‘We will soon experience prom dates!’ was the thing Jen, a classmate, told us on the first day of junior high. No, she did not greet us good morning or asked how vacation was.

I was sitting with my usual group but my mind was going on about my boyfriend and how he would be my date. No, not a new one. Yes, we got back together.

The silly me was so silly to accept the silly idea that I will be having him as my date. As if. We broke up once again. This time because he found someone new. She's a freshman and I cursed every time I saw her around.

I can’t believe he dumped me. I don’t know why he picked her when I know I’m better than her in almost everything.

But thanks to the breakup, guys began showing their interest in me. I grabbed each and every good opportunity that went on my way, screening and picking someone that suited my taste during that time.

Time passes by easily, though, and it was soon Valentine’s. Prom practices were scheduled and people got in charge, while the junior me was already tired of dating. I stayed single as prom approached fast but little did I care. I’m not sure if I regret dating those guys, well, true that it was a nice experience and I grew on those but it was draining. I got worn out introducing myself and opening up my bottled thoughts and feelings to another guy who will not last a month.

Or maybe it was because I know I have Drew, the guy who I was flirting-with-loose-strings-if-that-is-even-possible-type-of-flirting-because-we-never-advance-on-next-levels since we were freshies, that I can drag to be my date.

Or maybe, just maybe, I really didn’t care at all.

Instructions were explained as girls filled the third-floor corridor with us, junior girls, started the line while the boys were on the second floor and fronted by senior boys. I’m in the first ten of girls for various reasons but I will only give two. First, I’m in the star section and we were lined by section. The first section followed by the second and so on. The second reason, and the last, it was according to height.

After lots of warnings, the practice started. The girls’ line moved until we reached the stairs. From there, we could see the stairs that lead down to the grounds in our front and a corner turn in our right. One teacher was there to supervise and once the first music played, she cued, ‘Hand.

We giggled as a hand peeked on the corner turn. The mystery was part of the thrill. It’s cool but nerve breaking at the same time.

I remembered hearing one of my classmates say that she didn’t want to be partnered with an ugly duckling. It was a bit harsh but I kind of grew familiar with it. ‘Of course, who wanted to be partnered to uglies,’ I asked myself that time.

The girl in the front put her hand on top of the hand and they started walking down. A loud cheer from the boys was heard while we squealed in excitement.

When it was my turn, I knew I told myself to be calm because it was just a hand. Once given a cue, I put my hand on top of the mysterious hand. I started walking without looking at my partner as we stopped to the quadrangle and lined up together. Soon after a few pairs, an angry Ms. Agee, who was one of the advisers, stopped the music and wanted us to repeat from the top. Groans were heard but did what we were told.

On the way back, Cha put her arms on my shoulder and said, ‘Hey.

I tilted my head in her direction, ‘Hey?

‘You know-’ she was about to say something but was cut by Mitch, who was saying, ‘Let's switch!

‘You can’t,’ said the supervising teacher. ‘Hand,’ then the practice went again.

When I put my hand on my partner’s it was different, even without looking, I can tell the difference.

Once Cha was there on the grounds, she waved me to come closer. She then whispered, ‘Our partners got switched.

I looked at the guy next to him. He was okay-built - not skinny, not fat. His skin was a bit sun-kissed but not much. I don’t know who he was but he smiled at me.

I thought he was nice, back then.

I was hesitant to close the thought but did it anyway. He smiled at me. I did a curt nod and looked away. It was my first time seeing him. I mentally put a label on and called it, File #2.

Next chapter