
Yam quickly and mightily kicked on tje zombie who was about to attack Arix from behind, the zombie was knocked down. The other group of zombies were still busy with Aya's phone but there were six creepers who got through and seemed unaffected by the distraction.

"Yam? What are you doing here?" Arix asked angrily. "This is too dangerous for you." angry but full of concern said by the young man. Then he positioned behind her and same for her, to see the attacking opponents.

"I'd rather be unsafe than leave you alone." she said.

"I can handle this."

"Of course, I know, but there are six opponents amd it's not fair. And they are now fast approaching!" she said, then they both prepared for the attack of the zombies. They jumped together to kick their opponents.

"Save yourself, Yam."

"I am also a black belter taekwondo jin, Arix, and friends don't leave each other."

"Fine! Then let's show to these living corpses that we're not easy to be defeated." he said.

"Yeah!" she said smiling.

"I'm also in!" Richie, who just kicked the zombie walking closer to where they were.

"Welcome, dude!" the two men quickly fist bumped.

"Got it! Hurry up!" Mark shouted, carrying the gallon of water and a bag containing plastic cups. Then Aya quickly opened the door, while Viva was busy with the elders.

"Alright! Finish it right away then get back inside." Mark's plan.

"Let's get it on!" said Arix, then they started attacking the zombies who were approaching them.

They have fought with the zombies for about five minutes before they ran to get back inside.

When they entered the church, they quickly closed it and only then did they realize that Arix and Yam were holding hands, so, she quickly let go of his hand and walked away.

Yes, she still can't move on with Arix, her heart still can't forget him. Arix stared at her but immediately averted his gazes.

"You were so brave, Yam." Richie messed up with her hair. "I didnt know that you look more attractive when you fight."


"Seriously!" he laughed.

"Okay guys, stop teasing each other, let's help the people to quench their thirst." Arix grabbed everyone's attention.

So, they offered the plastic cup to fill it with water and give everyone a drink.

She was surprised when she saw the woman she had never expected, of all the places... it was Mary Magdalene!

"Arix Barber?" said the woman, who quickly turned to Alix.

The young man quickly turned and smiled at Mary - as if he had forgotten that they were still having trouble with zombies. "Wow! I didn't expect to see your here." ''

"I am with my friends." informed by Mary. "What are those creatures?"

"Zombies. A real one."

The fear on her beautiful face has doubled. "At first, I thought they were just a prankster or something, it's really serious." She wanted to laugh suddenly because Mary thought it was all just a prank.

"Yes, so, let's be careful." Arix and Mary seemed to have a world of their own and she felt the pain again.

"You alright?" Richie asked her in whisper, he was staring at her.

Her feeling of fear of the zombies was tripled with the thought that Arix might soon end up with Mary. That's a horror!

She began to distance herself from the two worlds, Richie followed her to a corner and sat down next to her; she's not just exhausted physically and mentally, include emotionally.

"I know you're in love with him." later Richie said so she was surprised.

"H-How did you know?"

"Instinct." he smiled sparingly.

He took a deep breath and sighed. "I'm deadly tired, i don't know how to get rid of those monsters outside, also with what I'm feeling for my best friend." she shook her head.

Richie tapped her shoulder. "Rest here, it's free."

She was so drained, so she just obeyed the young man.

She closes her eyes for a moment, she wants to calm her mind even though the people inside are still panicking, the zombies are still waiting outside and Arix and Mary talk happily.

"You okay, Yamidale?"

Arix turned in to them when he heard Richie mentioned her complete name and when he saw them sitting in the corner, he approached them.

"She's just exhausted." Richie said to Arix.

Arix nodded. "Rich is probably in sore, rest here on my shoulder." said Arix, then he sat next to her, he touched her cheek to place her head to his shoulder but he was stopped by Richie.

"I'm okay, Arix, go back to the person you were talking twitj. Isn't she the girl you like? This is your chance, it may look kind of weird because the ambiance is creepy but at least you have a moment with her." said Richie.

He nodded at what Richie said as she closed her eyes and leaned her head on Richie's shoulder again. She need to take a rest before thinking some strategy to solve their problem.

"Are you mad at me, Yam?" later Arix asked her in a whisper. She was startled because she thought he went back to Mary. She shook her head as an answer. "Are you super exhausted?" She nodded. "Are you hurt or sore somewhere? Do you want a massage--"

"I need to rest, Arix, five minutes, is that okay with you?" she said, which he just nodded, but he seemed to see pain in his eyes. She just ignored it.

After five minutes of resting, her fighting spirit has returned on how they could escape the place. Some were very frustrated and wanted to give up, some were already fighting over the remaining water to drink, it was chaotic and noisy again, even the children began to cry again because of fatigue, hunger and drowsiness.

She wants to do somethiny but their situation is difficult and they can do nothing.

"I've tried to call the rescue team to help us but all the lines were busy." said frustrated Viva.

"I have something in mind." something suddenly flashed through her mind but she would do it too risky, if ever.

"What is it--"

Viva's speech was interrupted when they saw Arix being punched by a middle aged man, and Viva quickly joined Arix.

"What happened?" Yam asked.

"Please stop fighting! We are trapped here and no one likes this incident." Mark spoke.

"I'm okay, Yam."

"Of course you're not okay," she said, pulling the handkerchief out of her pocket and wiping the cracked edge of Arix's lip. "It is not advisable to talk to anyone today because everyone is close-minded due to extreme frustrations, but you should have calmed down." she said as she wiped the blood on the side of his lip. "And you're a black belter, you should have avoided his punch."

"I just let him punch me, so he can express how he feels." he smiled sparingly. "Did i ever tell you that you look prettier up close?" he said, her heart starts pounding, so she quickly finished wiping his wounded lips--she did not notice that they were close to each other.

"Praise is not counted in such situations Arixtro Barber." she said nervously, then she left it.

This Arix is ​​really crazy! After she friendzoned her, why he acted like that?

She was surprised when someone grabbed her arm, so she quickly turned to the middle aged woman.

"Miss, do you and your friends have any plans on how we can get out of here? I don't want to die here with my family." she began to cry.

She lightly tapped her shoulder. "We can leave this place alive, this nightmare will end, soon." she encouraged her.

The creepers were surprised when one of the people inside suddenly opened a lighter to smoke.

"They are afraid of fire and also the light coming from the sun." said Aya.

She looked at the old man who was tied up because he turned into a zombie and his grandson was depressed for what happened to his lolo and various other situations inside. She took a deep breath and sighed.

"When will be the end of this nightmare, if no one is doing any move?" said by the man who punched Arix earlier. "You give us hope but in the end, we know we will also turn into a monster like that old man!" pointing to the old zombie tied in the corner.

"Let's not despair, brother--"

"Nonsense!" the man shouted

She calmed herself, the conversation would not be settled when both of them were angry.

"If only I didn't attend this mass, I wouldn't be trapped in this place!" he's still angry

"Are you a demon? And you regret going to church?" A man also contradict the other.

"What did you say?" the angry man turned to the man who spoke and immediately cornered him.

"Maybe you're a devil!" the other man repeated. "You really should not attend this--" the man did not continue whatever he was saying because the angry man punched him, the other man hit the door and almost fell down. He grabbed the railing of the door to help him balance his position.

To everyone's surprise, a female zombie sneaked in and bit the hand of the man holding the railing, Yam quickly pulled the man but it was too late because he had already been bitten.

The victim's eyes widened. "I-I was bitten!" he said incredulously, the people inside panicked again. The man quickly turned to the man who punched him. "You are to blame for everything."

"Stop it!" said Arix and Richie.

"That man will turn into a zombie, so we need to release him from here." said the angry man.

"It's all your fault!" said the bitten man angrily. "And if I'll become a zombie, I will eat you first!" he said, then grabbed the man tightly and pulled him with all his might and quickly opened the door to get out, the angry man quickly struggled against the bitten man, and to Yam's surprised, she was also pulled by the other man.

"Yam!" Arix shouted. She struggled hard against the angry man who was holding her. Arix also attended quickly then he punched the man, so he quickly let go of her hand.

The two men starts fighting outside, they tried to stop them but they're stubborn until they grabbed the Zombie's attention because Aya's phone was already lowbatt.

They could do nothing even though they wanted to save those two men outside. Arix and Yam quickly went back inside and immediately closed the door.

"Damn! That was close." said Arix.

She just close her eyes as the monsters eat the two men left outside.

Suddenly, Yam felt Arix hugged and out of mixed emotions, she hugged him too.

Next chapter