Arms around each other’s waists we stumbled towards the cabin with a drink in hand and useless rambling on my tongue I watch Hela kick the door in before entering the room, we happened upon Poppy, Jasper, Lucifer and Nanala all in a serious air, they glared at us before Hela jumped onto the table:

“So” she let her eyes scan the room “Anyone wants a drink?” As I raised my glass.

She jumped down giving Poppy a kiss on the lips then ruffling Jasper's hair a bit before turning on some music and dancing as I tried to join in, even if I couldn't see straight, from that all I remember was in blurs.

We sat around the table all swaying from side to side, I looked down at my hand then up to the awaiting flames of Lucifer's truest form: he sat as tall as the roof, horns curled with his white hair and his white eyes smirk down at me, he grinned before slamming his hand onto the table while I laughed slamming down my royal flush and dancing as I grabbed the pokey sticks from the table…..

Next, I found myself standing on the couch singing karaoke, let me tell you this, Hamilton does not sound good sang by a drunken woman who doesn’t know the words or how to rap. I turned to my lying friends who sat with their hands waving back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth…wait…why is the ground moving closer….

Next, I woke up to Jasper's head in my lap and the sad song sung by some sad excuse for voices, I looked to see Poppy and Hela singing with tears in their eyes, holding each other for physical and emotional support as they tried to hit all the high notes. I sat up, scamming the room for Lucifer and Nanala only to find them draped in each other's arm…and the world slowed down from its spinning motion of doom, with it came realization why I wanted to drink, to forget, I softly move Jasper head onto a pillow before grabbed another bottle and slipping on Lucifers big leather jacket disappearing out into the night.

The woods seem deeper and darker then earlier, the tree gave me the sense of calm and the night a sense of safety, I always loved the night to be in utter complete darkness with only a sound of my pocket watch ticking. I stumbled through the part made by my only sloppy footsteps, to be welcomed by the clear night sky and glittery lake below it, I stumbled to the edge. I took a big swing of Spirit beer before dancing along the edge of the water, I pushed the water with the foot as I swirled around trying to forget everything.

When a growl sounded behind me, a breath caressed my back and the sound of heaving followed it, I slowly turned to face the monster that stood behind me only to find Danger, Rufus and Butterfly looking down at me with big teary eyes. I threw my head back laughing before giving the hound a big unbalanced hug their noses sniffed its way through my hair before licking my face with affection, I picked up a log and threw it away from me and they ran after.

Before I knew what was happening, I was knockout and all I had was a dangerous growl from the babies, a soft whimpering followed before everything went dark.

I woke up on my knees, hands tied and a cloth around my mouth, pain crossed my brow as I tried to feel the atmosphere in the room when I looked up only to find fire flaming around me as I kneed before a very narrow piece of the walkway; it was wide enough to hold four people standing side to side but hands to their sides. I looked up to the stony almost black sky, I let my eyes move to my sides to find two demons standing straight and tall as if at attention, armour black as ink and spears as sharp as thorn aiming at my throat for any sudden movement.

“You are finally awake” a voice as sharp as a snake's fangs reached my ears, I looked to where the voice was coming from to be confronted by a beautiful woman laying across a throne with an evil smile on her face, her long ivory legs draped over the chair as her long black hair flowed down from her head, she looked familiar but I couldn’t place her “so, you are the girl my son is obsessed with?” she giggled until her face turned sore “how pathetic” she swung her legs over before standing to her feet.

“I am sorry to disappoint but you have the wrong girl,” I said with a forced smile after the cloth was ripped from my mouth.

“Oh honey, I have the right one” she slowly descended the staircase before bend her waist bring her face close to mine. “are you this Nat girl?” she asked curiously

“what of it?” I answered bitterly

“oh darling, why so bitter?” she asked standing straight up again, looking down at me as if to assert dominance.

“I don't know” I rolled my eyes as I continued “maybe because I am tied up, kneeled with spears to my throat or the fact that I was hit on the head and kidnapped, maybe it's that, pick one” I raised my voice a bit.

“Ooo…being testy are we?” she shook head as she paced back and forth “very testy for a person in situation” she smiled as I laughed slowly.

“Maybe you should re-evaluate the situation love,” I said looking up at her in the eye “I am in this situation because I allowed myself to be in it” I smiled before standing to my feet as the spears followed “you see, I don’t take kindly to the way I have been treated but because you seem like you brought me here for a reason and I am all ears, darling” I pulled the last words from my mouth.

“No need to get offensive” she held her hands up in surrender “I am just here to warn you of your precious, you think so highly of” she smirked in fake innocence

“have no time for your manipulation, witch” I made an attended to break free when I realised something “how do I stand in hell when only the damned and dead, can stand beneath the earth?” I whispered “I thought Lucifer said I couldn’t cross the fiery river”

“my son keeps a lot of secrets” she smirks “a lot of secrets from you” she whispered trying to convince me of betrayal

“keep your tongue witch,” I said breaking the chains that held me before grabbing each demon and pushing them off the edge.

“Wait!, listen to me” she moved back in fear “Azrael, listen” she held her hands up.

“What did you call me?” I asked as she ran to her throne and grabbed the sceptre.

“your name” she announced as I looked at her confused.

“you truly have me confused, I am not the angel of death” I moved further towards her.

“But maybe you are” she voice hushed at the end “do you remember anything before him?” she questioned softly.

“Yes, I remember waking up in the middle of an abandoned church, pitchforks and angry townsfolk because your son found me and saved me from their angry and burning eyes” I answered walking towards her.

“Yes, but before that?” she asked with a smile.

“I hit my head,” I said

“Funny how you don’t remember it?” she said with a smile.

“Yea that what happens with amnesia” I rolled my eyes as I grabbed her throat.

“yes, funny how he happened upon a ‘witch'” she said creating quote marks around the last word “how she happened to have the power to see souls” she smiled as I let her go stepped back “how she happened to have the watch of death, the one watch that tells us who will live, who will die and how or when” I moved back before I launched towards her again as she stood on the throne chair.

“You speak nonsense!” I scream grabbing her around her neck and pushed against the back of throne chair.

“am I, truly?” she asked before I felt a hand grabbed my head and I was transported out of my body back through time.

As I fell back I fell throughout all the memories of years, the moments I wouldn’t forget, the moment I saw Nanala with her vibrant ginger hair and pure soul to Poppy with her big eyes and bright smile to Jasper with platinum blonde her and shady pink eyes, to the night I spend in Lucifer's warms arms to straddling his lap and painting protective war paint on his face. Until I stopped at a memory I don’t recall, I stood in the middle of a room as I watched a veiled figure of a woman in a widows dress enter with a strange weapon by her side and brought my attention to the scene that was produced before me.

A woman's with dark brown hair laid back in pain, she scream and pulled at her clothes as women around ran from room to room with hot water, towels and knives, I watch as they settled to stand near her, holding her hands in support. I watched the veiled figure look at her watch before stepping close to the woman's side, no one seemed to notice her until another scream ran out, it was not from the woman but the baby the midwife held in her arms. I watched the figure touched the woman's tired, sweat covered face and woman's spirit moved out of its body and stared at her in awe, the room went crazy at the sight of a woman not breathing.

“just once” I heard a woman say softly, the figure nodded before touching her shoulder and she was brought back to say “where is my baby?” the woman whispered before the child was brought to her, she looked down at the child when a single teardrop fell from her face and smiled softly as she turned to the veiled woman and whispered “thank you” before her hand fell against the bed.

The veiled figure grabbed her hand and gently lifted the soul from the now barren body, the browned hair woman looked down at her baby and smiled “will he make it?” she asked with a sad tone to her voice.

“he will do great things, I promise” the veiled figure answered before leading the woman through a white light.

Next, I was in a field of flowers that seem on the edge of nothing at all, I followed the veiled woman through it, when she stopped in the middle of it only to be faced with Lucifer in his true form, his inky black hair was now white and fell to his waist, a red ribbon fell around his hips and curled around his neck with that his wings were spread wide and a crown of smoke hovered over his head.

“GIVE UP THY POWER, Azrael” his voice growled and moved throughout the empty field.

“Why would I give my power to the likes of you?” she spoke in authority.

“IF YOU WILL NOT GIVE, THEN I WILL TAKE IT!” he growled as he attacked the veiled women.

She steps back twirling her weapon in the air before slamming down and lifting into the air then swiped it against his chest causing a scar form.

“the scar” I whispered as I watch the veiled fly backwards and a growl from Lucifer.

“Back off, Lucifer, you don’t stand a chance,” she said twirling her weapon behind her.

“I WILL TAKE YOUR POWER IF IT’S THE LAST TIME I DO, I WILL RIPPED IT FROM COLD STONE CORPSE IF I HAVE TO!” he shouted before moving in to attack once more with a sword he materialized from his air, she turned around moving her weapon through the air before they collided, a weapon against the weapon, face to face when Lucifer grabbed her veil from her face, it fell into nothing, shocked by the notion she fell from the sky.

At this moment, everything went slow as she fell, the sky seems to erupt as her body met the field of fresh soft flowers and there she laid surrounded by white Lillies, her eyes closed. I moved to her side only to see my face on hers and I stepped back in shock only to see Lucifer step forward, kneeling at her side, he touched her face softly before reaching for her weapon but she grabbed his hand, sending a blast forward. Her body flew in the air before slamming down into a nearby the church, blowing the whole thing into a crater, its walls were burned but it structure stood, through it all, I laid unconscious. I stood before my body, kneeled, ready to touch her but I was pulled out of the past.