Chapter 14-15

Chapter 14

Khrystyna googles Tanya's name and manages to hit pay dirt. She can't believe her eyes at what pops up on the computer screen. It seems a couple years ago, Tanya was arrested on the charge of killing her father. The article read that she did in self-defense out of an act of being raped by her father. The article then went on to mention that Tina was not fit to stand trial due to psychological trauma. 

“Gee, and I thought I knew everything about Tanya?” Khrystyna thought to herself. 

After reading what she found, Khrystyna almost felt guilty for what she was about to do. But she thought about it again and she just didn't care. After all, what was the saying, "All's fair in love and war." Tanya played dirty to take Marshall away from her, why couldn't she do the same. So, Khrystyna dialed Tyler's number.

"Hello." Tyler said as he answered on the second ring.

"Tyler, I need you to come over, now." Khrystyne demanded.

"What do you want now!"

" I just found some information on Tanya while I was on the Internet and I need you to help me find a way to use it against Tanya to get Marshall back."

"OMG! Are you still on that?"

"Please, Tyler! I'll do anything for you!" in her sweet-as-saccharin voice.

Not being able to resist Khrystyna's charms, "Fine, Khrys, I'll be right over."

Tyler hangs up and is on his way over to Khrystyna's to help her with her plan to break up Marshall and Tina. Tyler can't believe that Khrystyna is still on this trip to break up those two. But Tyler has a plan of his own. He will "help" Khrystyna with her plan only so he can sabotage her plan because in his mind, Marshall and Tanya deserve each other. Tyler wants Khrystyna all to himself because he feels that Khrystyna deserves so much better than Marshall. 

Chapter 15
Tyler knocks on Khrystyna's door and Khrystyna answers within minutes as if she were waiting for him to arrive.

"Hello, Tyler. I'm so glad you came so quickly."

"You said it was urgent."

"Well, I googled Tanya's name and this is what I found."  

Khrystyna pulls up the website showing the news she found on Tanya. Tyler reads it and wonders what Khrys wants him to with the information.

"So, Khrys, what do you want me to do with this?"  

"I want you to find a way to for me to use it against Tanya so I can break her and Marshall up."

"But Khrys, this is just so wrong. You can't really think using this against Tanya is going to get you Marshall back?"

"I don't care, Tyler! Tanya played hardball to take Marshall from me, now I'm going to play dirty to get him back from her. After all, 'all's fair in love and war!"

"Okay, Khrys, I'll see what I can do. I'll just go home and do some research and see what I can do to help you out. Good-bye, Khrys."

"Good-bye Tyler. I know you won't let me down. I really need Marshall in my life."

Tyler feels a little bit guilty knowing that he just lied to his best friend. But he can't worry about that. He has to find a way to keep Marshall and Tanya together so he can have Khrystyna to himself.

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