SHAN is heading to the airport with Belle’s request. Her parents said there’s no longer need to escort them but she insisted and told them he’ll be the one to drive. He’s driving when his phone vibrates. Belle suddenly pulled it away after he took it out of his pocket.

“You’re driving so let me check your phone for you.” He tried to get it but she just moved it away from him. “Oh, it’s from your secretary who’s so hardworking to send you a message this early.

“Do you have an early meeting, Son?” Belle’s dad asked.

“Don’t worry, Dad. It’s not that urgent. His secretary just texted to say I love you to him.

Belle’s really getting to his nerves lately. They had a clear agreement but she keeps on going out of the way.

“Come on. Are you still mad at me? I’m just too tired last night that I fell asleep. But don’t worry, after that deal’s done, I’ll make it up to you,” he held her hand tightly. He’s sure it hurts but she endured.

“Belle, I know we’ve talked about wanting a grandchild last night but don’t get too pressured, okay?” Belle’s mom said.

“For sure that baby will come when the time is right. And Shan, I know how stressed you are with work. I’ve been to your shoes before and even now, I’m still stressed. It’s hard but give yourself time to rest, okay?

“I will, Dad.

The couple insisted that they no longer need to accompany them inside the airport so they just stayed in the car and dropped the two in front of the entrance. After they lost sight of the couple, he starts the engine right away.

They’re not that far yet from the airport when he stopped the car.

“What are you doing?

“Give me my phone.

“Why, are you worried that your mistress will get upset that you didn’t reply to her?

“Don’t start with me again, Belle.

“Didn’t you feel guilty at all? Acting like a good son-in-law in front of my parents while hurting me? You even made them fall with your acting. They were genuinely worried about their son-in-law.

“Give it to me before I get mad and I’m telling you, you’ll never going to like it, Belle.

“Is that woman all that’s important to you, Shan? Can’t you really give me a little importance? Don’t I matter to you at all?

He’s not that insensitive. He knows Belle likes him. He’s also aware that he’s hurting Belle’s feelings but giving her sympathy will only make her feelings for him grow even more. Belle was crying but he chose to ignore it.

“From the start, I already made things clear with you. We had an agreement, Belle,” without permission, he took Belle’s bag and looked for the cellphone himself. After finding it, he went out of the car.

“Are you just going to leave me like this?

His bodyguard opened the door at the backseat of his car which was convoying them. As he went inside, he instructed one of his bodyguards to drive for Belle. He looked at his phone and frown after he saw a message from Sammy.

“Take me to a restaurant.

BELLE’S father loan a huge amount of money and failed to pay it on time. But even with the huge amount his father loaned, their company was still on the verge of getting bankrupt. Then suddenly, his father’s best friend, Rodrigo Del Mundo came to the picture and offered them help.

When Luis was still alive, Rodrigo’s eldest son, their parents have been saying that they will be a great couple. But he only sees Luis as a younger brother, not as a husband and they respected that. But now, he once again asked his father to let her marry his illegitimate son, Shan Del Mundo. That he’ll be more complacent to leave his company in the hands of his son one day if it’s her he’ll get married with.

At first, she was against it but after seeing Shan, she fell in love with him in an instant. Though part of it was because of his offer to pay his father’s debt, she marries him hoping that one day, he’ll have a change of heart even after he told her about his long time girlfriend and that he only agreed getting married to her to get his father’s favor. But they have been married for a year now and his heart still belongs to that woman.

“If I can never make you fall in love with me, I won't let her have you too. You’ve made my life miserable, I’ll do the same to her. I’ll make her suffer.

BRIDGE already reached the office and Shan is still not there. He didn’t reply to her messages nor bother to call her. Is this Shan’s revenge on her for not answering his calls last night? She thought they’re already good after he gave her those flowers. Instead of sulking, though it’s not yet time, she started working to divert her attention.

“How many times do I have to tell you to eat breakfast before you go to work?

Though she already knows who it was with his voice, she still got surprise seeing Shan standing in front of her table. Exhaustion is already evident on Shan’s face. Dark circles are now visible around his eyes but it didn’t lessen even a bit of his handsomeness.

She stood up and greeted Shan. “Good morning, Mr. President.” Though Shan is her boyfriend, at work, she chose to treat him as her boss even if Shan doesn’t want it and no one is around apart from them.

Shan smiles at him whenever she greets him but that time, he maintained his poker face. “Follow me.

That was the first time Shan acted like that to her. No matter how tired and pissed he was with work and everyone, he always shows her a smile. As she entered the office, Shan was already taking out food containers from a paper bag which she didn’t notice Shan was carrying when he arrived.

“You didn’t eat dinner and now, you skipped breakfast. Do you really want to get sick?” Shan said without glancing at her. It only means he’s really angry at her.

She has hyperacidity since college. And every time she forgets to eat on time, she ends up getting sick for days. Vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and stomach pain were the usual symptoms she experiences which makes her feel like dying. And just three months ago, she got admitted after she didn’t eat breakfast and forgot to eat during lunch because she was concentrating on work. Shan felt so guilty and blamed himself for overworking her.

Since then, Shan has been so strict with her food and checks on her every time. He orders food for her and sometimes if he has time, he buys food and eats with her just like that instant.

She went to Shan’s side and gave him a kiss on his lips. “I’m sorry.” She doesn’t usually do things like that in the office. It’s Shan who always makes a move on her.

Shan obviously got surprised since he paused for a moment before he took a deep breath and hugs her. “You’re so unfair. You only do this with me when I’m mad at you.

It made her smile. “I love you,” she said as she kissed him again.

“Enough of your sweetness before I decide to eat you instead.

Next chapter