The Raven cawed and sliced through the crisp Autumn breeze as it flowed into the city from the sea.

Agamori shielded his eyes from the sun and looked up as the bid flew overhead and made for the Great Hall.
“Looks like we may have a new job to do.

The importance of the message could be known from the bird that carried it, so whatever the content, it must be great to have a bird of such intelligence tasked with delivering it.
But all Daniel could think of was the day it arrived for Rosemary. The guilt of it never far from his heart.

Within minutes, Uzzi came to the two warlocks and nodded to the building as he waved for Daniel.
“Come, Daniel,  Father wants to speak with you immediately.

As he passed the city dwellers along the way, Daniel wondered what could be so important and if it had anything to do with the Raven.

Ever since he arrived, Daniel had been waiting on the other shoe to drop and for Nicholas to change his mind about Daniel staying there.
Far from anyone who would know about his past, he still worried that the bitter truth of his life would be revealed to everyone and they would turn on him.

His heart beat against his chest and his palms became wet as the thought of being shunned by his new family started to overcome him.
Living his life without Rosemary now was unthinkable.

As he descended the basement stairs, Daniel blew out a long breath and prepared for the worst.

“You wanted to see me?
” Daniel stood in the doorway of Nicholas’s laboratory and waited to be invited in.

Smiling back over his shoulder, Nicholas waved him through.
“This is your home, Daniel, you don’t need permission to go anywhere.

Looking around the bottle lined shelves of the damp basement, Daniel waited for Nicholas to speak.
Being a warlock, Daniel cared little about the healing magic and didn’t know much about the priceless things contained in the dark glass vials.

He spent most of his days with Agamori learning the really important things and clearing the lands of marauders.
As he came to Daniel’s side, Nicolas crossed his arms. “I have an important task and I can rely on no one else to do it but you.

The egotistical side of Daniel’s curiosity suddenly awoken, Daniel matched his pseudo father’s  body language as he crossed his arms and tried to his excitement about being entrusted with something so important.
“Yes, of course. Anything.

The side of Nicholas’ lips curled up slightly.
“My sons and I will be leaving for the Kingdom of Lidas in the morning. We will be leaving you as steward in our absence.

It wasn’t some measly eviction from his lands, he was leaving Daniel in charge of the security and welfare of his people.
The irony of his orders wasn’t lost on the once murderous tyrant, and like the day Nicholas first accepted Daniel into his fold, a prideful happiness took Daniel over. “How long will you be gone?

As he considered the time for travel and the gathering they were attending,  Nicholas tilted his head back and forth as he pushed out his lips.
“I expect a month or more.

Signaling to Daniel by waving his hand to follow, Nicholas led Daniel to the small window that looked out to the cobblestone path.
Catching a glimpse of Rosemary as she sat in the soft grass reading a book in the sunlight, Daniel clutched at his heart. It had been nearly two months since the meadow, and he was irrevocably ensnared by her. He’d been warned to give her time and space to heal from her traumas, but it felt wrong and tore at his heart.

Nicholas leaned against his work table and continued.
“Mainly, you will monitor our travelers. The people of this city can manage their own affairs.

“I understand,” said Daniel as he kept his eyes on Rosemary.

Smiling at the aura of young love that Daniel radiated, Nicholas glanced at his daughter.
“Rosemary can help you manage our guests. She’s done so before and it will do her good to work. She’s already familiar with many of them. She’s still not completely well, Daniel, she will need someone to watch over her in my absence.

“Thank you,” said Daniel.
“I promise I will take care of her.

Putting his hand on Daniel’s shoulder before he turned to walk away, Nicholas said, “Yes, I know that you will, that’s why I chose you.
I would trust no one else with the life of my daughter.

A wave of relief washed over Daniel.
Even though he and Nicholas had spoken at length about his history, Daniel never quite trusted that all his past transgressions had been forgiven.

As she walked arm in arm with her father to the stables the next morning, Rosemary’s fiery auburn hair waved in the breeze from the sea past the hill.
Watching from the doorway while he spoke to Agamori, a numbing chill spread through Daniel’s back and wrapped around his body. Crossing his arms to push the shiver away, Daniel’s breath hitched as he witnessed her beauty bathed in the morning sun.

Forgetting to answer Agamori because he was so bewitched by the way her skin glowed and her blue eyes cut through the mist from the waterfalls, Daniel’s eyes batted around before they finally snapped to Agamori.
“I’m sorry, what were you saying?

Chuckling through his angular nose, the ancient witch smacked the back of his hand against Daniel’s chest, Agamori rolled his eyes.
“Just tell her you love her you idiot.

With a ragged breath, Daniel shuddered through his chest as Agamori left him standing there to finish his morning worship of the only goddess Daniel cared about.

He stood a little taller and put his hand on his chest as Rosemary passed him, and she grinned bashfully at his formality.

Nicholas kissed Rosemary’s cheek then climbed on his horse as his sons filtered out onto the path and started off on their journey.
“Take care of my girl.

Standing behind her, Daniel put his hands on Rosemary’s shoulders and pulled her back from the path leading out as Nicholas trotted away.
“With my life.

As the horses carried her family away, Rosemary fidgeted with the silver chain around her neck and sighed.
“Be careful!” Slowly following along, Daniel only needed a few long strides to catch up. With his hands clasped behind him, Daniel glanced down at her lovely worried face.

He’d stayed up many nights practicing scenarios of how their next interaction would go but now as she walked along beside him, words escaped Daniel.
“You’ll be with me this evening for the gathering, won’t you?” Rolling his eyes at his own lack of charm, Daniel shook his head. “Of course, you’re always there, I just meant…”

Rosemary smiled sweetly at the struggling warrior and she turned to him slightly as she continued to walk.
“Yes, of course I’ll be there. I wouldn’t leave you alone with all this Daniel.” 

Looking over the city as they walked, Daniel said, “I’m not very good with people.

She playfully poked her finger into Daniel’s arm and shook her head.
“I don’t believe that’s true at all. You have greatness in you Daniel. There are no mistakes or coincidences. The way you came here, it was for a reason. Something wonderful, I just know it.

Hoping to have just one more touch of her hand against him, Daniel stopped on the path and took her fingers in his hand.
“I don’t know why you’re all so good to me. I’ve done terrible things.” Glancing away as the shame of it took him over, he bit his lip and shook his head. “You wouldn’t even believe it if I told you, but you all treat me like one of you. I don’t deserve it.

Rosemary stepped closer to Daniel and took his other hand.
“No one really deserves another person’s love. It’s a gift, that’s what makes it so special.

With his dark, perceptive eyes bore through her searching for a crumb of hope, Rosemary’s cheeks flushed.
She tried to let go of him, but he held on tight. “And you, Rosemary? Do I have your love as well?

As her name was called by the Sentry, she glanced away and waved.
The new arrivals had come, and she was supposed to handle their accommodations. Rosemary held up her finger and said, “I’ll be right there.

Taking back her other hand, Rosemary pulled on his sleeve before she walked away.
“We’ll talk later, Daniel.

She didn’t even get more than a few steps before she stopped and turned back.
As she pushed the tuft of hair away from her face as the wind blew it around, Rosemary sighed. She knew he was hoping for an answer, but she couldn’t give him the one he wanted. “You are one of us, Daniel. You’re as much a part of this place and this family as anyone.

Next chapter