Chapter 6

Chapter 6


“ Mrs Monrae “ I called her and walk towards her.

“ Ms Montemayor, What can I do for you?” She stated and gave me a warm smile.

I hold her hand tightly and look straight in her eyes,

“ I heard you “ I stated seriously and I noticed how her hand started to tremble lightly while she’s looking at me intently.

I suddenly felt sad as I realized that she really do know something about the incidents inside the university. The way she look and act speaks for itself, why did she do this kind of things?

“ W-what do you mean-“

I smiled gently at her and showed her my notes.

“ This project will be proposed by the Student Council in the board, I heard that you want to renovate some of the old rooms here that’s why I created this plan , sound good?” I stated and showed her the abstract of the plan for the renovation of the dormitories.

Of course I heard her saying that she wants to make the dormitories more modernized but what I mean from my phrase earlier is just a bait to see if she’ll react weirdly.

Mrs Monrae looks relieved while looking at my notes, she then nodded her head as she read the abstract and looked at me while sweating .

“ Y-yes thank you Ms Montemayor “ She stuttered looking so relieved. So she really is hiding something.

“ By the way , if you ever need help like lifting boxes or any kind of errands feel free to tell me and not Abcdef, you know? The short guy with the glasses and green eyes? He’s really weak so I hope that I’ll help you instead “ I added and smiled at her.

Her eyes suddenly dilated and she bit her lower lip unconsciously. She handed me back my notes and forced a smile at me.

“ D-don’t worry, I don’t really want to order him around “ she said then suddenly bid her goodbyes and turned her back on as she walked in quick pace .

I stared at her back until she’s out of my sight, after that I finally let go of my hand and stare at it as it tremble so much, I bit my lower lip as hard as I can to stop myself from trembling.

Guess I can’t just stay silent at all. I should contact the police right now and report about what happened.

I immediately go back to our room and locked the door. I checked every single corner of the room and made sure that no one’s eavesdropping .

“ Hello Mom? Can you send an email to the university to let me out tomorrow? “ I said through phone call.

“ Why honey? Are you bored? “ her sweet voice calmed my senses.

“ Ahm y-yes, I just need to unwind I think? Will you give me an approval letter?” I asked her as I bit my nails because of frustration.

“ Oh of course, just make sure to stay safe okay? You know that we can’t go there in instant because we’re too far, be safe honey we love you, I’ll hang up now and write the letter for you” she said

“ I love you too mommy, you and daddy , bye and take care I miss you both” I sincerely stated and I smiled when I heard her giggle .

I stared at my phone when she hung up, even though they aren’t my real parents they loved me just like as if I am their own and I do the same way.

In this University , students are not allowed to leave the campus unless they have a permission slip. It is to make sure that the students will stay safe and far from accidents since almost everyone here came from different countries.

After a few minutes my phone vibrated and I smiled widely when I saw my permission slip was granted and ready to get from the registrars office.

My heart beats faster because of nervousness, this is it, tomorrow I’ll officially report this to the police . I can just call the police about this but there’s a lot of things I want to say to them personally, this is better just by telling it all through a phone call.

Now the only thing that I need to do is to make sure that my friends will be safe the moment I leave the campus tomorrow. Paris should be safe since she’s always with James and the basketball team, also she never got back to the dorm late at night. While Lance and Leni on the other hand don’t live in the dorms since their mansion is just a near the university , the only person that is left vulnerable was Abcdef , he’s always bullied and don’t have any friends, also Mrs Monrae shows interest in him, what should I do to keep him safe?

I gasped when I realized something, can I just bring him with me tomorrow?


“ I can still remember that I told you to stay away from me “ I stated coldly at Yanny who’s looking at me pleadingly .

“ But you’re the only one that can go with me tomorrow , please?” She begged and pouted her lips.

She’s cute , so damn cute but of course I won’t tell her that. I want her to stay away from me, why do she always cling around me? Do she really want to die? Fuck it.

“ No “ I flatly said and turned around when she suddenly grabbed me on the collar of my shirt making our body touched.

“ The fuck-“

“ I’m going to the police station, I need to report something “ she suddenly whispered into my ear making me stop from cursing.

I felt my heart beat faster because of what she said,

“ P-pardon?” I stuttered, oh come on, I just heard it wrong right?

“ I witnessed a crime Abcdef, please help me report to the police “ she whispered and looked at me pleadingly as her eyes on the verge of crying.

I slowly tightened my grip on my books because of realizing what she said. Am I too late to pull her out of this mess? Why is she always trying to put herself in danger?

“ I’ll go with you, we’ll be using my car” I said with no choice left.

I can’t let her do something that will put my clan into danger, I need to shut her up.

My hands are shaking slightly because of frustration, I slowly caress her cheek and stare at her intently.

“ Why are you so troublesome?” I whispered and pulled her closer to me claiming her lips fully.


I’m here in the entrance of the university waiting for Abcdef, I blushed when I remembered what happened between us yesterday. He kissed me and I responded, I feel giddy and my heart keeps on beating faster, I feel like I’m on cloud nine!

I know I should be focus and serious right now but because of what he did yesterday I seem to forgot every bad things that I found out.

I gasped exaggeratedly when a loud sound of a vehicle brought me back to my senses. My eyes widened in awe as I saw a Ducati in front of me, I’m not sure what kind of Ducati but I’m certain it is one!

“ W-wha-“ I can’t mutter a word when the driver suddenly removed his helmet revealing Abcdef without his glasses while his hair falls perfectly.

“ Hop in, “ he said and clicked his tongue looking at me irritated.

I was about to hop when he suddenly stopped me using his hand gestures,

“ What are you wearing?” He asked while frowning looking at my short skirts. I smiled awkwardly at him and scratch my head because of shyness .

“ You told me that we’ll be using a car today so I thought it’s okay to wear skirts and-“

“ Tss “ he said and then left his bike to stand beside me as he did something on his phone.

I stared at him curiously, Abcdef looks like a different person now . He’s wearing normal clothes and he looks so handsome.

After a few minutes of staring at him , a black car came in front of us revealing a guy in a black suit. He bowed at Abcdef and gave him the keys.

“ Get in the car, we’ll be using it” Abcdef stayed and I obediently obliged

My heart is beating loudly, I’m nervous but also determined to tell the police about what I know. This may ruin the school’s name but lives are much important than the image of the university.

I look at Abcdef who’s talking with the guy in the suit and after a few seconds he also got inside the car.

“ Let’s go to the police station” he stated then started the car and drove quickly.


I took a glance at Yanny , she looks pale and thinner from before the sudden turn of events might’ve stressed her out. She looks determined to tell the police about what she saw because of Mina’s reckless decisions and actions but I won’t let her put my clan into danger and her too.

I secretly smirked as I saw the signage telling me what street where we are in the moment, this will be the first spot.

The car in front of us that is driven by my man intentionally created a light reflection from the sun to hurt Yanny’s eyes, of course I wouldn’t let her to damaged her eyes, I just want her to turn away and looked towards the window of the car.

I smiled secretly when she did what I expect her to do, now for the second stage.

I noticed how her beautiful eyes widened as she stare intently at the side mirror of the car. She already noticed it huh? Her hands suddenly trembled lightly as she look at it without taking her stares out of it.

I told my another man to follow us and do it in a very noticeable way, this will surely freak her out .

After half an hour of driving , she already realized the fact that someone’s following us, she look so pale and scared it makes my heart ache with pain but I need to do this.

I maneuvered the car and parked it in front of a gas station.

“ I’ll just go to the comfort room” I flatly said and left her there alone. This is the third stage.


My hands are trembling with fear, I’m pretty sure that a car is following us since earlier. What should I do?

I gulped hard when the exact same car parked beside Abcdef’s car, this is the car who’s following us . A man wearing a hoodie with a mask came out while his hands are on his pocket.

I stared at him intently , he can’t see me because it’s tinted . I covered my mouth when I saw something on his pocket that the sun’s rays reflected on it , is that a metal?

The guy looks around and then after a few seconds he quickly entered the rest room where Abcdef had gone through.

I hold the strap of my bag tightly and inhaled deeply. I- I need to make sure he won’t do anything. I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the car’s door only to be shocked when a loud gun shot echoed was heard as far as where I am, I slowly turned my head and stare at the rest room with wide eyes as I quickly run while crying loudly because of fear for Abcdef’s safety.

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