Bound By A Red Thread


38.77k words

29 chapters



Table of Contents


Meredith, a new member of a Cooking Club, has grown up always feeling like she is waiting for someone. Being plagued by sad dreams that always left her waking up with a wet face, fear of loud noises, and a birthmark on her temple, she has always felt as if she is missing someone. Randall, her classmate and the new member of the BSU Swimming Club, has also spent his life looking for someone whose faces he cannot recall.
Until fate brings them together due to some circumstances that force them to pretend to fulfill Don Warrick dying wish which is a fixed marriage. Meredith accepted it because her mother wanted her to get marry as soon as possible for reasons she didn’t know and at the same time, to pay off all the debt left by her late father. And Randall to get its inheritance.
The pretense that led to a beautiful love story. But when they finally love each other, their bad dreams about the two people they've been looking for for so long will disturb them.
Would Meredith and Randall accept it if they knew th



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2023/5/20 Reply

it's good, keep it up

2023/1/25 Reply

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