A Love Like Ours

Chapter 1: Aria Hayes

Ever liked someone that was off limits? Well that's me, I've liked my best friend, Ryan since school. But slight problem, he's dating my other best friend, and she's the sweetest person ever. Liking someone who doesn't like you back sucks, and I can't seem to move on from this crush.

"First day of school, little princess." Ma said.

"I know, Ma. I'm almost ready." I said as she nodded then went out.

I call Kristy Ma and I call my 'mommy' mom. Can't keep calling her mommy because well, I'm seventeen and it be weird if I still did.

"Baby girl, hurry before I regret giving you my car." My mom said and with that I made a run.

"No time for regrets, mom. took me a while to convince you." I said while taking the keys from her. "Bye mothers." I hugged them, then left.

"Well, who's taking me to school?" My little sister, Luna asked, who by the way is now nine.


I finally made it to school, I walked to my lockers where my best friend was waiting for me.

"I missed you so much." Gabriela said. Gabi for short, cause let's face it, that's a long name.

"You saw me yesterday." I chuckled.

"And today is a new day for hugs." She said as I hugged her back, she's a hugger. Told you she's really sweet. "Ryan sent me the cutest picture of him making a silly face." She said while holding the phone, he looked so adorable.

"He's something else." I chuckled.

"I'm lucky to have him." She said in a daze and just then her phone started to ring and on the screen was Ryan. She started to talk all lovey dovey. I left her there, I didn't need to hear anything. Ugh.

Classes were classes, lunch came and we sat in our table, then queen bee came.

"Losers table." Heather said.

"Oh look, whore table over there." I said while pointing at their table. She just glared at me then went to her table.

"Whore table, that's funny." Gabi said.

"I'm so ready for senior year to be over." I sighed.

"Me too, and then it's college time with my babe."

If she wasn't my best friend I would slap her. Stop being cheesy, there's people who are single and don't need to hear you.

"You and Ryan make me gag." I said as she laughed. There's a lot of truth in that, why did he have to like her and not me. Ugh. Maybe it's time to move on and stop rejecting dates.


I made it home and my mom's were in the kitchen with Luna, they always come for lunch here, then wait for it to be 2 pm, so they can leave Luna with me and them, back to work.

"What's new?" My ma asked.

"Well, I decided I will stop rejecting dates, I'm so ready to be over Ryan. I thought he liked me but he went to Gabi's arms." I said trying not to break. "This is why I will ignore him and stop being friends with him, I need to move on because it hurts." I said as a few tears escaped. The three of them hugged me.

"Stop being friends with him it's not the solution, friends are important." Ma told me.

"And I know it hurts, but you never know, someone new might come and Ryan will only be a crush and you can still be friends, losing a friend from your childhood it's not worth it." Mom said while wiping my tears.

"I know, but seeing them together hurts." I sobbed.

"Don't cry baby girl, everything will be okay."

"I don't know about love hurting, but how about if we watch my little pony, it makes pain go away." She said as we chuckled.

Our mom's went to the bakery and I went to watch my little pony with Luna, she always knows how to make me feel better, I'm so glad they adopted her.

"I love you baby sis." I hugged her.

"I love you too, but I'm not a baby, I'm nine years old." She said while holding nine fingers, I just chuckled. We ended up falling asleep halfway through the episode.

I need to move on from this crazy crush, he will never see me in that way, and I have to make my peace with it.

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