Chapter 2: Egotistical Bastard!

Max's P.O.V.

I couldn't help but stare at her beautiful pale face, I just can't believe that am going to be a father, it's so surreal. Who would have thought a fragile yet fiesty woman like Caitlin is pregnant with my child”I thought as I sigh out a breath that sounded more like relief.

“Ever since Vivian's death have buried myself in my work, I feel partly that I failed her. The downfall of our marriage and not being able to bear a child I had decided to bear that burden and it's been eating at me for quiet sometime. But now a sassy brown haired woman waltz into my penthouse demanding I sign away the parental rights of a child that hasn't even been given to birth but was conceived in a lab. Even listening to the sound of it in my head makes it sound so cold-blooded."

“I've let her done all the talking and now it's time for me to put everything under wraps. Have called the hospital director and he's explained everything that happened apologizing that it was his incompetence that caused this whole mess. A part of me wanted to sue the hospital and pull out all of my share in it since am like the largest shareholder in the hospital, but I won't become something in me is kinda glad it did. Now I have a mini me on the way but that doesn't mean I'll be letting them off the hook that easily. But first thing is first my child can be born illegitimate so

I've got to convince Catlin to get married to me before the pregnancy is no more a secret. Pretty sure the reporters will have a Field Trip about this story. The whole staff and hospital has been forced to sign am NDA that way nothing will about this story will affect either me not Caitlin. Besides scandals like this upset board members and drops stock prices can't let that happen now can we?

“The question is will she get married to me, just to take care of the baby properly. Because from the looks of things she seems like one of those independent career women”I thought as I squnit my eyes in concentration trying to find a way to make her accept.

“From the way she brought those documents for me to sign I don't think she would want to have anything to do with me. Which is a first every woman finds any opportunity to latch themselves at me.” I thought grimacing and berating myself at the direction of my thoughts.

“After Catlin fainted I called the family doctor to check how she's doing, and he said the baby and mother are healthy and that the reason she fainted is because of stress and fatigue.

“Juat then I notice the twitch of her eyelids and then it flutters open slowly. She looks disoriented at first but her eyes seems to recognize her surroundings as she strained to get up still weak and wobbly so I moved in and helped her into a better sitting position.

“How are you feeling now, you  still look pale. I say, with a hint of worries. Are all pregnant mother's this pale in their first trimester.

“I feel a bit nausea and woozy

but don't worry I'll live”She says sarcastically.

“Okay, should I get you a glass of water or something else. Juice maybe? I say trying to sound a bit helpful to her present delimma not knowing what else to say given the situation.

“All of a sudden her face turned green at the mention of juice and water then she bolts out of the room dashing into the next room which is the bathroom heading for the toilet as she starts throwing up making gaging sounds.

“Are you okay? I ask from the doorway, not knowing what to do in a situations Iike this.

“Which is a first for me!

“I'm fine I ju...St” she trailed off as she keeps on throwing up.

Finally decided I should quit standing and just staring at her helplessly on the floor. I went in bent beside her near the toilet lifting  her hair from her face, patting her back ever so gently until she was relieved.

“Why don't you wash up, you'll feel a whole a lot better”I says stepping out of the bathroom and I begin to pace around as the tap kept on rushing in a gushing sound and just then it stopped running and I stopped pacing.

She came out and took her bag and said.

“I've got to go, and you don't have to worry about me it was just morning sickness.”She says a bit weakly...

“You know you can't just run off like that, we need to talk. Here come sit”I say as I motion with my hands on her back as I guided her back on the recliner.

Caitlin's P.O.V.

“Am definitely screwed!

Why did I have to inform the baby's father, maybe if I didn't say anything I would be fine”I thought as I sigh out in anger and frustration.

“I must have been stupid to think he would just sign those papers, just like that. And a man as powerful as he is, he's definitely not someone to trifle with”I thought as I groan out.

Hearing him say those simple words sends shivers down my spine.

“Let's talk and I mean now.”He says with a commanding voice

“Okay, what do you want to talk about because am late, and I have to appear in court in about an hour.”I say as I sit into the recliner trying to find a more comfortable position.

“You don't really think I'll let you leave my home looking like this, you look like a leaf that could drop anytime soon and yet you're speaking of appearing in court. Don't worry I canceled all your appointments for today.” He says dryly.

“You did what?

“How dare you interfere in my personal and business life, you were speaking about going too far but you just did the same thing too you bastard!”I say angry that he took it upon himself to meddle in my affairs.

“You look sick, there's no way you would stand even a minute in court . You have to think about our baby”He says with a strong tone.

“Our baby?”I say shocked at how he's really taken everything to the extreme.

“Since when has it been your baby, it's mine. And no one else”I say sounding more upset.

“Well news flash it's my child too. I've already sort things out with the hospital, I can't let my child be born illegitimate so we are getting married.”He says with a blank look on his face.

“What the fuck are you talking about?

“Getting married to whom?

“There's no way in hell am going to marry an egotistical bastard like you. Who the fuck do you think you are? If you think am just going to get hitched because of the baby, well am sorry because I can't do that, we can't do that and even if I considered getting married it's not going to be you!

“Why didn't you conceive a baby like everybody does which is making love or having sex with a man instead of getting inseminated?"He ask with a curious look on his face.

“Thats none of your damn business!

“Well I think it is, since we're already here maybe you should start talking with utmost honesty.”He says .

“Not that it's any of your business but I don't want egotistical bastards like you to run my fucking life.”I scream in a tried tone.

“Don't tell me someone as beautiful as you is a lesbian is that why you don't want to get married? Because that's too bad and you look sexy and can get any man you want.”He says. .

“You imbecile I am not a lesbian, don't you think you're stereotyping too much into this. Just because I don't want to get married doesn't mean am gay”I say.

“Can you just let me go"I say a bit weakly I feel so emotionally drained and mentally stressed right now.

“No as from today you'll live here and we are going to get married end of discussion"He says with determination imprinted on his face. See this is the problem I have with most people who think they can just appear out of nowhere and play God.

“I can't marry you"I say in a fustrated tone

“You're a lawyer and a good attorney at a big law firm and am sure you know this kind of scenarios and how it's definitely going to play out. If this case is taken to court you know am going to definitely win and immediately you give birth I can take this baby away from you.” He then speaks in a professional yet cold time

“You bastard”I say, disgusted at how cruel he could be.

“Cara”, you know I'll win this case with the kind of money I have" He says smirking with an air of arrogance.

“You're one cunning bastard aren't you, fine. You win, just know that I hate you and don't you dare threaten me about taking me child ever again. FYI you're going to be a terrible father”I say dryly as I stare at him with scorn in my eyes. Since have been concerned, I'll have to play along.

“Don't you call me Cara, I have a name. Call me Catlin or cat.” I said not liking the way the words seems to slips through those his delicious sweet lips.

“Agrhhh I mentally face palm myself . He may be handsome but definitely controlling and I don't like it , I rule and control my own life. Me fantazing about seems to just inflat his already big ego.

“Why “Cara”, oops or should I call you Cat.”He says with a real smooth sweet voice knowing the kind of effect it does to me

“I don't like this” I muster with a look of disdain directed at him.

“Oh good, seems color is back in your face. See it works beside it's just an endearment but it seems to do wonders to you”He says his eyes dancing with a mysterious twinkle, taking a step forward towards me .

“Marry me and we can raise this child properly and have equal rights? He says with a look of seriousness on his face .

“Don't you want our baby to have two stable parents, I'd like my child to bear my name I hope you won't deprive our child that”He says with a note serious tone.

“Now he's playing with my Feelings. Jerk!”I thought.

“So what's your answer”He asks

“Fine, I agree to your terms but on one condition”I say tired. He may have me cornered but I can't just give him everything.

“Never going to happen!

“Okay, fire away”He says nonchalantly.

“Just don't expect me to warm your bed, you'll have to get it from one of your bimbos.”I say dryly.

“Agapa mou”, I don't bed anyone who doesn't want my touch. But am pretty sure soon you'll retract those very words" He says in his delectable sweet language .

“Can't you feel this” He says approaching me entwining our hands together. I could my knees going so weak and my ovaries singing.


“You know we have this chemistry, do you want to deny that ." He asks in a sultry voice

“I know am attracted to you and the feeling is mutual but that's why I say we should not be involved" I said clearly stating my thoughts.

Well not all of them tho!

A part of me wants to climb him and worship this body of his but I guess that won't make me any different from all the women he's met!

“If that's what you want, it's fine by me but it's not going to be easy to avoid this" He says as he presses a gentle kiss on my knuckles.

“Trust me when I say, I don't want to get involved with you. We can be friends and simply have a plantonic marriage”I say cheerily.

“Plantonic? Mehhn you're a hard woman” He says groaning with a pained look on his face.

“I know, If you abide by my own terms then I'll agree to marry you.

“Catlin you sure aren't a easy woman"He says as he stands by and scruntizing me.

“I know...

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