
Rachel grabs her drink, she can't stand the stares anymore and it's like she did too much.So, she's wearing a kimono over her body and simply enjoying her evening. Enjoying it with the loud music and consecutive screams, who's she lying to?

She's not enjoying her evening, just waiting for 10:30 to clock.

"I see you washed the bird nest."

Rachel turns to a very familiar voice and she rolls her eyes when she confirms the person.

You, a party? Rachel asks.

Kyle walks forward with a cup in his hands.

"If you ever attended, you would know I do parties. He teases her."

Yeah, yeah. "Typical Kyle Stevens!" Rachel answers and pokes her lips.

"I saw your...act over there." Quite...

"Appealing, you were gonna say." Rachel pipes in.

"Uncalled for, I was gonna say. Kyle answers."

"You're just jealous because people don't notice you, Rachel adds."

"You say that like you know they do, little Rachel. He whispers behind her ear."

"Stop calling me little Rachel, goofy Kyle!"

Is there a better nickname? He asks.

"Why don't you check that empty skull you call a head, she answers."

Kyle chuckles.

"It's better than those empty boobs you have there. He spits."

Rachel scoffs in wonder as she throws her cup away.

"Don't even go there, alright?! I'm very insecure there, so don't, Kyle Stevens, don't go there. She points a finger at him."

"But they are pretty the way they are." His voice comes out like a chilling whisper and Rachel gulps.

The hands pointed to him suddenly feel weak and she drops it, touching her over escalating heart beat.

She's like, stop beating heart, it's only Kyle Stevens, fool!

"Pretty...Rachel says on her own."

"See you later, little Rachel." Kyle says turning back and leaving her wondering when he grew so tall and if his shoulders have always been that broad.

The party is heating up and more people are joining in with their affiliates. People have lost people they came in with, so it's just you and anyone that's near you. Rachel has taken off her heels and she sits across a table, groaning a little as she pushes hair in behind her ear before scoffing at the Ice tea in front of her.

Ice tea, she thought!

Her head is spinning slowly and she just wanted to turn off the music and crawl in bed but she isn't at home. Her insides are hot and it's like a pot of soup is boiling inside her and she's thinking of using another ice tea to cool it down.

But, bad choices.

Again, she looks at the crowd of rubbing bodies trying to spot Olive, but yea, not present. She cannot remain outside anymore, she decides to go in and rest while Olive comes looking for her.

Rachel stands on her bare foot, her heels on each hands as she walked back into Stacy's parents million dollar mansion. She makes a sick face when she imitates Stacy's voice in her head–it is another impression of Stacy talking about her family's wealth and nothing more.

She pushed the door open and she's glad there not much party going on even if she can still hear the heated noise from outside.

Rachel sighs as she stares at into the huge house setting, she walks ahead into the expensive tapestry and artifacts that are all put together into the space and she reaches the kitchen. Everywhere is a mess, there is floor pizza and bottles of beer, soda, all laying around the floor.

Some people are present in the kitchen, drunk. The rest are sleeping, half sleeping, but whatever it is they are unaware that she is even present in the room. Rachel doesn't mind, she's looking for where to pass out too but she has to get home by ten.

Talking about time!

Rachel raises her hand and checks her watch.

She gasps when she sees the time and it's definitely almost pass her curfew.

"Oh, no. Mom is gonna Kill me."

Rachel storms out of the house, hoping desperately to a hold of Olive. She kept her phone in Olive's purse when they entered the house and she couldn't wait one more minute in this party.

She starts searching through the crowd for that auburn hair and she can't even get passed it. It's like more people had filled the premises in the little moment that she used in the house and stepping back outside.

Rachel drops her hand in defeat as she can't even yell her friend's name. It will only get swallowed by the blasting music, with speakers at every corner of the wet grass.

And as Rachel wonders what would be her next step, she sees Kyle coming out from the crowd, he's she only one she recognizes.


He says breathing hard.

"Have you seen Olive? Rachel asks immediately."

"Yes, I just met her. He exhales before speaking."

"Really, where? She's with my phone and I'm past curfew! Rachel says digging her feet into the ground like a kid in a candy store."

"You mean this? Kyle raises her phone up to her face."

Rachel drags the phone from his hand, why didn't you tell me you had it all along?

"If you would stop talking, then I would have. He says poking her nose which she frowns upon."

And Olive? Rachel asks putting her heels on.

"She said to go without her, I'll take you hope. Kyle says swirling his keys in his finger."

"What a friend she is...Rachel snorts as she struggles to buckle the heels."


Kyle says as she lowers his height and signals for her to rest on his shoulder which she does, staring at his eyes–something has changed in the way she sees him now, but she can't wrap her fingers around it, yet.

His support helps her buckle her heels and she dusts her hands around kimono, before picking up her real clothes that she held around with her.

"Come on."

Kyle states and there is a difference in his voice, why is she just recognizing it now? Rachel thinks as she watches him walk along the many persons, but he stands taller.

Next chapter