Chapter Four

PWTDS Chapter 4


I unlocked the front door and walked inside. It was eerily quiet and I took off my shoes in the doorway. I had called my dad earlier about Clarissa and he said he would make the school arrangements right away. My parents weren't home yet and I assumed they were still at their company meeting thing. I walked up the stairs to my bedroom and I saw Clarissa lying on my bed reading a book. Her blonde hair seemed to stick out of my whole bedroom since I had a dark blue and black comforter on my queen-sized bed. My desk, bookshelf and TV stand were all black. My desk was covered with loose papers for school, my purple laptop and random sketches and doodles. My walls were a soft white, but I wrote all over them with a black permanent marker throughout my life. There were quotes from books, songs or my idols, messages from my friends and stupid comments. I really loved it.

"Hey," I called and she jumped in surprise.

"How was your work?" she asked as she sat up and crossed her legs. She closed the book and placed it on the bed. I noticed she was reading The City of Bones.

"The usual, but I met this really hot guy there," I told her, blushing slightly.

"What happened?" she asked, excitedly.

"Flirted a bit and then he asked me to get a drink with him once I was done working," I explained.

"What's his name?" she asked curiously.

"Anthony," I responded with a dreamy voice, but I frowned when her face fell and looked scared.

"What?" I asked.

"It's... It's nothing," she responded and she gave me a weak smile. "I just thought I might know him, but I doubt that."

"Alright, and by the way you will be attending my high school, York Prep tomorrow. You don't have to worry about supplies because I also got a box shipped here with everything you will need, but for your school bag you will have to use my old black messenger bag until we get you your own." I told her.

"Wow that was fast," she answered her eyes wide.

"Yeah, my dad gets things done fast," I stated and my thoughts went to the arranged marriage. He and my mom have been so busy and I just didn't know how to talk to them about it. I sighed.

"I think we should go to bed. Big day tomorrow," I suggested and she nodded in agreement. She walked out to her own room.

"Good night," I called after her and started getting ready for bed. Linda had already probably gotten Clarissa everything she would need and she could borrow stuff from my closet until we went shopping. I change into my pyjamas and climbed into my comfortable bed.

My alarm clock rang through my room and I groaned. I shut it off and rolled onto my other side.

"Miss Tatiana, you should get up so you're not late," Linda told me as she shuffled around my room to open my windows.

"Ugh, I know! I'm getting up," I responded, but I was muffled by my pillow.

I dragged myself out of bed and stretched. I walked to the washroom to take a warm shower to wake me up and on the way I knocked on Clarissa's door to wake her up too. Once I finished I walked back to my room and went inside my closet. I picked out a pair of black leggings and wore a purple and black plaid top with the sleeves rolled up to my elbows. I walked downstairs and I heard the water running so I guessed Clarissa was up too. I ate my breakfast quickly and Clarissa joined me downstairs. She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans with a skin tight dark red V-neck and she looked amazing. We both went back up to do out makeup and when we were about to leave, I yelled bye to Linda.

"Okay, I'm starting to get nervous."


"I haven't been to school in forever."

"Well, then don't be because you are going to have a blast."

"How do you know that, Tatiana?"

"I don't, but I'm trying to be the positive one here."

"Thanks, but I still feel weird."

Before we got to school I stopped at a Starbucks to get us a coffee and I was hoping it would calm her down. I parked my car in the parking lot when we got to school and got out. I watched as Clarissa breathed in my car to calm herself down and finally she got out too.

"Tee!" I heard someone call and I spun around to see Samantha Denali, one of my best friends. She had dyed her hair fire engine red with black streaks a few weeks ago and she had a pale complexion. She was thin but still curvy and her body was in great shape because she played almost every sport. Her eyes were a sweet brown and she got into this school because of a sports scholarship.

"Sammy! Hey," I greeted and hugged her.

"By the way this is Clarissa, she's new," I introduced them and I watched as Sam hugged Clarissa without a second thought.

"Welcome to York Prep, Claire," Sam said smiling warmly and I saw Clarissa's hard eyes soften as she smiled brightly at her new nickname. I don't think she was used to someone as kind and open as Sam.

"Thanks, I think I'll like it here if everything is as friendly as you," Clarissa answered, kindly.

"Hate to burst your bubble, but everyone will eat you alive here if you don't fit into their twisted perfect world," Sam told her, rolling her eyes.

"Seriously?" Clarissa asked her eyebrows pulling together.

"Yeah, I don't get it really easy, but I don't let it bring me down," she told her with a soft pat.

"You get used to it and I'll help if anyone tries to mess with you," I reassured Claire.

"Thanks, Tatiana," she said smiling.

"Anyway, let's go get your schedule and hopefully Leah will find us soon," Sam announced and we all trudged to the main office together.

"Sammy! Tee! Slow down!" We heard someone yell and we stopped in our tracks. I watched amused as Leah half walked half ran towards us. Her pink hair was swaying around and she struggled with her books. I introduced her to Clarissa and then she had to leave for her photography class. That reminded Sam that she had a meeting with her coach so with a wave she walked off.

"The main office is just straight from here and I would show you around, but my art class is going to start soon so I've got to go. I'll find you later though, bye," I told her and took off for my class.


I watched as Tatiana walked off and I could still feel butterflies flying around in my stomach, but I kept walking. I pushed the door open to the office and gave my name to the secretary.

"Yes, Mr. Davey had someone call us yesterday about you, Clarissa. So, here is your schedule and I'll find someone to walk you around." She told me and handed me my schedule. I had homeroom with Mrs. Lee, I read.

"Kyle! Could you show Clarissa around the school and help her out with her classes?" she called after a hot looking guy who was about to walk out. He turned around and his green eyes met mine. He had chiselled features and messy brown hair but still managed to pull it off.

"Sure thing, miss," he answered and smiled at me. I smiled back and blushed slightly.

"Alright, then off you two go," she told us with a shooing motion. Once we were outside the office I looked at my schedule again.

"My homeroom is Mrs. Lee," I told him.

"You're in my class then and by the way I'm Kyle Parker," he said introducing himself and he offered me his big strong hand.

"Clarissa Johnson, but I guess you could call me Claire," I said shaking his hand.

"You guess, huh?" he said chuckling and I just smiled mischievously.

We walked together and made it to our first class. To my embarrassment Mrs. Lee brought me to the front of the class to introduce me.

"Class, this is Clarissa and she is from Canada." She said to everyone and I tried my best to keep a straight face. Canada?! Where the hell did that come from?

Class went by fast and I tried not to fall asleep since I was getting a serious case of déjà vu. I knew and accepted the fact I had died. For some reason I couldn't remember how and why I was sent to Hell. I do remember asking a man in his late forties back in Hell though and he told me our memories of what we did and how we died were always wiped from our minds. He also said if we somehow manage to get back to earth we would start remembering slowly, but I'm not sure I want to know. The bell rang causing me to jump because I was so lost in thought and I quickly grabbed my books.

"What do you have next?" asked Kyle once I met him outside the door.

"Umm... Mr. Greene," I told him and he nodded. So throughout the day that's what happened. He walked me to my classes and showed me how to get there. If he was in my class, he would stay and if not, he would meet me at the end of my class. We teased and talked to each other the whole day. I also noticed many girls were glaring at me. Finally, my last period was over and when the bell rang I took a little longer to get out if class because I had to finish writing down my notes. Once I was done I scooped up all my books and walked out, bumping into Kyle.

"I am so sorry," I said, laughing slightly.

"Hey, it's alright," he told me, smiling reassuringly.

"By the way I wanted to say thanks for showing me around and stuff," I told him.

"No problem, but I was kind of ... wondering if-if you would like ... to go out this Saturday," he asked rubbing the back of his head shyly. "I've got tickets to this great movie."

"Kyle, that's really sweet, but umm ... no. I'm sorry," I told him and walked off before it got awkward.

I felt bad for rejecting him, but I wasn't looking for a relationship at the moment especially after what happened. I shook my head and kept walking. I needed to meet Tatiana in the parking lot soon and I didn’t want to think about it. So I went over to my locker and grabbed all the things I needed. I slung the bag over my shoulder and walked out. I saw her standing by her bright red Ferrari, which is so amazing. Her friend Sam waved at me eagerly from the window and I had to smile. Leah wasn't there, but I found out later it was because her mom needed her help. So we were all headed back to Tatiana's place and we were going to study together. I missed this and being able to hang out with friends again. My friend in Hell was a twenty four year old gay guy. His name was Lucas and he was super sweet, but like everyone else he forgot why he was sent there. He was taken away though and I hadn't seen him in ages.

We were singing along to Green Day in her car and we all got out once we made it to her house. Then we brought our bags inside and they were all pretty heavy. Tatiana asked Linda for some food and we made our way to her bedroom. We all pulled out our books and started working.

"So, did someone show you around today?" Tatiana asked me.

"His name was... Kyle," I answered.

"Seriously? All the girls must have been killing you with their eyes," Sam added.

"Why?" I asked, clearly confused.

"He is amazing at every sport imaginable and he's on almost every sports team," Sam gushed, smiling.

"Obviously, she has a thing for him, but so does every girl," Tatiana said gesturing to Sam and Sam just stuck her tongue out at her.

"Well, he asked me out," I told them shrugging.

"What did you say?!" Sam demanded her eyes wide.

"I turned him down. I'm not looking for a relationship," I replied, simply.

"You rejected Kyle Parker?" she asked in disbelief and I just nodded.

"Probably a good thing since she's the new girl," Tatiana added teasingly and winked at me. Silence filled the room as we began to work again and then it was interrupted.

"I feel like having candy," Sam announced and twirled a strand of her red hair.

"I don't have Sam, but there's probably some at the gas station like ten minutes away," Tatiana told her and flicked her playfully.

"I'll go get some," I offered, smiling.

"Awesome! Can you get me a ring pop?" she asked, grinning.

"Okay, what about you Tatiana?" I asked.

"Surprise me." She answered and shrugged. "Oh, here's some money."

I took the twenty dollars and walked downstairs to the door. I left and I was smiling. I really like it here, I thought.


I blinked my eyes open and reached up to stretch except there was a naked girl snuggled against me and preventing any movement. I pulled my arm out from under her and I got out of the bed. She didn't seem to like the sudden cold. I slipped on a pair of jeans with a black hoodie. I got out of the room and made my way downstairs to eat. The lobby was busy, but then I checked the time and it was four o'clock in the afternoon. I walked into the restaurant and sat at the same spot as yesterday, but she wasn't there.

I was slightly annoyed as I ate, but I tried my best to push her to the back of my mind. I left the restaurant once I finished and decided to search for Clarissa again. I walked back up to my room and the chick from the other night was walking around dressed. Her eyes lit up when she saw me and she ran over to hug me. I stood there in her arms awkwardly and she finally let go.

"Where were you?" she asked, frowning.

"I had stuff to do, just like now. So, you are going to have to leave," I told her coldly and her face fell.

"But... But what about last night?" she asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Looks like I'll have to explain it to you. One. Night. Stand," I told her and I watched a her eyes flashed with anger.

"Don’t be such an asshole!" she spat and stormed off. “You weren’t all that great anyways.

"Thanks,” I called after her and she threw me the finger. I grinned she was fun, too bad it was only when I dumped her.

I walked into the living room to grab my bag and I called forth my hellhound. It appeared and began to snarl.

"You better find Clarissa today!" I yelled at it fiercely and watched as it coward away. I closed my eyes and concentrated. I knew no one would see me and I left with the hellhound following me.

"Go." I told it briskly and ran after it as it ran. We ran side by side and it felt nice to be out. We ran for a while and it led me to a small neighborhood, but then it took a sharp turn and I was on the street of never ending mansions. I needed to get a place like this I thought smirking as I ran. We ran all the way down and turned another corner onto a commercial street. I saw a figure walking towards me and she was pretty hot, but then the hellhound began growling and howling. I had found my girl I thought and adrenaline filled my blood. She seemed to have heard him howl because she stopped walking abruptly and then she ran the other way. Damn. I ran after her, but she seemed to be able to match my speed. She dropped the bag she was holding and sped up. How could she be so inhumanly fast?

I continued chasing after her and I watched impressed as she jumped over a fence. Of course, that wasn't much of an obstacle and I followed shortly. No wonder she was able to outrun the hellhounds when she had escaped. She jumped another fence and I jumped too except I didn't land on hard ground. I landed in a pool and I swam up right away, but she was already gone.

The stupid mutt was beside me and I angrily hit the water. How could she have gotten away so easily and not land in this stupid pool? I climbed out, drenched and pulled the hellhound out. This was going to be longer than I thought. Angrily, I made my way back to the streets and headed back to the hotel. Now, I'm going to have to start from scratch since she will most probably leave the area. I watched the water from my shirt drip down to the ground and I took it off. I'm glad I didn't feel cold and I started to run. What are you Clarissa?

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