Chapter 4: Marriage or Insanity

Caitlin's P.O.V

It's been a week since the incident with Max, that Maniac. He planned everything so quickly and we had a short wedding ceremony in the church which wasn't even a huge event. I wore a short white gown, with my best friend Abella present as a witness to the marriage.

“Normally the age range of teens that dream about finishing college and getting married one-day is quite long. But for someone like me I never once dreamnt of getting married at all. The word “Marriage” isn't in my life dictionary at all, but now it's a different story. Meeting Max seems to ruin all my life plan...

“My plan of being an independent career woman and single Mother is nothing but a dream now. Since am now forcefully weded to him, he now thinks it's his responsibility and duty to boss me around, he really thinks he has control over my life since he has bonded me by marriage.

“Which is so pathetic...

“He fucking sold my house which I spent almost all my savings on. He just sold it without asking me at all if I wanted to sell. Just when I found out and confronted him about it he said this very words“Isn't it pleasant to get rid of things you don't need?”.

“Arghhh.. that jerkass!

“Damn him!

“The murderous urge to strangle him in his sleep keeps growing in me. Am so damn pissed that I want to jump on him and scratch him like a hell cat, but that will have to wait since this whole morning sickness would be the death of me. He's really lucky am feeling miserable right now, if not he'll definitely be sorry for touching my property ."I thought as I grimace.

“I seriously can't choke down anything in my stomach. I easily get disgusted by the smell of anything at all. I can't properly eat but instead I keep on throwing up” I thought as I continued heaving and gaging on my own bile trying to calm my unsettled stomach. When I was done disposing my breakfast yet again!

“I then turn the tap of the faucet in the sink and washed my mouth clean. My body sags with relief as I step out of the bathroom only to be startled by Max's imposing brooding frame all dressed in a dark magnificent suit.


“What are you doing standing there like that”I say in exclamation.

“You Scared the hell out of me”I say grimacing as I walk around him to go sit on the bed comfortably.

“I could have fallen on the tiles and broken my neck you know?”I say tactly as I try on to drool at how delicious he looked in his power suit.

“I would never have let that happen “deliza Mia" He says as he smiles flashing his pearly white teeth at me in a dazzling manner.

“Why are you here anyway?"I say clearing my throat trying to distract my eyes from wandering and assessing him.

“Don't you know how to knock? There's something called privacy you know”I say in a taunting manner scolding him like a child.

“You don't need to try to act strong when am around.”He says witfully staring at me with a serious look in his face.

“I can read you like a book. Your face expresses how you feel, so quit the nasty stare and just try to relax for once”He says smiling and giving me that sexy wicked look.

“Lord help me!

“What's wrong with me? I shouldn't be attracted to this beast after reading everything the tabloids has to say about him. Also with him being a control freak, me submitting to him won't do both of us any good.

“Why are you here anyway” I say still glaring at him.

“I was on my way out and the kitchen staff informed me that you've not been eating well. Is that true?”He asks with a concerned look on his face.

“From the look of those dark circles and pale palor on your face. You're probably going to die from just morning sickness”He says dryly as he slips his hands into the pocket of his tailored slacks.

“I think its time to see a doctor and get you a OBGYN and while we're at it we could hire a nutritionist to monitor your meals”He says in a deep baritone voice.

“See, that's the tone I find so annoying...

“That voice that drives me nuts!

“The way he decides everything and what's he thinks is best for me, makes me so mad"I thought biting my lips as I try to contain my anger.

“Oh thank heavens, what am I going to do without you.”I say in a dry and sarcastic tone.

“Was that what you wanted to hear. Well sorry I don't need you to set a doctor's appointments for me and I can get my own OBGYN doctor and I can set my own appointments by myself Mr. I don't need your help.” I say huffing, glancing away from him.

“Sweetheart I never expected a thank you from you. Fine, you can book your own appointments, but it's going to be with my family doctor. Have already contacted her, she'll be your OBGYN still you have the baby. So go see her, she's expecting you.

“Am definitely not changing my mind about the nutritionist either besides I've seen my fair share of pregnant women and they don't look as frail as you do”He says smirking.

“Well me looking frail has nothing to do with you. Now would you please leave I've got an appointment I need to prepare for.” I say as I climb down from the bed moving into the walk in closet and slamming the door right into his face immediately I saw him approaching.


“He won this time”Resting my head on the door as I breath out a sigh of defeat.

Max 1- Cat-0

Max's P.O.V

Next day...

“How was your appointment with the doctor yesterday”I ask  the following morning as I stare at her fragile and frail face.  At least she eating better than she did yesterday at breakfast, watching her lips move made me want to sinfully kiss and at the same time protect that fragile part of her. Yet the fire buried inside her seems to clash with mine.

This week has been sweet and sour. We both knew, we could just simply avoid each other or maybe speak amicably yet we still quarrel, bicker and argue over everything which I don't seem to mind.

“I don't know, why don't you call her and ask her. She's your family doctor not mine!"She says abstructly as she pops a cheery fruit into her mouth. Her eyes seems to register her words and her face turns a bit apologetic.

“I'm sorry, that was rude. Damn you really do bring out the worst in me”She whispers...

“I couldn't control myself as I laughed at her words...

“It's fine.”I say... watching as color begins to rise and come back to her face as she tries so hard not to smile.

“The check up went well. I met the OBGYN and she gave me some vitamins. My due date is on November 28, the baby is fine and healthy. Although we can't determine the sex of the child now since it's still early. That will be till the next ultrasound , she also gave me some drugs which will help with the morning sickness. Although I don't think am going to need it, since the morning sickness won't last all that long..”She says as she tries to pick her words cautiously.

“If I had offered to take you to your doctor's appointment today would you have allowed me stay with you”I ask knowing she's still unsure of me.

“I don't know, maybe we could go together to the next one”She say softly.

“Do you feel any different today? What about your morning sickness, feeling any better?”I  ask her feeling concerned and protective of her.

“I don't know? You tell me I wake up this morning and I found myself in my new favorite seat with me gagging and throwing up last night meal so yes am doing great”. She says as  she suddenly stares at me with a bored look and her eyes staring daggers at me.

“Wait, I know that look”I murmur.

“Are you seriously angry at me right now?”I ask surprised.

“I don't know you tell me. Why would I be angry with you. Or is there any reason for me to be angry with you?”She says...

“I don't know maybe you should have asked me before selling my house? How could you sell something that's not yours to begin with. Do you know how much I spent on acquiring that house? She says her voice booming with anger.

“Well I guess in your dictionary it not worth my anger right? I mean how could I get angry with you when you asked so nicely for my hand in marriage”She says emphasizing each words dripping with contempt. Just then she stares at me as she stabs her eggs with her fork. With angry fire in her eyes.

“I guess if looks could kill those eggs are probably me. Seems she's already visualizing stabbing me on her plate like those eggs.

“Okay fine, am sorry. You know what let's go out, it will be our official outing as a couple.”I say trying to calm her down, smiling at how I couldn't get enough of those eyes of hers.

“No wonder you're such a successful business Man. Must everything be...”She says stopping halfway.

“You think having dinner with me would suddenly fix everything.  you've already ruined my life,my house, my job and career, even my life. Tell me can one dinner fix it all”She says angry.

“What else do you want me to do. Am a business man by nature, besides it was you who came to me. It was you who barged into my life with this life changing information. So Caitlin you don't get to turn it all on me, I only did all those things you listed because I think it's the right thing to do.”I say dryly as I grimace.

“I had no choice in it just like you don't either. I have to take everything in stride and take up responsibility, or did you expect me to let you walk out that door after telling me you're carrying my child. Any man who does the later is a coward and me “Maximilliano Lancellotti Giovanni” wasn't born a coward.” I say suddenly feeling insulted.

“It seems you don't like it when am being Magnanimous or when I play nice. Now I asked you something simple since you complained about me doing things on my own without your permission and this is what I get”I say standing up from the dinning table as I move up close to her patting her head like a child.

“Don't push me luv, because if you do am not sure how far I'll go”I say as I smile wickedly at the shocked and angry expression on her face.

“Victory is sweet and heady isn't it?I whisper, knowing fully well that my words and actions only helps stew the anger in her which will continue to brew.

“Gods she looks so beautiful and gorgeous with that defiant and challenging look on her face. I can't help teasing her and getting under her skin.

“Cedric will pick you up at 7 sharp.”I says as I straighten my suit.

“What you need right now is a night out dear "I say waving at her and laughing before exiting the room .

“Fuck you Max...”She screams at me

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