Monday was my birthday. 21. Since I already had my party, I chose to spent the day attending my college classes and then have a little get-together with Nina, two other friends, my brother and well, Joanna. Jake was certainly surprised when I asked him to invite her. I tried to make it sound casual like "you can invite Joanna if YOU want". Truth is: I really want her to come.

Maybe Jake kind of suspected something was up, maybe he even realized I had a crush, but he invited Joanna to my birthday.

"Happy Birthday" I heard behind me. I turned around to see Joanna standing there. I obviously knew she attended this college but usually she is in a different building complex...this can only mean one thing: She came to look for me! My heart skipped a beat.

"Thanks" I said, unsure what to do. I couldn't even look her in the eye. She was wearing a yellow top, definietly her color, makes her eyes stand out more. She hugged me. I stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. I put my arm around her, my hand lingering loosely on her back.

" Can't believe Jakes little sis is 21" She winked at me. God, what this girl does to me.

She leaned down and kissed me on the cheek quickly. "I gotta go, see you tonight" She smiled, and waved before walking away. She left me speechless right there. And blushing madly.

I don't know when I have last put this much effort into getting ready. Must have been a long while ago. I had tried on a few different dresses and shirts and I did not like a single one. In the end I chose a black top and a red skirt, one of my favourite "simple party outfits".

All the drinks were set up, as well as some left over snacks from the party. My parents were out with friends, probably wouldn't be home until later. 

Jo was the last one to arrive. She hugged me, like everyone else and wished me a happy birthday, again. She brought me a small gift, wrapped in a wrapping paper with lots of little hearts and kissy lips. "We did not have any other in store" She said and winked at me, seemed to be her thing to do so. Well not that she did ever before lately. Or with anyone else really. 

I unwrapped it to find a small cosmetic set of a lipgloss, a nail polish and a small parfum bottle in the same design. Nice, but simple and not too personally. Obvious choice of a gift. Still it's so nice and thoughtfull that she got me something and something lovely too.

The evening was very entertaining. We had a lot of fun in the group. All the girls and then Jake. We chatted about all things college, boys (and girls), events happening soon and being 21.

I saw Joanna in a different light. Not physically, I am sure I made that clear enough in the past chapters. No, her personality as well. She was funny, the little remarks she made got not only me but everyone laughing. And she was nice to everyone, I did not at all get the "I am better than you all" vibes that I had gotten from her so often in the past. Maybe it was more in my head, my mind confirming to me that I dislike her and she is annoying when the only reason for that was some middle/high school drama.

At the very end almost everyone has left, only Jo was still there. I am kind of used to her being over a lot, but usually she is with Jake in his room, not in the living room with me and him.

"I better get going soon" Joanna said. "Yeah, I am sleepy." Jake said, he got up, hugged Joanna and said good-bye to her. He'd see her tomorrow in college anyways.

"Should I help you bring all the gifts upstairs" Jo offered to which I responded yes It's not that I couldn't do it, since she offered I might as well take her up on it. We carried the things to my room. I am sure she had seen it before, she has been over so much.

"I have always liked your wallpaper" She stated. "Thanks" I said, genuinely appreciating the compliment.

She looked around my room a little longer, me standing behind her, not knowing what to say.

Joanna turned around to face me and took a step towards me. My heart picked up on speed.

"Thanks for coming" I said awkwardly. I did not know what to say or do. She was leaning so close to my face, we were super close to kissing. If I leaned a couple inches forward, our lips were touching. It's like she is teasing me on purpose. "I am kind of surprised you wanted me there" She said. Open and honest, that's her. "Well uhm of course I do" I stummered. I could smell her scent. Why doesn't she take a step back. I couldn't, I was already pressed against the wall.

"Of course you do? You never liked me at all!" She spoke out the truth. "It seemed like ever since the party you have been a lot nicer to me" She stated. Another fact. I hope she did not connect the dots though. "I wonder what at the party it was that made you like me". She knew. She must have known how much I liked her after this kiss at the party.

"It seems like maybe, just maybe, a kiss changed a lot" She inched even closer. I didn't say anything, I did not feel like I would manage to get any words out. What should I say?

I was blushing hardcore and my heart was beating out of my chest. How come she can read me so well? And why. why is she teasing me so much. With her left hand she reached for the wall behind me, leaving even less space between us. I could feel her hovering over me. "You are pretty quite" She said. "uhm" I stuttered, unsure what to respond. ("yes jo, I have a crush on you...I want you..." I couldn't have said that, could I?)

Then she did the one thing I did not expect her to actually do. She closed the gap between us.

Her left hand now softly against the side of my face, pulling my head into the kiss slightly. Her other hand was on my cheek, playing with my baby hair. Our lips were on each others, she had slipped her tongue into my mouth, not stopping to kiss me.

Dare I say this kiss was even better than the last.

It lasted longer too. At first I was a little unsure what to do, where to put my hands and how to kiss her back, but I managed well and we did not stop for a long, long time.

If I had any doubts if I really fell for Jo kissing me, I certainly did.

Next chapter