Chapter 6: Why?

Caitlin's P.O.V.

“Okay, when max told me the other night he wanted to make this whole marriage fiasco work I almost believed him because I was clouded by my own desires,  He was the one who wanted to get married. He was the one who wanted to make us work for our baby .

“Well it seems everything is all  about the baby. He nags me to eat, like I don't already know that. I mean am pregnant not disabled, I know he's trying to be nice to me but this whole thing is driving me mad. He's been hovering too much and now it's getting old and annoying.

“He crowds my space, refusing for me to do things the way I want to. He's already destroyed my career by submitting my resignation letter and now I am not used to not doing anything at all I can't believe that I “Caitlin” is just lazing around..

“Am so bored out of my mind, it's like am doing the same thing over and over again. Eating sleeping, eating and sleeping its so fustrating.

“That's it i've had enough of this madness”I thought as I storming out of my room ready for battle. Marching into his study, for the past week he's been working form home. He's like my nagging Nanny sent from hell to chastise me.

“Maximiliano you cannot continue keeping me trapped here, if I continue to stay couped up between this walls I'll go mad”I say as I stormed into his study...

“Am pregnant not handicapped you bastard. Why can't I just go out? Or should I say. Why won't you let me go out? Besides I'm not used to doing nothing. Am a badass and a darn good defense lawyer."I say in a tried tone.

“Besides I should at least Maybe go visit my lawfirm. You submitted my resignation letter just like that, which isn't the proper way I should have left and that means I breached the contract I signed with them."I say as I pace around the room.

“Have been thinking about it and I don't want to stay here anymore, I'm pretty sure I'll go crazy if you come nag me again to sleep more"I say in a haughty tone cringing at how annoying he's been.

“Something then clicked, The room has gone utter silent. Knowing Max he always have some kind of nasty come back, so him not saying a word is totally strange"I thought as I stop pacing and stare at him. That's when I noticed the amused look on his face, his eyes dancing with laughter.

“Its just as you said, she Feisty”An unfamiliar voice says...

“I then stare at the direction of the voice then noticed two strangers sitting in the study with Max.

“Embarrassed and mortified that I had just acted on my emotions rashly without even being aware of my surroundings. “Stupid, Stupid"I muster berating myself as I smile sheepishly.

“Hm... seems I just aired out our dirty laundry didn't I?”I say glaring at Max, who seems to be quite amused. He should have at least warned me.

“Am really sorry gentlemen for interrupting. Seems I'll have to come back later to continue my petition”I say teasing trying to lighten the mood by erasing the fact that I just embarrassed myself infront of this two strange men. Turning to get the hell out of the room.

“No need to apologise dear, we quite enjoyed the show. You don't need to leave either, we were on our way out”The black haired stranger says, as he stands up ready to leave. He looks real handsome tho, with those grey eyes...

“You're right my friend. Let's leave this two love birds shall we?” The second starnger says as he gets up to take his leave too.

“Are all Max business partners this gorgeous? I thought as I glance over the two broad shouldered handsome male with their bronzed golden skin, perfectly shaped brows and quirky lips.

“Its okay really, I can come back to nag him another time”I say politely... Trying to regain my composure as I suddenly felt self conscious about my appearance.

“It was lovely meeting you Ms. Giovanni.”They say as they left the room leaving just me blushing furiously at embarrassing myself and Max who is currently trying to contain his smile. leaving the room.

“Sorry if I ruined your meeting...”I didn't get to finish my statement before Max stood up sauntering slowly to me, and damn does he looks beautiful and precious to eat .

“Stupid hormones”I curse out.

“I was already done, besides I knew you were going to have a “Caitlin outburst” soon enough. So I don't mind at all, don't you feel better now. Instead if keeping things up here”He says as he motions with his hand to his head.

“Caitlin Outburst?”I whisper, confused...

“Am going on a business trip for two days in Japan. Having been pushing it back because I didn't want to leave you all by yourself, are you sure you'll be okay alone?"He asks with a concerned look on his face.

“Am not a child, of course I'll do fine without you. Infact without you around I'll be more than fine”I says smiling sweetly already thinking about roaming free without him watching my every move.

“I know what you're thinking so no am not going to be stupid enough to leave you all by yourself. I've arranged for a security team to watch your moves, so don't think of running away or going out”He says smoothly.

“I need you safe, that way the baby is too, remember what the doctor said the first and second trimester is very sensitive and we don't want to risk a miscarriage. So be extra careful okay?”He says in deep baritone voice...

“There he goes again, it's all about the baby"I thought a bit sadly...

“What's that look on your face? Did I say something wrong again?” He asks again taking me hands in his.

“Does he just see me as some kind of baby machine.”I thought grimacing...

“Caitlin” He says probing...

“Its nothing, I just remembered I'm hungry. I should head into the kitchen” I say wondering how miserable I sound with the stupid visible statement I just made.

“Good luck on your trip to Japan”I say nonchalantly as I walk out of the study baffled why I suddenly feel so cold at his words...

Next day...

“Max left the next morning and I didn't know what to feel. The mansion suddenly feels so empty without him and I grew real bored. Without him not being here, I had no one to argue or bicker with.

“I even tried making conversation with the chef and housekeeper but they seemed all business like and my conversation with them just seems strange.

“They kept telling me how lucky I was, how Max is a good boss and leader. I grew really annoyed, since the bastard left in the care of his paid watch dogs and the word “Escape” is now impossible.

“I then decided to explore the mansion since I've not really given myself time to indulge in it's magnificence. I've been intent on finding faults in the owner and everything he has  but never have I ever taken the time to admire the house itself.

“I mean the whole morning sickness thing was difficult and I was mostly couped up in my room except from the other night we went to that super expensive intalian restaurant I've been indoors all through this "Damn" marriage.

“Our outing did end up in the papers like he wanted. The headlines "The rich tycoon snatched by a Lawyer!

“Yeah, they made it sound like being just a lawyer isn't an occupation. Anyway am considered a thief now, public enemy number one for snatching the 3rd eligible bachelor in the City. The news and tabloids took the news and spread it within seconds...

“They even made some kind of Tv show with his Ex, Silvia Jackson the hot super model he was dating.

“Just watching the program irked me, they spoke about me like am some kind of alien. Asking questions like “Did you know he planned on getting married?

“Why her and not you?

“Anyway I became curious about her after finding out she is his Ex. I checked online about her and found out that they really looked good together the tabloids mentioned them as the “Pur-Fect couple. She's the face of his fashion company, from the looks of things she accompanies him to social functions.

“From her pictures online she looks really gorgeous...My straight hair is nothing compared to Her sleak brown wavy hair.

“Sighing I throw my phone to the side of my bed, sulking.

“I don't really belong in his world!

“I thought grimacing. As I try deviating from that thought. As I step out of my room roaming around remembering Max telling me that this mansion is a family's old house which has been passed down from generation to generation which means it got thick history. As I continued to explore I found out theirs a library. Max renovated the place to install a swimming pool and gym.

“I then go into the library, and as I stepped in I was shocked and stunned at how vast and large it looked.  Each bookshelf is filled with different collection of novels and books. Seems I've found my new favorite place and hiding spot.

“The smell of old books and collection of novels seems to send a thrill down my spine. Being in this part of the house seems to make me giddy, it takes me back in time when I was still in highschool. I was such a nerd obsessed with reading.”I sigh out in bliss as I relax in a cute and comfortable sofa located at the side of the library. I guess this will keep my mind off “You know Who” till he's back picking up a book by one of my favorite writers Nora Robert I the zone out into novel land.

The day of Max's Arrival...

“It seems my stay in the mansion wouldn't be all that bad. I spent my time yesterday in the library  and now it's the second day since max left , I thought he said he would be back by today”I thought pouting as I crashed near a cushion situated near the window overlooking the garden.

“I decided to continue my exploration after yesterday I enjoyed my novel but I was bored out of mind, whenever I was bored and have nothing to do I bake and cook. it relieves me but now I can't even do that because Magnus the Chef draws a line in who enters his kitchen.

“It's already evening, and I grew tired of just sitting and waiting.

“Why the hell am I even waiting for him?”I thought I hated him I mentally ask myself.

“I spent my day today lazily waiting around for Max and also  browsing the internet making research about babies and expecting Mothers.

“Wrapping my arms around my  pelvic protectively against my baby bump which is now the size of a water melon as I smile with a look of content on my face.

“Note I've not done a gender reveal yet but I sure as hell got this hunch that it's going to be a boy. Thankfully my morning sickness has resided finally...

“Deciding to go for a swim I go into my room into the walk in closet, apparently the asshole thinks my clothes won't do so he made sure I had everything I needed especially with my stomach getting bigger.

“He even got me some maternity clothes too...

“Staring at the arrays of brand new clothes arranged in colors all designers and all with brand name. There's Gucci, Parada, Fendi ,Dolce and Gabbana, Roberto Cavalli, Valentino,  Ice Berg, Jean Lou's, Moschino, Christian Dior and many more with bags and shoe mostly expensive jewelries which I don't think am going to wear any time from now although I still need to go baby shopping .

“I then randomly proceed in picking out a simple swim suit. I then put it on standing in front of the mirrors to check if it fits properly, Satisfied with how I looked.

I then grab a robe and towel as I saunter out of my room to the swimming area As I stepped into the pool doing a few laps and relaxing I could see the stars from up here. Which is weird because it's quite hard to see the  stars in the sky in the City.

“The cool air and soft breeze makes the Serene view more peaceful. Swimming some more I decided to take a breather as I

Swim over to the edge of the pool ready to swim out then I heard the voice I've longed and craved for.

“The same voice that sends my heart racing with excitement...

Next chapter