Chapter 21 Political Talk 55-59


A large number of Americans tweeted and revealed that they had won a new crown long ago

More than 1000 users on twitter said they or their family members and friends had been infected with the new crown virus in December 2019 or even earlier.

“Novel coronavirus pneumonia was confirmed by my wife and doctors in October 1, 2019.” A Washington resident named Jamie katenhofen tweeted on December 22, 2020.

In November 2020, researchers at the National Cancer Institute in Milan, Italy, published a paper in the Journal of oncology that they detected blood samples from 959 volunteers who participated in lung cancer screening tests from September 2019 to March 2020. It was found that there were specific receptor binding domain (RBD) specific antibodies in COVID-19 blood samples from 111 volunteers. The earliest samples were collected in the first week of October 2019, suggesting that they were probably infected with COVID-19 in September 2019.

“wordofgod” 2 13. Therefore, in 2019, the end of the world (the end) comes. Ge Yimin is the king of God, ending the rule of foreigners and establishing the kingdom of God (Communist society).

15. From 2019 to 2033, mankind will become happier and happier, and the world will gradually become one.

In early October 2019, Ge Yimin became a God.

November 26, 2033, world Datong( Visions (v. 29)

Annex: (III) source of doomsday prediction in 2019: Ge Yimin was first published on the Internet Forum in August 2001.

56. Zhulian nine and Zhulian one

In ancient times, we all felt wrong and barbaric. Fortunately, the times have improved and we are in the era of civilization.

Is modern really civilized?

The children of the rich in the land in the past, needless to say. Today, you commit a crime, so-called having a criminal record, and publicly make it clear that your children are affected by their work, joining the army and joining the party. I call it Zhulian.

The United States, which is known as freedom, democracy and human rights, believes that you are guilty of his crime and publicly makes it clear that your spouse’s and children’s visas are affected.

I didn’t see anyone criticizing the Zhulian clan. It seems that everyone takes it for granted, just as the ancient people took it for granted that this is to let you not commit the crimes he thinks. However, the ancient emperor also thought so.

Less company is indeed progress, but is it OK? Why not connect? After all, the people involved are innocent.

The real civilization is that one person acts as one person, one person commits a crime and one person is punished accordingly, and innocent spouses and children should not be affected.

Today, we of Zhulian people laugh at the ancient nine Zhulian people, and the future people will laugh at us of Zhulian people. May this day come as soon as possible.

57. The Internationale and the Bible have one thing in common

When the composition of the international song was completed in 1888, revolutionaries of all dynasties sang: “this is the last struggle”, and when singing, they believed that he sang it was the last struggle, “intner schunner must be realized!

But generations of revolutionaries have died, and today’s revolutionaries are still singing: “this is the last struggle”, and believe that now is the last struggle, “intner schunner must be realized!

The Bible was written at the beginning of A.D. 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and after that, we who live and remain will be lifted up with them into the cloud and meet the Lord in the air. In this way, we will be with the Lord forever.

The saints of all ages read this passage and believed that Jesus would come again in his lifetime, and he could be mentioned as king with the Lord alive.

But generations of saints have died. Today’s saints are still reading this Scripture and believe that Jesus will come again in his lifetime. He can be mentioned as king with the Lord alive.

58. Material does not die out! What about me?

In chemistry, we read “the law of the immortality of matter”, and in physics, we read “the immortality of ability”. Everything in the universe goes round and round, winter and spring come and go round and round. Although materials and capabilities have changed, they have not disappeared. Up to now, the quantity of all materials in the world has increased a little and has not decreased at all. Will a man who is the spirit of all things end as soon as he dies? Is there no “me”?

In the consciousness of every human being, there is a self-consciousness of “I”. Because of the existence of “I”, we draw a line between ourselves and others. “I” is also the most important word in daily conversation. “I” is also the center of the world’s life, because everyone has an “I”, and the collision between “I” and “I” has become the main cause of various problems in human society. So what is “I”? Who is “I”? Where is this “I”? Physiologically speaking, “I” is composed of head, trunk, limbs, flesh and blood and internal organs. In chemistry, “I” is caused by more than ten chemical elements, such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium, etc. From the perspective of economics, if a pig dies, it can still be worth a lot of money. If a person dies, no one wants it. For biologists who never believe in the Bible, man is evolved, and “I” is just one of the animals, a little smarter than cattle, horses and pigs.

However, the reason why “I” is “I” is by no means so simple. Although parents give birth to “I”, they do not create “I”. Otherwise, why are the children born to the same parents different in thought, temperament and destiny? Although the world is big, we can’t find two “me”, body and mind. Everything is the same as “I”.

“I” have a body, but the body can never represent the real “I”. The body is just the body of “I”. The true self is my life. A person’s true self should be observed from his words, deeds and character. Although a person saws off his hands and feet, his “me” is still the same. According to physiologists, the metabolism of the body changes every seven years, so seven years later, my body is definitely not my body seven years ago, but the “I” constituting this spirit is still the same “I” at the age of five and at the age of seven or 80. It can be seen that this “I” consciousness must have a constant foundation in me. Obviously, “I” is not material, “I” is beyond material, and material can change, “I” is still the original “I”. Apart from the body, if there is no soul, it can not explain the origin of this “I”.

Everyone has conscience, reason, religious concept and the desire for eternal life, which is the evidence that people have a soul. The Ecclesiastes say: “God places eternal life in the hearts of the world”.

Yes, we can’t catch the soul, but we can detect the manifestation of the soul, that is, noble virtue, great self sacrifice, moral and religious concepts, loyalty, friendship, love, faithfulness... All these are abstract. None of them is a feeling that can be produced by material, which can’t be learned by apes. The manifestation of the body, everything is physiological and sensory, so the manifestation of the spirit can not be produced from that part of the body. What is a brain? The brain is just a pile of materials. How can materials have spiritual effects? If the soul is just the brain, then all these unique human characteristics, which exceed the spiritual function of material, become impossible.

59. Dust - original sin - death - atonement - sanctification - eternal life

Almost everyone will wonder sooner or later, what is the purpose of life and who are we? Why are we alive? Why should we die? Is there any survival after death? What is our future? Philosophy and religion were born from this. Victor, a mental health expert, said: “finding the meaning of life is the main driving force in people’s heart. I dare say that nothing in the world can help people through even the worst environments than knowing the meaning of a person’s life.

Is the purpose of life just to work hard to improve your living environment and maintain the livelihood of your family, and then maybe live for 70 or 80 years and die, so it will never exist?

Molecular biologist Denton said: “the simplest type of cell known is also very complex. It is unacceptable to claim that such a thing is suddenly made up of some extremely unlikely abnormal event.” He called Darwin’s belief that organisms are generated by chance “the greatest myth put forward in the 20th century about the process of the universe.

Paul, Professor of physics “We are indeed destined to live in the world. Since the physical universe is formed in such an amazing way, I can’t think it’s just an irrational fact,” Davis said

The Bible, the oldest book of mankind, says, “our Lord, our God, you are worthy of glory, honor and power, because you created all things, and all things were created by your will.” (Revelation 4:11) it is important for us to have a great designer, the idea of the existence of the emperor, because he created us for a reason and purpose. The Lord means “the doer”.

The Bible shows that when God created the earth’s environment, he especially focused on human welfare. Isaiah 45:18 points out that God created the earth “not to make the land desolate, but to make it habitable.” He makes people fully enjoy the joy of life. (Genesis 1 and 2) God said, “we will make man in our image and in our likeness, so that they will rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the livestock of the earth, and all the earth, and all the insects of the earth.” (Genesis 1:26)

“The LORD made man out of the dust of the earth and blew life into his nostrils, and he became a living man with spirit.” (Gen 2:7) God placed the man in the garden of Eden and made him repair and guard. The LORD God said to him, “you may eat the fruit of any tree in the garden, but you shall not eat the fruit of the tree that distinguishes good from evil, for the day you eat it will surely die.“. (Gen 2:15-17)

Why doesn’t God give people the fruit of separating good from evil, because people’s imperfect, imperfect body (from dust, like animals), “the LORD says, since man belongs to flesh, my spirit will not dwell in him forever.” (Gen 6:3) although people have the image of God and vitality (spirit), they can be described as half man and half god. To be truly happy, people need not only physical satisfaction, but also spiritual satisfaction. If you directly give people the fruits of good and evil and the fruits of life in the garden of Eden, people will not be able to grow spirituality and overcome the limitations of the dust body without due trials of suffering. They will be self righteous and fail to realize that all human beings come from God and do not give glory to God. Finally, God’s purpose of creating the world will fail, and people can not enter perfection and find real happiness.

The so-called original sin is rooted in man’s imperfection (from the dusty body). Since God created man as a son, he will not prevent him from distinguishing good from evil for no reason. Man and snake are created by God. The creator certainly knows what the created can do (eat forbidden fruit). Just as man knows what the computer he makes can do, everything is God’s plan, because he is omnipotent, The purpose is to enable people to defeat the body with spirit.

So God lured Adam and Eve through a snake to disobey his orders and secretly eat the fruits of good and evil. Human beings had original sin. “Sin enters the world through one person, and death comes through sin, so death is passed on to everyone, because everyone has committed sin.” (Romans 5:12) God wants people to know how lost it is to leave him.

“The creation of all living beings is subject to the futile situation, not out of voluntariness, but because God has made all living beings subject to this situation. However, there is still hope that all created living beings will be released from the slavery of corruption and enjoy the freedom of the glory of God’s children.” (Romans 8:20, 21)

The LORD sent his son. Jesus was loyal to God. Therefore, Jesus was perfect until the moment of death. He was willing to give his perfect life to God as a ransom to meet God’s just requirements and redeem mankind from the slavery of sin and death. Jesus’ sacrifice opened up the opportunity for all who believed in him to enjoy eternal life. (John 3:16, Romans 3:23, 24)

Jesus: “the Evangelical Church of the kingdom of heaven will preach throughout all the earth where the world believes and bear witness to all nations. At that time, the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14) the LORD said through Haggai the prophet, “I will shake all nations, and the treasures of all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory... The later glory of this house will be greater than the previous glory, and I will give peace in this place.” Treasures are those who serve the LORD with love. New Jerusalem is the spiritual temple of God. God wants people to be sanctified, justified and glorified, and give glory to God, and finally God will get all the glory.

In the “great day of Almighty God”, the Lord will clear away the sins on the earth and build the earth into a paradise. (Revelation 16:14, 16) thus, “the righteous shall have the earth and dwell on it forever.” (Psalm 37:29) what will life be like in paradise? The earth will be full of happy people, and everyone will praise the Creator with one heart and one mind.

Jesus said, “if they continue to absorb knowledge and know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you sent, they can live forever” (John 17:3)

As the day drew near, “I saw another angel (GE Yimin) flying in the air, and there was an eternal gospel to be preached to the people on earth, all nations, all peoples and all peoples. He cried out, fear God and give him glory, for the time of his judgment has come, and worship him who created heaven, earth, sea and springs of water.” (Revelation 14:6, 7)

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