Chapter 4

Maria Eduarda

And I had another sleepless night.
I think this is becoming a routine. And here I am, sitting on the bed with my knees bent, trying to relax, even though I knew I couldn't.
I look at the clock on the nightstand and notice that it's almost five in the morning.
I decide to get up, head to the kitchen and start making breakfast. Soon Vanessa would wake up very hungry.
Sometimes I'm really jealous of her.
My sister is perfect in everything. He has a body to envy. Beautiful long black hair. We're completely different, I'm a redhead with wavy hair.
Vanessa always says I took after our mother.
—God rest her in a good place. Sometimes it's hard to think that our parents ended up dying in a plane crash a few years ago.
I make a not too strong coffee and start drinking it, immediately feeling its wonderful flavor.
I stay there, deep in thought, when I come face to face with Vanessa.
"Have you been standing there a long time?
" I ask, curious.
— Not really!
Lost sleep?
“Honestly, I haven't even slept yet.

"Did you have nightmares again?
— Yea!

— Dudley, you need to seek help again.

“I don't think I need to,” I deflect.
I don't feel good about talking about my life to a stranger.
— Dudley, my sister, of course you do!

"We'd better change the subject!
“OK, let's leave it alone for now,” she relents, and I thank God.

"Tell me about the work party, will you bring me chocolate?
" I ask, looking forward to eating those wonderful chocolates.
— So, I've already closed the buffet, and the baskets are prepared with chocolates, apart from our Christmas basket.

“Oh, delicious, Vane, I love those chocolates.

“I know, and I was talking to my boss about you!
she says, not looking at me.
— Van!
I warn her, and glare at her, who looks at me as if she hasn't said anything.
— Don't worry, I'm not trying to get you two together, no!

— That is great!
- I feel calmer.
“So, let me tell you, he asked to invite you to the employee party.

“Oh, of course you said I wouldn't, right?

" She takes a while to answer, and I glare back at her.
— Damn it, Van!
— since I was raped, I have had one type of trauma, or rather several, and one of them is leaving the house to go to a party.
“Hey, I didn't say anything, I just said I needed to ask you,” she defends herself.

— Hum ..
I know! I look at her suspiciously.
“But it's true, and honestly, I think it's time you started hanging out.

“Vane, I still don't feel ready.

— Dudley, if you don't leave the house, you'll never think you're ready!

I know what she's saying is true.
The only problem is that every time I'm invited to a party or even a bar I have some kind of block.
— Doubt, wake up!
- Vane shakes me.
— What happened?
I ask, not understanding anything.
“It felt like you were in a trance,” she jokes.

"I was just wondering what you were saying!
"So, are you going?
" she asks, all hopeful.
— I did not decide yet.

— Duda, let's do the following, how about we go to the mall after work?
Vane asks, all excited, and I don't want to spoil her joy, so I decide to give in for now.
— I'll meet you there at the mall, what do you think?

"What do you think about meeting me there at work?
- Well, I do not know!

"Come on, no one's going to bite you!
" she jokes, and I get the feeling this could happen.
— Okay, okay!
I'll meet you there,” I reply, already regretting having agreed to this tour.
— Excellent!
I want to buy a really nice outfit to go out with my doctor,” Vane says dreamily.
My sister ended up dating my doctor.
Of course, that couldn't happen when I was hospitalized. But that was no deterrent to my former doctor, who is now my brother-in-law and friend.
He's the only man I let near me.
I know he wouldn't hurt me. I owe a lot to Dr Lucas Leão, my future brother-in-law.
“Vane, it's time for the two of you to make the union official, isn't it?
I joke, knowing she always talks about it.
— Yea!
She agrees, all excited.
—Thank God!

“So he invited me to dinner tomorrow, I think he'll make me the proposal.

"You deserve so much, my sister!
" I say sincerely.
— And you too, Dudley, just let love knock on the door.

I look at the clock and see that it's six in the morning.

— Well, let's change the subject, I need to take a shower and get ready, in a little while I have to go to the course.
— I deflect, getting up and heading towards the stairs, when I hear her calling me. I pretend I don't hear her, but when I'm already on the bottom step I hear her scream.
— Doubt!
I hear the warning in his voice.
— What's it?
— I act as a disgrace.
"You know you can't run away forever, no!
I know not, and I just answer:
— Yes I know!
— and I run upstairs, not wanting to answer anything else.

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