Chapter 5: Bone Melting

Caitlin's P.O.V.

“Okay so me being super nervous right now is normal right?

“I mean after the whole show down with Max this morning who seems to be enjoying himself with this whole ordeal.

“Going out to dinner with him is definitely out of the question. Still yet I find myself currently in his Lamborghini with Cedric his chauffeure driving me to the restaurant to meet up with Max.

“I'm totally freaking out right now and jittery because even if I hate to admit it Max scares the hell out of me. His presence makes me feel so small which is weird. He's the first man that makes me so nervous and just his voice sends shivers down my spine.

“After the artificial insemination I never would have imagined myself getting married. Especially to a jerk and multimillionaire like Max whose surname is too fancy to pronounce. I thought my plan was full proof, I thought if my desire to maneuver my own life and desires were strong then I would accomplish anything. But it seems life has chosen another path for me to walk. One where I won't be opportuned to get what I want. Operation being a single Mother has been ruined because now am the new Ms. Caitlin Mercedes Giovanni .

“If only the sperm didn't get switched in the hospital, maybe things would have been different. Instead of going out for dinner to a fancy restaurant I probably will be at home all snuggled up watching Netflix trying to pass the time as I prepare for court the next day.

“I could feel my heart thudding, just then I remembered when Max said he and his wife had been trying to conceive a child before her tragic death. Who knew that his sperm which had  just been sitting Frozen for years would be switched with the mine.

“Ma'am we've arrived”Cedric says as he step out of the car, rounding the corner to open the car door for me.

“Thank you Cedric. But I think I can handle little task like opening my own doors.”I say smiling at him, as I step out of the car taking my bag with me.

“As we arrived at the restaurant I wasn't actually surprised with his choice of restaurant. They do say rich men do like their toys, he has so many expensive cars, owns expensive resorts and companies, wears the best clothing too. Now he seems to have booked a table in the most lavish and expensive famous intalian restaurant. Which am certainly not comfortable with, I mean what's the difference with the meal we have at home, he already has the world best chef in his kitchen.

“One can never understand the mind of the rich!

“I guess this dress isn't going to waste after all. Thank Goodness I decided to dress for this occasion if not I probably would have sticked out in this sea of glamorously dressed people.

“As I step into the restaurant, a curvy lady dressed smartly approached me.

“How may I help you Ms.”She says giving me that award winning smile .

“Reservation for Mr Maximiliano Giovanni"I say smiling back at her, trying not to be irked at how her hair looks so perfect. While mine is all bunched up in a ponytail. She then leds the way gesturing with her hand as we passed a few tables before we rounded to a very Serene and quiet spot giving a nice view of the window.

As we approach the table, Max pulls out my chair. As I sit down I then sigh out grimacing at the situation I currently find myself in. To the outside world we're just a lovely couple on a romantic date but in reality am just here on his orders. He definitely dosen't look any different from how he looked this morning but still yet in that power suit of his he looks like a perfect Greek God hot and yummy with his brown hair glistening against the light. Just staring at him under the light makes me dizzy. I could my insides curl in excitement and  hot molten gather around my middle. Should I blame my reaction to him on hormones?


“Because theirs no way in hell I will find him attractive in my current state".

“The hostess then came to take our order. My Italian isn't that great so I left Max to order from the menu. He's been sitting quietly with a triumphant smirk on his face it, as the food was delivered I then frown when I notice how much he ordered.

“Don't you think you ordered too much food.”I ask as I stare at the delicious delicacies spread out on the table.

“I didn't just order this food for you, but for our baby. You need to eat to gain more strength to bicker with me. I can't be the one always winning”He says with an amused tone .

“You're an ass” I muster, then digging into my food. Since his  plan is to feed me and make me fat as a house then he need not try hard because day after day I can feel the changes my body undergoes. For example, my boobs are heavy and sensitive to touch, and they magically have become large and incredibly soft.

“My stomach taking a slight curve as my baby bump begins to form, while my hips seems to  feel out in way I never knew was possible. Being pregnant is the most beautiful flower ever, it doesn't blossom all season but it's a flower that has to do with the  birth and life cyle.

"I then focus on my food and thoughts refusing to look at him. Because if I do look at him in the eye am not sure I have the will power look away from those haunting and tempting eyes that seems to call to me. Just sitting this close to him such proximity, sends my mind on fire. I can't even think straight and my bones seems to turn to better.

“Tesoro Mio" he says with his deep, sexy husxy voice with his italian ascent more pronounced

“I smiled tightly at him, keeping my face neutral which is not actually the case because right now hearing him saying those words is like him adding fuel to fire.

“At this point I think am literally going to piss myself. The anxiety and thickness of the atmosphere in the room between us seems to thicken. Hell and damnation am seriously attracted to him, my bones are seriously melting and turning putty.

“Don't Fall, Don't Fall”I whisper as I try to control my self and emotions. Me drooling over him will just give him the kind of  satisfaction he's been looking for,  and I probably will become one of the many women he's beded.

“Woman up Caitlin, don't be a slave to your emotions”I thought as I pray silently. Am a successful independent woman for God sake , I've lived well for the past few years without anyone ordering my meals or looking after me.

“The hostess then comes to clear up our plates after eating, serving desert. Boy! It's tasted Divine, I thought the food was great but the desert tastes wonderful I couldn't help but moan out in pleasure as each bite seems to melt softly in my mouth. Suddenly I felt Max stiffen in his seat, I then sent him a look inquiring if his okay. Considering how frigid he's suddenly become but was the met with a surprise, an apparent look of want and desire glints off his eyes.

“I could feel it then, the air changed it suddenly feels hot and at the same time cold. My nipples hardened under his gaze.

“I think we should order more desert” He says tightly with his eyes hooded and his Iris dark with desire.

“Sure”I whisper trying not to sound odd clearing my throat.

“By the end of the night, as we take ur leave from the restaurant. I could feel my body sag in relief, am currently emotionally drained and tired. Let's also chip uncomfortable because of the sexual tension, my whole body is still wound up in knots.

“As we arrived home, I hurry out of the car trying to create as much distance as possible. Bidding him a good night as I hurry off into my room. Thanking the Gods for separate rooms, I rush up the stairs and notice he was walking behind me silently.

“I decided not to say a word either walking a little faster to escape this awkward silence . As I  was about to open my bedroom door I felt his hands covering mine on the door knob.

“What?, Still not satisfied”I ask  timidly as my insides quivers.

“No am not”He says huskily as he  draws me closer into his embrace, my back pressed on the door. I could feel the thud of my heartbeat thundering so fat, sweet shivers rolling down my spine as he pulls me into a hug burying his face in the hallow my neck breathing in my scent.

“I could feel my legs go weak”

“You smell so good, Cait like vanilla, and lavender with everything that's heavenly and sweet” He says as his lips hovers just an inch from my skin.

“You're real good with words, but I just used condition on my hair. Nothing special, besides I told you I won't warm your bed”I say slightly nervous trying to sound stern with my words.

“I know, which makes you all the more special.”He says removing his face from my neck and staring deep into my eyes. Has there been a case of anyone dying from too much overload of sexiness.

“If there isn't!

“I probably will make it into Guinness World's Record.

“Do you have to be so strong headed, we can make this work. I  know we started on a wrong foot but can we start over”He says with such intensity as he stares at me with a burning desire in his eyes and also hidden sincerity.

“Before I could utter a word he cups my face with his hands with so much care. I swallowed heavily as I held my breath closing my eyes thinking he's going in for a kiss. But instead he presses a soft reassuring kiss on my forehead murmuring good night before leaving Swiftly.


“I thought my heart would burst just now!

“I hurried rush into my room closing the door behind me, as I throw my bag on the floor pouncing on the bed.

“What just happened?

“I thought he was going to kiss me?”I thought as I stare up the ceiling, suddenly feeling calm now and a bit disappointed.

“Why did he just go for the kiss”I then thought with a sullen look on my face as I touch my lips slowly. Suddenly realizing the henious thought that just crossed my mind, I bolt up right...

“Do I really what him to kiss me?”I whisper, confused ...

“Lord what have I gotten myself into...

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