Chapter 9


"What about you, Kath?" Jessie asked, "Do you like Daniel?"

I smiled when I remembered Daniel again, "The first time I met him, I wanted him.
I just don't know why every time I stare at him, it was like there's electricity flowing through my system."

I closed my ears when they suddenly screamed with great excitement, "OMG!
You two are really good! There is a spark!"

Is that still a trend now? Anyway, I know in myself that I'm falling for him too. I am in love!"

"I knew it!
There's something between you two! Is he courting you now?" I shook my head. He hasn't courted me yet, he hasn't even admitted if he likes me.

Suddenly Princess put her arms around me and pointed out where Daniel, Rick, and others I didn't know stood, "If he were to date you now, would he have any chance?

"Yes," I answered directly and looked at them with a wide smile, "Actually, I thought about it.
If he ever wants to date me, I'll answer him right away. Because I feel like he's the one for me."

I'll ship with you two! I'm sure you two will be happy, in the future."

" I saw Daniel approaching us, "Are you done eating?"

"Yes, I'm done.
The three of us are just talking some stuff."

Girls, I'll borrow Kath now, okay?

"Of course!
We don't have a problem with that!"

" he immediately pulled me. Of course, I didn't hold back! I also like it, "We're in Rick's garden! It's a beautiful view there."

"Okay, it's so nice.

We headed to their garden and I was amazed to the extent!
The flowers and plants they have are beautiful, especially and fit the mini-fountain. You know that gardening is my favorite, right? It's not just that you have so many flowers at home.

He made me sit on the bench and he immediately sat down next to me.
It's kind of awkward because he always looks at me, "Uhh, Kath?"

I turned to him and smiled, "Hmm?
What's that?"

"I just wanted to ask you something," I don't know but I was suddenly nervous at what he said.
Is this it, Lord? Will he confess to me now? OMG! I'm not ready!

"W-what are you going to ask?
" I immediately straightened my hair while still staring at him.

He was very scratchy on the back of his neck and avoided looking, "W-why are your siblings like that to me?
I mean, it seems like they are very angry with me and they did that to me before like in my wallet or my hair. Did I do something wrong?"

Just as I thought he would ask this.
I was a bit disappointed because I thought it was that time but it wasn't.

"I'm sorry.
They're really like that, especially to guys who are close to me. They've been doing this for a long time but I understand them. They just really don't want to hurt me again."

What do you mean about again?"

"Well, I used to have a boyfriend.
He was my first boyfriend, though I only had one and I was just sixteen years old back then."

I saw him listening to me, "Then?
What happened after that?"

"He cheated on me.
He was ahead of me for three years and at that time our dad was just about to die. I couldn't stand it very well so I neglected them for almost a few months. From then on, they didn't want me to have a boyfriend. They don't want for me to be hurt."

"That makes sense, I think I understand them, too, but I won't hurt you, Kath," I turned to him when he said that, "I mean, I-I'm not like them.

I just sighed, "Besides, do you know that I just made this a challenge of my life while I was still looking for the person for me," I said even though I knew he was the one for me, I feel like he's the one, "If the man passes my siblings, he's the one for me.
Or not, if the man passes my siblings' behavior, it's better."

Is that so?"

Because I also don't want to have a relationship with a man who won't accept my family. It's also as if you don't accept your personality. You know the quote, 'if the guy doesn't like the family, then it's over."

"Of course.
But isn't that the other way around? It should be 'if the family doesn't like the guy, then it's over."

"Yes, but in my case, I prefer my version.
All the men I met just looked at them for the first time, then they surrendered. They keep on running away. Hays, will someone still love me?"

"Of course, there is.
That's me," my eyes widened and I thought he was just joking but he immediately grabbed my hands, "You know, when I first saw you I was so attracted to you. I've never experienced it before. I just thought of a woman as a friend or a threat, but when I got to know you, it changes my perspective."

" OMG! Is that it?!

"What Camille said before was true that I never thought she saw and noticed me.
Even in class, I made a mistake for a purpose and offered you to tutor me. I did that just to get to know you and your family better even though you said the habit of your siblings."

I didn’t know what to say to him when he in turn touched my cheeks and looked me in the eyes and I could see the twinkle in his eyes that he was telling the truth, “I have never experienced in all my life.
It's different, I didn't crush you, but I feel deeper for you. I'm in love with you. In the few weeks I've been with you, I don't want anything but for you to be mine and be accepted by your siblings," he said and he sighed, "C-can I court you?"

"I can't," I replied to him and I could see that his shoulders had dropped.

"Why not?
" he asked in astonishment, "Is it because of your siblings? In that case, I'm fine with whatever they do as long as I'm with you! I know and I see that they are kind, that's all.

"You don't have to court," I said and looked him in the eyes, "Because I will be your forever.

He was silent and even slightly stiffened in his seat and didn't seem to understand what I said, "W-what was that you're saying?
Wait. Are you serious about it?"

"Yes, I am serious," I said with a laugh, "I can't afford to lose you, Daniel John Elizalde.
Even if my brothers and sisters wouldn't be happy about this, I won't give up on you because I'm sure about how I feel and I love you so much."

He suddenly hugged me tightly, "You didn't know how much you have made me happy right now.
I promise that I will never leave you. Even if your siblings wouldn't like me about this, I will make sure that time comes that everything will be perfect."

He lets go of the hug and just caressed my face.
He grabbed my chin and was about to bring his face closer to mine when our friends suddenly burst into cheers.

That's why the two disappeared because they were just hanging out!" Rick suddenly shouted and Daniel was about to hit him on his shoulders but he suddenly ran and escaped.

"Wow, Captain!
Is this for real?" John, one of their basketball teammates, asked.

"Of course, the both of them love each other," Princess commented as she wrapped her hand around her boyfriend, Earl.

"Congrats, Captain!
We thought you were going to grow old but only Kath can change you."

"You're crazy, bro!
Of course, I don't like those women so I don't care about them I'm happy that Kath came into my life," and he put her arm around me, "Come on, let's eat again. It's celebration time!"

I went home right after midnight and I caught up with mommy but my siblings were already asleep.
I also told her about my relationship with Daniel and she had no problem. She was happy as per her, I now had a boyfriend which she knew that is the one for me.


As soon as I woke up the next day, I immediately took a shower and got dressed. I took my expensive perfume and put it on myself. I need to be handsome on my first date with Kath today.

It's Saturday and I just invited Kath to have breakfast with me at McDonald's Downtown.
I will even pick her up at their house and get some flowers for her as well.

After I got dressed, I immediately left my room and continued to go.
I spotted my dad at the dining who is busy with his coffee and checked on his phone, "Good morning dad!" I greeted him warmly and I immediately got his attention.

He immediately frowned when he saw me fully dressed.
Well, it's his first time seeing me early on Saturdays, "Hey! Wait a minute. Why are you so early this morning? It's Saturday, in case you forgot. For the first time, you woke up so early. What is happening in the world today?"

I heard my mom laugh from the kitchen, "Oh my gosh, hon!
Our son is just impressing his girlfriend."

Both of my parents knew that about Kath, they knew that she is my girlfriend since I told them about her.
They didn't object to it. They were very happy because it was my first time having a girlfriend.

"Oh, of course!
All right, get dressed, and maybe your girlfriend is bored waiting for you and maybe she'll change her mind about you," Daddy joked and I immediately looked at him, "Just kidding son! All right, go away."

Funny, dad! I'm leaving," I just said that and left the house immediately. 


I got out of my room with my comfortable top, pants, and sneakers on. I grabbed my sling bag and put perfume on my body.

"Why are you up so early today, Kath?
" Rafael suddenly asked as he was watching with my other siblings.

"Will you go on a walk or go to the mall?
Can we come with you?" Jeremy asked.

"Don't go with your sister because you won't fit in.
She has plans with her boyfriend," I heard mom talk from behind me as I saw her busy cooking in the kitchen.

"Ah, it's with - WHAT?!
Boyfriend?!" Nicole exclaimed in shock and as well as all of my siblings seemed to stiffen in their seats while still awake.

"But Kath!

What's with the 'why'?"

"Why did you agree on dating Daniel?

"Why do I agree?
It's because I love him so much and I know in myself that he is the man destined for me."

"But, Kath! We don't like him for you," Camille said while folding her arms.

"Well, I don't care if you don't like him.
Is that a problem? Besides, you're probably not his girlfriend, are you? Anyway, I don't want to repeat your silly and bratty antics. Do you understand me?"

"We just don't want him.

I approached them all and knelt to match them all, "Can you please tell me why you don't like him?
What did he do to you to make you look like that?"

"We don't like him, because - what is it?" it looks like they are still thinking of an alibi so I just close my eyes and then stand up.

"I hope that if you don't like someone, you have a good reason why," I looked out of the window when I heard someone blow the horn, "Ok.
That's him. I'll leave you here, okay?"

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