DO you still have time to rest? Look at you, you look-.


“I’m serious, Shan. What time did you sleep last night?

“I didn’t sleep,” taking the last piece of his favorite food, shrimp tempura.

“What?! Why? Don’t tell me it’s work again? I’m letting you do all of these because that’s what you want. But what’s the point of reaching your goal when-.

“I didn’t sleep because I was busy looking at you,” Shan winked at her. “Wasn’t I romantic?

“B-busy looking at me?” Is that even considered romantic? “That’s creepy.

Shan laughs before his face turned serious and held her hand. “I came home last night to check on you. I planned to stay for just a little while since you were already sleeping but I can’t make my self leave. We’re seeing each other every day but I still miss you.

She felt her eyes getting teary. Her heart suddenly felt heavy. “I do miss you too. I miss those days that I can hug you and kiss you anytime I want. Those days when you’re mine, alone.

“I’m still yours and only yours, babe. That will never change. Just a little bit more, Bridge. Just hold on a little bit more, please?

Though she knows they’re still far from over, she smiled and nodded. “I will,” she stood up. “I need to go back to work now.

Shan did the same and pulled her near him, clashing their lips together. They taste like food but she no longer mind as Shan explores her mouth with his tongue. They were catching their breath after the kiss.

“Let's eat lunch together.

She nods with a smile and started cleaning the table. When she was done, she went outside and was surprised to see the pile of folders on her table. No one’s allowed to come to Shan’s office without going through her first but the chairman. And since she wasn’t in her table, it seems like the heads of each department chose to just leave those in there. She looked at her wristwatch. It felt so brief but an hour has already passed since she came inside the office.

“I forgot to tell him about Dad’s birthday.

She doesn’t want to get disappointed but she really hopes they can have time to see her parents.

THE fastest way to inherit his father’s wealth is through his death but there’s no way he’ll get that low just to have it. And besides, he wants him to lose everything the most painful way. To put all his trust to his son and be betrayed in the end. But to achieve that, he knows it would still take a long time. And that only means he has to stay married to Belle that long too.

“I’ll be straight to the point. I do have a girlfriend and I don’t have the plan to break up with her. But since my father wants me to marry you, I’ll comply. Now, it’s up to you if you’d still want to marry me.

“How can you bravely say that to me? What if I decide not to marry you?

“It’s not just me who’ll benefit from this so think carefully. Your company will survive and I’ll get my father’s favor. Don’t worry, I won't mind if you’ll date someone. Just make sure no one will find out. We’ll only be getting married in papers. We’ll stay in the same house only if needed. So technically, you can still live your life the way you’d want and I’d live mine as well. Don’t worry, the moment my father transfer all his wealth in my name, we’ll file a divorce and you’ll have your share.

“Now I get it. Well, what else can I expect from an illegitimate son who suddenly appeared?

“I’m just getting what my mom originally owns.

“Are you not afraid that I’d tell your dad everything you told me?

“I know your dad still has a huge debt even with my father helping him with your company. If you’ll keep your mouth shut and marry me without any complaints, I’ll help you pay for everything.

That’s how he has made Belle agree to marry him and keep her mouth shut. If only Belle was sticking to their agreement, things won't be as hard for Bridgette and him.

BRIDGE is separating the files that need Shan’s signature when she suddenly felt her throat tightening. What’s happening to her? Is she having an allergy reaction? But she didn’t eat any seafoods- she suddenly saw the image of Shan eating the tempura and kissing her. She coughs as it’s getting harder for her to breathe. She gasps for air while looking for the Epipen in her bag but she can’t find it. Did she misplace it again?

“Ms. Bridgette, are you okay?” Silvia asked, the janitress assigned on the 21st floor.

“S-Shan,” it has become so hard for her to talk that that’s the only word she manages to say before she fell on the floor.

SHAN’s rereading the proposal of the team he assigned to make the design of Diamond Hotel, the project they have to get signed by next week. If they will be chosen, it will definitely bring a huge amount of money to the company. By closing the account, for sure his dad will be impressed of him too. He’ll have a meeting with them in fifteen minutes to make sure they can close it successfully.

His brow furrows when the door suddenly opens and it wasn’t Bridge. He made it clear that no one can directly get inside his office except his father who seldom visits. He made that rule since the time he loses control and makes up with Bridge. So far, it was only Belle who caught them.

“What are you-.

“I’m sorry for coming in but Ms. Bridgette needs help, Sir!

Just after hearing Bridge’s name, he hurriedly runs outside and saw Bridgette on the floor clutching her chest. Just by looking at her flushed face, he already knows what’s wrong. She’s having an anaphylactic shock. But why? He made sure he won't contaminate Bridge’s food with the shrimp he ordered for himself. It was packed separately- the kiss!

“This is all my fault.

He went back to his office and open the drawer where he’s keeping the Epipen in case of an emergency. He also has another one in the bag he always carries since he’s aware of how forgetful Bridge is.

He went back to Bridge’s side and injected the pen on her left thigh.

“Breath, Bridge. Breath.

He felt relieved when Bridge’s breathing starts to get even. Even so, he still needs to take her to the hospital. He’s still red all over and looks so weak. He’s about to carry Bridge when his girlfriend tried to push him away.

“What are you doing? I need to take you to the hospital.


Her life is in danger but she’s still worried about his meeting.

“That can wait. You’re more important to me.

Bridge was about to say something when she passed out.

“Please be safe,” he said as he carried Bridge bridal style.

Next chapter