on with their daily routine as if nothing happened. Or will they be stuck on that island forever?
Xander as been a single father for a few years with a young son who his still struggling with traumas from the past, and it’s only when they meet Mila, that everything shift, and the little boy makes a request a father cannot refuse that will lead them on a path filled with joy, fear and horror as the house have one more resident hidden in the shadows, and Mila is not welcomed.
One of the scariest things in the world is not knowing who you should trust and not knowing who your enemies are. Selina stared at her friend confusingly while still feeling cold on her hands and feet. "We spend much time together ever since she recovered from the comatose, but...there are split moments during those times when I felt like I was with someone I do not know."
Jon Aster came to the island of Orsica at the request of a wealthy client. Little did he know that he was about to unleash an evil force intent on returning to the mainland to spread malice in an unknowing world. It was the vampire Dante, thought to have been destroyed a century ago, but who had instead recovered his strength and waited for the opportune time to exact revenge on his enemies. The time had come and Dante's long wait had come to an end.
London, a city where things beyond the things out of human explanation occured, this is where the extra ordinary happened on a day to day basis. A man goes in search for the truth and seeking answers to all his unanswered questions by taking a challenge to complete a haunted house but he had no idea what he was getting himself into...
She can see numbers; She can tell your demise. It was her secret and she was going to take it to her grave; But then, she met HIM. The boy without numbers! And everything changed.
Knock Knock! Knock Knock! Who's there? Would you really like to know? A Gothic short story for all those interested.
"Would you like to hear a horror story?" *This story is a work of fiction created from the author's imagination and has no connection to real individuals in any way.*
This story revolves around 6 characters. It is based on one incident which makes the life of our hero Shenoy into jeopardy. This story reveals what happened to him and how he will come out of the problem.
Yoyong is a place which finds mention in folklore as the hotbed of black magic and sorcery. A group of youths who have joined the Veerbhadra Institute of Physical Training in Soanpur decide to visit its many places of religious and historical significance along with the Yoyong Central Museum of Culture, Mythology and Sorcery. As they sat for lunch after finishing a guided tour of the museum, a conversation that they overheard fueled the desire to seek an audience with Dinesh Bez, a master sorcerer and an astrologer. Overjoyed at getting their future predicted by the Bez, they left with contentment writ large on their faces. But their joy was short-lived. Bhaskar is found dead in the morning and Piyush is nowhere to be seen. The needle of suspicion points in the direction of the latter. But is there something more to it than meets the eye? Because a few days later, Police recover a body that they be believe is of Piyush.
Life can be cruel, that’s one thing Raven Miller knows for sure. Born to an abusive mother, Raven knew only a life of war. (You take what you want, to protect those you love.) That was why she killed her mother, ran off to become a nurse where she met a man (a soldier dying of cancer) who bore a remarkable resemblance to her father. And when she found out that man had a cheating wife, Raven took it upon herself to kill the woman and cut out her child. (Which Raven kept as her own and named Lola.) Teamed with a terrorist named Annie Sugarland, Raven and the now toddler age Lola travel the country fighting injustice. This included rescuing, Bobby, a man who may or may not be Raven’s long-lost half-brother. This is until they are caught by a team of angels because someone of a higher power wanted Raven to pay for her crimes. Separated from her family, Raven contacts Bobby through the realm of dreams. Their connection allows Raven to see into the past, present, and future; she can rebuild her past, regain the lo
As a boy, Jerry didn't grow up with much so when Jerry grew up he wanted to give to those without anonymously, but when his secret gets out, Jerry's secret is in danger from his ex-wife as she's released from prison. Will Jerry be able to protect his wife, Sarah from his ex-wife's dangerous game?
A plague sweeps the world and the dead are rising. Those that remain struggle to survive as society collapses around them.
Ellie Parkon, a seemingly ordinary teenage girl is tormented by nightmares about a particular castle since childhood. In the nightmares, she finds herself walking across a pitch-black forest in freezing weather and the nightmare ends after the castle is seen. On reaching her eighteenth birthday, the nightmares become more frequent along with the appearance of a repulsive hooded figure who seems to be following her, and in turn, causes her loved ones to fall into grave peril. Moreover, Ellie discovers miraculous abilities and powers which she utilizes in an attempt to protect her loved ones agat the forces of evil. Eventually, she goes on a road trip with her friends, Alex, Judy, and Matt to a forest, where the castle that has been appearing in her nightmares nearly her whole life emerges. Upon entering the creepy place, she unravels dark and groovy secrets about the place which provide her with a link to the nightmares, the hooded creature as well as her horrifying past.
Aarav is an orphan boy who lives in Delhi . He is passionate about writing and dreams of becoming a bestselling author one day. One day he meets Rihana and they fall madly in love. Now, Aarav dream becomes Rihana dream. But despite their best efforts, no publisher agrees to publish his novel. Finally Mr. Bajaj of Bajaj Publication sets a condition that the day Aarav become famous, he will print his novel. To realize Rihana dream and become a bestselling author, Aarav crosses all limits of craziness. Read less
Yoyong is a place which finds mention in folklore as the hotbed of black magic and sorcery. A group of youths who have joined the Veerbhadra Institute of Physical Training in Soanpur decide to visit its many places of religious and historical significance along with the Yoyong Central Museum of Culture, Mythology and Sorcery. As they sat for lunch after finishing a guided tour of the museum, a conversation that they overheard fueled the desire to seek an audience with Dinesh Bez, a master sorcerer and an astrologer. Overjoyed at getting their future predicted by the Bez, they left with contentment writ large on their faces. But their joy was short-lived. Bhaskar is found dead in the morning and Piyush is nowhere to be seen. The needle of suspicion points in the direction of the latter. But is there something more to it than meets the eye? Because a few days later, Police recover a body that they be believe is of Piyush.
Follow Lydia as she learns the real dangers of peer pressure. Battling it and the facing the monster killing off her people everyday. Plucking them off like feathers and leaving their gnawed on remains in the fields.
The Supernatural Outsiders is an anthological collection of mythical and fantastic tales from fictional and known worlds, with themes from cyberpunk to gothic horror and fantasy. The main story focuses on Brander Crow a supernatural detective plagued by his preternatural ability to perceive things outside the human plane, no longer able to ignore his comprehension of the supernatural entities, he ventures around the world to protect others from malignant beings.
No one could remember how that day even started but everyone knew how it ended. The day known to the people of Earth as Judgement Day, the day that ended, changed and started, the lives of many people. The day the apocalypse came. The skies burnt a fiery red and the Earth fell into an array of mass chaos as visitors from the heavens rained hellfire upon our blue planet. When the first wave hit, mega-cities turned into ground zero as the invaders struck the heavily populated areas quickly and swiftly, exterminating as many people as they could before any proper response could be made, and by the time anyone could evacuate, there was too little of ‘anyone’ left. Earth’s greatest nations couldn’t do anything as their defense and early warning systems hadn’t been able to detect the approaching threat until it was already too late. Millions upon millions of human lives were snuffed from existence and yet all people could do was watch on or run away as the end of the world as they knew it, fell from the heave
I woke up the next morning in my bed with Anthony's hand draped on waist. "Anthony?" I shook his shoulder lightly. He looked so peaceful, so handsome. Every time I see him back for the holidays it seemed that he gets taller, more built, and more handsome. Slowly he opened his eyes and smiled at me. He's so handsome. "Morning Lilian, sorry about crashing here." He seated himself on the headboard...naked from the waist up. Ripples of chest muscles and abs suddenly aligned to my face. I blushed at the sight. He smirked looking amused at me. ********** Her mother had passed away, and her father abandoned her in front of the orphanage because she was different. She was being bullied by other orphans because she could see dead beings. Until one day she was adopted by a couple that loved her until their tragic accident. When her stepbrother came back to take care of her, he actually felt something for her. What will he do with that realization and will he help her with all her fears?