My Bad Boy Neighbour


20.62k words

22 chapters



Table of Contents


Chad has been my neighbour for as long as I can remember. We practically grew up together since our parents were the best of friends. Out side of school, he would tease me and inside of school, he'd ignore me. He was the most confusing but hottest guy I knew. No lie. He was gorgeous with his chocolate brown eyes and soft black hair. It was all too good to be true though. He seemed almost perfect, apart from the fact he is the baddest bad boy in our school. He was a major player and could get any girl whenever he wanted.

And me? I'm Lucy. I'm just an average girl, it's not like i have boys dropping at my feet but I do have a few boys who have liked me. Unlike most of the female population, I don't spend my time getting dressed up to impress Chad. Instead, I spend my time reading books, even writing them!

Any who, my life was completely fine until my bad boy neighbour started acting a little stranger than usual.

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