Billion Dollar Love


There were little things in my life that mattered to me. Small group of friends, my bakery, my cats. I never asked for alot of things in my life, a bit of peace, food to eat, a shelter over my head and someone to talk to. I didn’t dream of happily ever after. I didn’t even believe in love anymore. Maybe because I knew what it did to you. It may be worth every hurt, but love wasn’t worth being killed alive. Maybe this was sad or I sound like a hopeless girl, but it was reality. My reality. 

My brother died when I was 15 years old. We used to be so happy, me, my brother, my mom and my dad. We were the perfect family, every Sunday going on dinner, taking vacations, celebrating birthdays in Disney land all of it. The picture perfect family. Atleast until my brother died of Aplastic anemia. He was 20 years old and we were too late. My parents tried everything they could but all in vain. I lost my best friend and they lost their son. His death changed everything. My parents turned to monsters. I thought they were grieving his lost but it was unfair. I was a depressive 15 year old who lost her best friend. I didn’t deserve all the abuse and beatings. I knew I didn’t deserve whatever they threw at me. All those hurtful words, painful punches, verbal and mental abuse, I didn’t deserve it but I stayed with them till I turned 18. It was all I could do, to serve them. I’d like to think I completed my share of duty I was supposed to, being their daughter. They gave me many things, but it was done. Our relationship ended 8 years ago. The hurt they left me with ran deep, they turned their backs on me and I lost all the trust in the world. Maybe that was why I never ventured into any relationship. I was happy with my life in the bakery and with the little people that were my friends and my protectiveness was through the roof when it came to my friends. And that was why I wanted to beat the shit out of this asshole infront on me who wouldn’t leave Sierra alone. Sierra was on of the bakers in my bakery. A single mom who went through enough shit in life at such a young age. Long light brown hair, light blue eyes, curvy with a little less meat than I’d like, she was one of my close friends. Her daughter, Emily was a sweetheart with perfect manners and so full of smiles, she made living look perfect. Sierra baked like a goddess. Her every dish was like Ambrosia. She was a badass who could hold her ground infront of scary looking guys but lately she has been spacing out and distracted. I asked her if everything was alright. She gave me a fake smile and said yes. But looking at her now, so distracted she didn’t even see the guy touching her ass made me believe that something was seriously wrong. 

“ Alright assholes. Get the hell out of my bakery before I call the cops. And you, gingerbread, stop touching my friend’s ass.” I yelled at the five guys who were laughing obnoxiously and hitting on Sierra. My voice seemed to have startled all of them. Well it was time they get out of my bakery. They were creating a ruckus and disturbing my costumers.

“ Damn that ass. You want to go out with me? Grab some drinks or something?” gingerbread tried to move closer to Sierra but River was quicker.

“ Get out NOW. I have been nice since the last 5 minutes. Get out or else I’ll kick your asses out.” River bellowed. River was another employee who worked in the bakery. He made the best drinks in the town. He was a lanky twenty year old boy who made through life with little. His mother, Anna  was bed ridden, her health declining. River was working odd hours to pay for the expenses for his mother. He was the only child and his father was a bastard who left both of them for another women. Men were pigs, well most of them.

“ What are you gonna do, weirdo? Run to mommy? Or daddy? Or you got none? Probably got none.” they snickered. All five of them were  18 year old bullies. Gingerbread seems to be the leader. I have had enough of them but before I could say anything, a rough voice spoke from behind them.

“ Get the fuck out or you’ll be sorry.” the voice spoke in a monotone manner, no emotion just…deadly.

Gingerbread turned to say something but his voice died in his throat. The man who spoke was huge, tall with muscles bulging, his black suit tight around his body. He was towering over us all, his gaze unyielding and currently they were trained on gingerbread.

“ Scram.” one word and gingerbread and his cronies scrammed like their life dependent on it.

“Well thank you but we had it covered.” I said to the strange men who was currently looking at Sierra with an intense gaze. A beat passed and he looked towards me. His eyes seemed so dark, a shudder passed through me, the scary kind. He really was handsome with an intense aura around him.

River and Sierra snapped out of their frozen state when the door chimed again. Both of them cleared their counter and began serving the customers in the line infront of the counter. 

Sweet Bakes was my baby. The only thing besides my friends that has anchored me. I was so depressed when I ran away from my parents years ago but than I met Heather. She was an ER nurse who tended to me and gave me shelter. She helped me heal, made me live again. She gave me opportunity to choose the life I wanted. With her I thrived and turned my life around for the better. I completed my college and got a degree in business. Everything was turning out perfect but then one day Heather died in a car accident. She was alone, with no family and anyone for her, only me. She left all of her savings in my name, the apartment above this bakery, and around 40k dollars. I was devastated but I knew being sad only made me miss her more so I cherished our memories and bought this bakery. Its been four years since I opened this bakery and it thrived since then. Sweet Bakes was my anchor and savior after everything.

I made my way towards the giant man. He was with another man who was checking out the display. They both were really tall and handsome with an intimidating aura around them. The other guy seems more friendlier than the giant. 

“ Everything looks really delicious, James.  Lets get the croissant box and two of the pain au chocolat and four blueberry muffins. And two black coffee to go.” the other guy said, who was still checking out the display. This guy have a sweet tooth. 

James, who was looking at me only gave a slight nod. He really was intimidating but I have seen too many intimidation in my life to feel fear. 

“ I’ll get everything wrapped up. You need anything else gentlemen?” making my way towards the display to put the macaroons boxes on display.

“ Just what I said, sugar. I have heard alot about this bakery. Thought we’d check it out. It does smell really good and everything looks delicious. Whose the goddess behind this? You or the other beauty?” the sweet tooth guy winked at me and smiled. 

“ Both. And wouldn’t you like to know who bakes these goodies. If this is all gentlemen, please step towards the counter. It’ll be 68$.” I was already putting all their purchase in a bag when the giant spoke again.

“ I have a preposition.” he spoke, in a low gruff voice. These men weren’t normal people. They seem like they belong in elite class, custom made suit, Rolex watch, squeaky clean shoes, a Jaguar car parked infront of my bakery. They were rich, more than rich  and they were proposing something I already knew.

“ No. I am not selling this building. It’ll be 68$. Thank you and good day.” All the muscles in my body went taunt, my face emotionless, all the sweetness seeping out.

The giant seemed surprised. A small smirk tipped his mouth. Suddenly amusement shone in eyes and he spoke, softer than before.

“I have a preposition. Would you offer catering for an upcoming event for next month? An after party for one of my friends?” he said. All the tension in my body evaporated. A small breath escaping my mouth. 

Sweet bakes was situated in a densely populated area. The central metropolitan area was at 10 minutes walking distance. Many real estate agents tried to buy this building from me, some with bribery, some with threats. People like giant here and sweet tooth have came many times in  hopes I’d sell this building. But Sweet Bakes would always be here, mine and as a bakery.

With a softer tone I asked, “ What kind of catering? And when and why mine?” We were successful as a bakery but our catering generated little revenue. I didn’t had a problem with it, infact I wanted to stop the catering all together. Not many people ordered catering but here this man, I never knew of, with wealth oozing out of him is offering a catering preposition from a small bakery.

“ Because my friend loves your goods.” he shrugged as if it made perfect sense.

“ Can I ask who they are? One of my regular customers?” there were a handful of my regulars.

With a soft sigh, he smiled and handed his card with a note. “ Call on this number. My assistant will tell you the details. Sebastian, lets go.” with that he left a 100$ on the counter and took the bag and left without a backward glance.

“ See you soon, sweets. And keep the change.” the sweet tooth or Sebastian winked and walked away. 

That was strange and odd at its best. Sierra made her way towards me with a concern face. 

“ Everything ok? I saw. They seem intimidating. What did they want?” she asked, holding the dirty dishes. 

“ They want us to cater an after party for a friend of them.” I shrugged and took the tray from her, walking towards the back door and placing it in the sink. Sierra followed me and filled a glass of water for me and herself. 

“ Thats odd. Why would they want us to cater? They seem rich.” she was curious same as me.

“ Well their friend must really like our food and besides we are one of the best bakers in town, babe. Don’t underestimate us or I’ll kick your perky little ass.” I smirked and winked at her. I was proud of my bakery.

She softly giggled and shook her head. Seeing her I suddenly remembered that there was something going on with her she wasn’t telling me about.

“ Sierra, whats going on? You haven’t seem like yourself for a week now.” grasping her shoulder I turned her towards me.

With a tired sigh, a tear fell from her eyes and she said,” Emily’s been ill from the past week. I don’t know whats wrong with her. The doctors says it’ll pass but she still has fever. I I just… if something happens to her..” a sob broke from her and she hugged me tightly. She was breaking my heart all over. Sierra had lost her father to kidney failure that started with a mild fever. They had been too late and her stepmother had kicked her out of the house after her fathers death. She had a step sister who was a gold digger and a brat. They were both vile and evil people.

“ Shh. It’ll be ok. We’ll take her to some other doctor. You should have said something, we would have taken her to another hospital.” I wrapped my arms around her, trying to make her stop crying. 

“ I just. I didn’t thought it would be anything this serious and I didn’t want to bother you guys. You have done alot for me already, Scarlet.” she swiped away her tears and looked at me with affection and respect.

Holding her face in my hands, I said with finality,” You are my family, Sierra. Just like Sophia and River and little Emily. I have no one in this world but you guys. Family stick together through every shit. Good or bad, we stick like glue. So please if anything happens, tell us. We’ll be there for you before you can blink. Don’t rob me of my family. Please.” this was making me emotional, but it was the truth. 

I had no one of my own, just them and this bakery. My parents abused me, hurt me with their vile words, and made me feel as if I didn’t deserve to live. They marked me with their evilness, scarred my heart and broke me. My brother left me too soon in this cruel world. But Heather saved me from turning evil even when I had been difficult, she didn’t leave me. I learned from her to always be kind and compassionate. She made me treasure family, and taught me sometimes friends become more of your family than blood.

Sierra sniffed and a small smile touched her lips. Hugging me she whispered in a small voice,” Thank you.

Returning her hug tightly, I held her close to myself.“Always welcome and thank you for giving me my family.

That was how River found us, hugging and smiling and crying. He even joined us. This was all I could ever hope for. This made me feel complete among this incomplete world and I couldn’t ask for more. But sometimes fate doesn’t play by simplicity. It makes life complicated to bind new bonds and break old ones and we will never ready for that. 

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