Chapter three

Satura was a fierce demon puppet controlled by demon Tika.
The demons were sent by their master to feed on the students.

"Stay away from her!"Athan groaned with a shrilled voice.
"You just landed your self in hell human" the demon squealed.

Athan clenched his fist and devoured the demon with a strike and turned his gaze at Ivy, who seems a  bit traumatized by the whole scene.

"Let leave!" He said with a husky voice and held her up her feet.
Ivy could feel the sound of her heartbeat through her entire body.

She ran to the door but was stopped by his voice.

"You can't go out there looking like that. Besides  they are more of them out there, and the blood of the demon is stained on your shirt. To be on the safe side, you have to take them off." He uttered.


I chewed on my lower lips and tried to make words, but don't know what to say. so I just shut my mouth and watched as he came closer and closer.
His eyes squinted at me and his hair was messy.
His eyes changed back and forth between green and Hazel. I watched as they traveled from colour to color and looked up at him in amazement.

Wha...what are you "I stuttered, moving my gaze from his.
I was terribly scared.
But put on a straight face.
"I am noting as this demon.
I saved your life,so don't question me" He groaned, giving no  expression.
thank you" I stammered and raised my gaze back to his eyes.

He reaped off my white shirt, which made me turn in surprise.
"Are you crazy?
"I uttered with a frown. But gasp in surprise after he handed me his black jacket and turned around, heading towards the door.

Wait! Am not done"I yelled and ran towards him to catch up with him.

"I don't care" he groaned without turning his gaze at me.
I quickly buttoned my shirt and hurriedly left for  class.

"where have you been ivy? is that athan's jacket?
Oh my god!
Don't tell  me both of you--" she uttered and chuckled.

"Just keep shut! I will explain everything to you soon. I can't discuss such thing at school."I  whimpered.

"You don't have to. I guess it too naughty and dirty to discuss" she uttered.
"We didn't do anything sexually involved.
" I yelled, trying to defend myself from her nasty thought. 
"Then what happened in the health bay?
Why are you wearing his shirt? By the way you trembling, I sense it something way different.
"she blurted.

"Like I told you before, I won't and will never discuss this in school." I said, trembling in fear.

"Hi girls, how you doing?" Ken interrupted.
His smile was everything but his mind was dirty.

"Are you working on your assignment?
" Sera winked at him.
"yeah, half way done" he replied

"dang it, seems am the only lazy one out here, how am I gonna finish this tonight? I would have copied, if our assignment ain't different. I wish I was around when the lecturer gave a full explanation, about the topic"I scoffed hitting my palm on my forehead.
"Come to my place, I would help you out" ken said.

"I don't stay at a guy house overnight"I uttered and lowered my gaze.

"He may be naughty, but he is really a nice guy, I won't be around tonight, cause I would be visiting Steve." Sera said.

"She ain't coming ken,"Athan interrupted and gave no expression.
"what makes you say that?
"Sera gave a wild stare.
"Cause she would be coming to my place"Athan groaned as he place his card on my table.

"Do you know this guy?
"ken questioned, knotting his eyebrows.
"sorry athan, she ain't coming ?
"Sera frowned.
"This is for her safety, he uttered ,and turned to take his leave.
Then paused. "I would also assist you in your assignment"He said and left.

I could feel the rise of tension on my body, I took a deep breath and faked a smile on my face.

"What going on? Why his he talking about being safe? Are you in some kind of trouble?" Sera asked, in eager for an answer.
"I'm going with nobody.

please Sera, stay for the night, I can't stay alone" I pleaded.

"Since you came back from that health bay, You've be acting all scared.
You should have just gone with ken.
Am sorry,I can't stay with you tonight.  My boyfriend ain't feeling well and I...I have to give him a copy of his assignment. You've never complained on staying alone, why now?" Sera questioned.

"it noting, I will stay at home, You don't have to worry."I uttered.

After I got home,I was quite alert and uncomfortable by any slight sound I heard.
"Shake it off ivy ,it noting" I said to myself and turned on the music box.

I took a warm bath and bump my self on my bed.
The image of what happened earlier flashed my memory.
"He saved me again"I uttered and smiled.

I brought out his card from my bag 
And insist on going not only to see his face,but because I was scared to sleep all by myself, with the thought of what happened earlier still creeped in my mind.

Next chapter