Toward that Half Sister

Leo wakes up in the middle of the night.

He frowns and raises his head and sees the boy squeezing on his side.

At first he helplessly smiles and makes him move away but Liam is trembling and stiff.

"Liam? Liam, wake up. Wake up Liam." He slowly shakes him and calls for his name.


Liam's eyes are open wide as he gasps for air.

Liam looks at Leo's concerned face.

Liam frowns.


"Are you scared? It's nothing. Just a nightmare."

Liam nods and looks away.

It is not just a nightmare. It's the worst nightmare.

All his stupidity, resulted in harming his own father.

Liam rolls to his side and hugs Leo.

"Daddy, I am scared." He is just a boy.

He can act coy.

He is honestly scared inside.

This is normal if you have a tragic life you escape from and read a book that tells you what happened after you died.

This is inside a novel, or the novel is the product of this world, whatever it was, he is not happy with both endings for him and his father.

Leo rubs his head.

"Just a nightmare. It is nothing." Leo hugs him closer, patting his back patiently.

They are closer in this life.

Liam enjoys his coaxing.

But it will not last.

The real queen of coaxing and coy will appear soon.

She will be the center of their father's life.

And him….the dreg...will do his best to avoid that woman in the body of a little girl and make sure he will not turn out as their father's embarrassment.

At least that is his plan.

There are so many things running through his head so it should be difficult to sleep.

"Shhh...Sleep. sleep. Daddy is here." The sleepy Leo keeps coaxing as he pat his back.

Liam felt secured and went back to sleep.


Leo went to jog early in the morning but he checked his son first.

Last night,for the first time he experienced waking up someone from a nightmare.

And it was his soft,thin and weak son.

He is thinking about how scared and weak Liam was as he curled in a ball and trembled without making a noise.

His anger filled his heart as he thinks what nightmarish thing did those b*stard did to his son.

In his anger he sprints instead of jogging on his normal pace.

When Leo came back he saw Liam just waking up rubbing his eyes with his fist and yawning.

He is so small.

The average kid is taller than his own son.

"Daddy?" Liam went down the bed and walked to him.

Finds that Leo is staring at him.

"Sleep well?" Leo squats down to rub his hair and kisses his cheeks.

"Good morning son."

Liam grins.

"Good morning Daddy." He wants to kiss his cheek but he hasn't brushed his teeth yet.

"Go to your room and brush your teeth. Let's eat downstairs."


While eating, Leo sees him eating fast again.

"Don't eat too fast. You will upset your stomach." Leo said.

Liam blushes. He didn't realize that he was eating too much. He can't help it. His mind must be from the time where he can eat a lot but his body is different. It hasn't eaten good food and his mouth salivates just smelling the food.

"You are already 10 years old. I will transfer you to a good school from now on you will learn more. If you can't adopt well, I will bring a tutor for you."

Leo is not an expert but he thinks that good school is good education.

Liam hands shake.

He forgot about this already.


There is one time when in the past Liam was very happy and satisfied with his father.

That is when he found out…..

"I….I never have been to school."

Leo's hand froze.

"What do you mean?"

Liam lowers his head feeling guilty.

"Uncle never brings me to school. Said I only need to know how to feed the pigs and listen to instructions."

Liam said softly as if he is afraid.

In his past life, he does feel afraid.

Afraid to be looked down and to be laughed at.

He also blamed Leo's late arrival for not being able to attend school because of his negligence as a father.

Of course, he only dare to think but not dare to speak about his real feelings in the past.

Those small tabs turn into a bigger hatred that eats him and kills him.

Now, all he can think about is his father's reaction.

Leo slammed the table.

Liam's excited heart thumps and it scares him.

He warily looks at Leo.

"Those people are too much!" He angrily said.

Liam sighs.

Though he knows that Leo is mad for his sake, that is really scary.

Leo is so angry that he suddenly stands up and talks to his phone a bit far from him.

Liam smiles.

'This far more grand reaction from the past life. He did get mad and cursed Uncle's family and later told me that he reported them and they will be arrested.But he arranged it after the meal and not in the middle.'

Liam felt good after thinking that his father is obviously more attentive to him than his past life.

His 30 year old memory never had this kind of warmth.

His heart is happier and he even able to eat while waiting for Leo to end his call.

When Leo arrives he is rubbing his temple.

"Father, did I do anything wrong?" Liam asks.

Leo shakes his head.

"My Liam is the best. What can you possibly do wrong?" Leo smiles at him.

"Eat. After that we will go to your pediatrician. I want to make sure you will grow taller and healthier but I am not an expert about this. It is still better to consult an actual expert."

"Father, you are not busy?" Liam is very shocked.

Before he did try to cultivate feelings but he is very shy and Leo is always busy at work.

He can't get a hold of him at all.

But now, isn't it a bit more luxurious from his half sister's past life?

Though they are closer, he didn't postpone work for her!

Liam is really insecure about this half sister and also the main lead in that novel. It was unfair for him not to ever have a feeling of hate for her.

And besides, back then, she is competing with him, a complete real child! She on the other hand starts old too but she never leaves a room for him to survive.

Once again, he feels this anger toward the sister he is yet to meet...again.

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