“ISN’T your grandfather amazing? I can’t believe that he gave away the one million pesos so quickly.” Meredith commented as they made their way to Mr. Hakim when the weekend has come, the day given to them.

“I told you, I’m his only grandchild, that’s why it’s easy for me to ask him. If there was anything Grandpa was afraid of, it was me going to America with Dad.
“If I have to bet on the Lottery every day just to save money to repay you, I will.

He laughed and shook his head in response to what she said.
“You can do whatever you want. I’m not putting pressure on you.
She nodded.
Until they realized they had arrived at Mr. Hakim’s place.
“Let’s go straight to our business.
Give me what I need.” Mr. Hakim greeted them.
Randall showed the check to the paunchy man.
Mr. Hakim was about to take it when Randall moved it away from him.
“W-what are you doing?
Just give it to him.” Meredith whispered when he do that to the paunchy man.
“What the hell?!
You really want me to get angry, don’t you?” Mr. Hakim said with wide eyes.
Meredith hides behind Randall in fear because of Mr.
Hakim’s companions who are obviously disciples of a syndicate.
Randall just glanced at her for a moment before returning his attention to Mr.
Hakim. “Just make sure you don’t disturb my friend’s family anymore.
The paunchy man grabbed the check and looked at them.
“I will answer that when I can prove that this check is not fake.
He pressed something on his phone and then spoke to someone.
When she saw him nod, she breathed a sigh of relief until he looked at her after hanging up.
“You’re lucky you have a rich friend!
” he said and left.
” they both sighed.
“Starting tomorrow, you have to start paying me, okay?!
” He made her eyes widen.
She crossed her arms.
“Hey! I thought you wouldn’t force me to pay you?
He put her right hand on his chin as if he was thinking something.
“I don’t recall saying anything like that to you.
She pouted.
“Randall! You promised me!” she said annoyed and chase him when he suddenly run away.
Okay! Enough! I was just joking,” he said when she caught him.
He looked at his watch and when they saw that they only had half an hour left, they immediately left the place.

“Now that your problem has been resolved, let’s focus on mine.

“R-right now?


“So, you want us to start pretending?

He nodded.
“The sooner, the better! And since we already know about each other’s lives, let’s share all of our likes and dislikes,  so that when we decide to introduce ourselves as a couple to my Grandfather, we will know what to say when he interrogates us. For sure, one of these days he will invite us for lunch or dinner at the mansion.
She remained silent because she wasn’t ready yet.

“Don’t worry, just go with the flow,” he said when he probably noticed that she was agitated.


“It’s more convincing when you just go with the flow.
And we also need to show everyone that I’m really dating you so that Grandpa doesn’t think we’re deceiving him.” 
She looked at him in disbelief.
“Y-you mean, we have to pretend at school as well?” she asked, causing him to nod.
“Grandpa has a lot of eyes around us, so we have to convince him no matter what.

She held onto her temple.
She will surely hear a lot of teasing from her friends when Randall starts pretending to court her.
“C-can I inform my friends about our plans?

He shrugged.
“It’s up to you. Just make sure that no one else knows except them, no one else will know.
She just nodded and didn’t say any more questions.
But, her eyes widened in surprise when he let his car enter the campus.
Just drop me off here at the gate,” she said but he ignored her and proceeded straight inside the campus.
” she still protests.
“As I said earlier, we’re going to start now, didn’t I?
So, here we are. When many people see us together, the news will spread immediately, especially to Grandpa.
“But you didn’t say that you were going to start this way!
I didn’t even prepare myself!” she complained.
“How many times have I to told you that all you have to do is go with the flow!

“Ugh, fine!
” She was about to get out of his car when he stopped him.
“Let mel open the door for you,” he said, and quickly got out of the car then opened the door for her.
She almost didn’t want to come down at first if he hadn’t just widened his eyes at her.
“Oh my gosh!

“Oh, no!

“Why are they together?

“Are they in a relationship?

Words that came out from the people around them as they started to walk to their classroom.
Aside from that, they also took pictures of them. She kept walking with her head down. Her heart was beating so fast with what was happening to her since he was still holding her hand.
She won’t be surprised if someone pulls her hair because of jealousy.

“Are you two dating or in a relationship already?
” a woman asked who blocked their way.
She did nothing but wait for Randall’s answer.
“Not yet.

And she was nearly deafened when the crowd screamed upon hearing Randall’s answer.

She’s so lucky!
“Well, they did look good together.

Others commented.

Randall grabbed her attention.
“Hey, relax! Just act natural.
“I know!
But I can’t stand the way how they look at me,” she whispered.
“Don’t mind them.
All you have to think about is that we have to accomplish our mission.
“What else can I do?
You’re the boss!
Meredith had accepted that everything would change from that point forward.
That her life as a BSU student will not be as quiet as it was previously.

Next chapter