Chapter 1: Meeting Maximiliano

Caitlin's P.O.V.

Driving into the parking lot of a very high and huge skyscraper which most rich snobbish people call home"No offense but it's just how most of them react.

“I suddenly feel all nervous”I thought as I sigh out resting my head on the steering wheel. If only things had just gone according to plan all this wouldn't be happening to me"I thought feeling all jittery and flustered.

For the very first time in my life, I feel so powerless and tired. This whole situation seems to have slipped out of my control.

“I had an artificial insemination done like a month ago and now   suddenly called out of nowhere by the hospital director telling me they gave me the wrong sperm donor. Where has this ever been done before? I should really sue the hospital how could they do this, after getting inseminated like twice and it never did work. At first I thought something was wrong with me but now it just takes one wrong move, the wrong sperm donor and now am four weeks pregnant.

“Not to sound ungrateful or anything but thrilled. It's like a happy bundle wrapped in a complicated situation.

“Why did this happen?

“Was I too ambitious to want to mother a child myself?I whisper as I try to calm my nerves and the slow feeling of nausea climbing up my throat.

“Just then I heard knocking and turned to see who the person was” It then struck me that I'm still inside my car and someone is knocking on my car window. Damn it I was so lost in my thoughts again, I press a button and the window came down.

“I stare at a guy in corporate black suit with huge muscles from the look of his appearance he must be part of the buildings security detail.

“He then politely asks me to come down from the car with a gruff yet smooth business like voice.

“I just hope things don't get worse from here.”I muster as I grab my handbag and gliding out of the car.

“You can't park here Ms."He says in a deep baritone voice full of authority.

“I know, I'm here for business”I say putting on a professional smile.

“Business? Do you by any chance have an appointment with the boss. If you don't then I'll advise you come by his office tomorrow and set an appointment with him"He Says with a blank look on his face.

“I know and yes I do have an appointment with him, which his why am meeting him here instead of his office ."I say gathering up all my positive energy putting on my work face.

“Okay Ms. follow me."he orders.

“I follow him into a large lobby and into the elevator. He presses a button to the top floor, just then it slides open and when we got to the floor. As I step into the penthouse it felt like a whole different world or Maybe a world of luxury.

From the chandeliers that looks like diamond drops to the sofas, cushions and chairs even the electric fireplace, it all looks so grand and luxurious. A whole lot of money must have been put in just to decorate, it very much looked like a bachelor pad but certainly classy.

“Please sit down, Mr Max will be with you shortly."he says before disappearing into a room, which am guessing is probably the study.

“Thank you"I say trailing off.

“Just then a drop-dead sexy man  steps into the room with his broad shoulders and muscled chest with thick brown hair and chocolate brown eyes, with a face that suits the God of Love Apollo.

“His face shone so bright like the sun with perfectly shaped brows, soft yet hard pink lips. His dark lashes that seems to beckon to me, those Sexy deep and determined eyes with a pointed nose. The strange man looks even more handsome his slacks and loosened tie with his chest open leaving a hint of skin peeking out of his dress shirt giving a glimpse of his broad chest"I could feel myself go all hot and bothered, and my body and ovaries reacting in ways I never knew they could.

My whole body goes on hyper alert, my nipples harden and peaked under his hard but sexy gaze.

Damn it!

“Oh Lord help me, he's like one of those Greek Adonis!

“His body screams perfect sin, perfect crime and perfect passion!

“What the hell is wrong with me?

“I could practically hear my ovaries sing".

Max's P.O.V.

“Well, well,well if it isn't Catlin Mercedes...”I say in an amused tone.

“How do you know my name” She ask in a flustered tone. Her lips so soft and pink, with her slender hands crunched up.

“Yes and hello to you too. Since you already know my name I guess there's no need for the introductions then”She replies sassily with a look of defiance refusing to cave in to the powerful and commanding aura my presence seems to emit.

“Hmm, Feisty! I like that. Since you're quite straight forward then let's get down to business. you said you had something important you want to speak to me about. As you can see am a very busy man, your call seemed so urgent so I had to clear my schedule up for this meeting.”I say swiftly trying not to get distracted by the beautiful sight in front of me.

“I slip my hand into my tailored ironed pants. Trying to look all formal but my eyes couldn't help but trail around her face.

She is so damn pretty and unique with dark auburn hair and those full lucious breast, I could feel the blood rushing through my libido. Just then thoughts of her soft sassily lips wrapped around my cock as I fuck her brains out seems to slam into me as I feel myself go hard.

“Yes Mr Max” she say speaking in a husky yet demure tone taking a deep breath...

“Am pregnant.” She whispers, a word so soft but yet subtle and strong like a huge bomb.

There was a confused pause and silence around the room and especially on my part before it was broken by my laughter,I can't help but find this whole situation so ridiculous.

“Pregnant?”I thought still laughing out loud.

“Oh my god is that the best you could come up with really?”I ask totally amused.

“Do you know how many try to play such dirty tricks over and over again just because of my wealth. Besides if I did have sex with you I would remember your face. Just when I thought I had seen it all”I muster as I sit back on one of the sofas relaxed and smirking.

“Okay look, Max or whatever your name is. I don't know you and I don't want to. The only reason why I came here today is to tell you that you are the father of the baby am carrying."she says with a serious look on her face and a deathly tone that screams don't fucking mess with me.

“Am a lawyer and am not playing any dirty tricks. I just need you to do two things just listen and then your signature"she says so vehemently.

“What in God's name is she playing at ?and what does she mean by she's carrying my baby"I thought confused. One minute am trying to sort of some issues with the new ongoing project in Singapore and the next this!

This whole thing is confusing, it can't be possible!"I thought to myself . Ever since my wife passed on have not been with another woman never have I ever.

Have spent the past years in grief.

Trying to calm myself, I decided it's best I listen. That's what a smart business man would do, and as a man who is a tyrant in business just like me it's best I don't act hastily.

“Okay Catlin, you've caught my attention. Sit and let's talk about this slowly."I say with a calm tone, the poor girl looks like she will pass out anytime from now with the way her face keeps losing color.

She breathes in a deep long breath, her face taking on yet another pale colour before talking ,I could see the panicked look on her face .

In the hospital where I got inseminated they told me they gave me the wrong sperm and that sperm is yours"she says a little bit too softly.

“How is that even possible?”I breath out.

Well my wife and I always wanted a child but Vivian couldn't give birth and we went to the hospital to try the same thing you did ,but still yet she couldn't conceive with my sperm."I say with that same burning ache returning, the absence of a child during my marriage with Vivian drove her to her death. I could say we weren't doing too fine infact we were drawing close and on the verge of divorcing but Vivian thought maybe a child could bring and rekindle the old flame we had in our marriage. So I had no choice but to agree with her not knowing that her discovering that she can't have children will be the end of her life.”I say softly, just remembering those shards of memories seems to make my heart ache.

“Well am sorry about your wife. But it seems the hospital never disposed your sperm but instead kept it and now there's been a mix up and now am pregnant with your child because I was inseminated with your sperm" she says out of frustration drawing me out of my little world as I notice the strain of fatigue on her face.

Judging from the power-suit and heels it seems she came straight from the court house to see me. When she made an appointment for this meeting I had my security details run a background check on her and she's a lawyer who works at one of the very best law firm in NYC.

If what she says is true given the circumstances and knowing she wouldn't just say anything to trick me, then this must be a chance given to me.

“So am going to be a Father?I say ...

“New found joy, love begin to flow through me, but a bit skeptical. I can't help being confused and happy at the same time”.

“Yes you are"she says witfully.

“It's a happy feeling but just don't get too excited. First thing is first I need you to sign this papers which states that you are giving up your rights to this child"she says with her no nonsense business look on.


What the hell are you talking about?I say My mind whirling in confusion.

I just found out that you are with my child and now you are telling me to give up my right as a father to give up my own child the hell I would." I say angrily.

“Do you think I'll let you go just like that, you barge in here seeking audience to tell me am going to be a father just to clear your conscience and now you expect me to sign away my child. This is insulting, you've taken things too far. You just crawled into the lion's den, seems you don't know who I am or do you?"I say confidently as I smirked arrogantly.

“You Know have never met a woman as strong-headed and stubborn as you. Even if it means cutting through the gates of hell am damn keeping that child if it's mine. So sorry to disappoint you because I can't sign whatever that is”I say in an annoyed tone, tearing up the piece of paper.

“I don't understand why you're overreacting. We can both pretend nothing ever happened if you just sign this . Besides do I seem to care who you are. Like I said before I don't want to know who you are or what you are it's not like your Donald trump”.she whispers.

“Well let me tell you, am one of the most famous rich billionaire tycoon who has the largest control and holdings over the shipping, real estate management and hotel companies all around the world and so yes I am that “Max”."I say rapidly

“If you really want me to sign this rubbish with you, then you'll have to deal with all of my lawyers. Considering the ones on standby here are 9 including our legal division and also the lawyers on retainer, I guess you shouldn't be having this talk with me but with them.” I say, upset at how ruffled have become with just a little conversation with her.

“Fuck” She then musters out.

Then everything went black...

“Damn she fainted, I knew she looked too pale.”I say as I caught her from falling over the sofa.

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