Haldir the Viking

"I'm so very sorry, please forgive my rudeness, sir." The young red-haired woman accidentally brushed against Haldir in the pub that evening as she tried to navigate her way through the drunk and noisy crowd without being too much of a bother.

The handsome blonde Norwegian with a bushy beard looked up from his conversation and glanced over his shoulder. She was a beautiful girl with an aura of purity and kindness, definitely not an Earth born witch and certainly didn't belong in a place like this. "Not a problem child. Be careful walking home, it's a bad moon tonight."

Noticing the healer's bag she carried, Haldir realized she must be there on business. She seemed out of place and nervous as her eyes darted around the room, and she rubbed her neck. "I will, thank you for your concern, sir." She dipped down with her knees in respect as she said, "Have a good evening."

Smirking at the genuine properness only a Realm born creature dished out, Haldir smiled kindly at the foreigner and said, "And you as well, young one. Hurry off now before one of these ugly blokes try to claim you for their own."

Haldir watched her as she left and thought she looked familiar maybe, but the loud conversation going on around him interrupted his thoughts. As he turned back towards the bar, he missed seeing the white haired young man slink through the door after her.

Leaving the pub that night, Haldir headed straight for the brothel he'd been staying in and as he walked his thoughts went back to the girl he'd seen earlier. Haldir regretted not walking her home, he had a gnawing feeling inside that told him something wasn't right.

As he laid in bed and snored away into the prostitute's chest, a vision of the girl came to him and his eyes snapped open. "Fuck!"

Jumping up from the warmth and comfort of the bed, Haldir rushed to get dressed as the vision continued to play out in his mind. "Don't go that way. Turn around."

Strapping his sword across his back, Haldir ran out the door and disappeared into a black mist.

Running through the streets of London, Haldir peeked down every alleyway he passed looking for any sign of her. He could still see the landmarks clear in his head, but he wasn't native to England and wasn't even sure if he was going in the right direction.

As he stopped on the street corner and spun around, his eyes finally saw the broken gate and the horse tied to the post. 

Haldir ran across the street and heard a faint cry coming from down the alley. He pulled the knife from his belt and slowly made his way down the filthy path and hissed through his teeth when he finally saw a tuft of red hair sticking out from behind a crate. Realizing he was too late, Haldir took off his cloak as he approached her and wrapped it around her then lifted her up in his arms. "Hold on, child. Haldir's got you now. I'm taking you home."

Walking towards the street, Haldir heard the girls gasps and chokes, and he knew that time was short, so he disappeared into the mist once again.

Stepping out of the black fog that surrounded them, Haldir breathed in the fresh crisp Autumn air of the Realm then started off for the tall castle in the center of the well manicured meadow surrounded by forest and snow capped mountains. 

Standing before the tall glass doors of the House of Eliphas, Haldir looked over the witches face and her swollen eyes tried to open. "We're back in the Realm, sweet girl. You're going to be alright."

As the doors slowly opened, Haldir turned sideways and rushed through then quickly carried her through the marble floored hall.

"Eliphas? Where are you?" Yelling out across the seemingly unending hallway, Haldir finally saw Eliphas poke his out from a door and wave him over.

"Bring her now."Eliphas stepped aside as Haldir rushed into the room and gently laid her down on the bed. Brushing the blood-soaked hair off her face, Haldir closed her eyes. "I'm sorry I couldn't find you sooner. Forgive me."

Eliphas brought his bag to the bedside and began removing vials from it then placed them across the table. As his nun came to the room with a stack of bandages and clothing, Eliphas shook his head. "Oh, Rosemary. You poor thing. How could someone do this to you?"

Rosemary had been beaten nearly to death. His goddaughter's face was almost unrecognizable to the ancient witch king. He hoped the vision he had as Haldir crossed over with her was wrong, but her missing clothing and the bite marks on her exposed skin told him it wasn't.

Haldir closed his eyes in sympathy of the tattered girl before him. "You know her?"

Eliphas pulled on his long white beard. "She is Lady Rosemary of the North Woods. I'll send a raven to her father once we're finished here."

Standing up from the bedside and walking backwards to the door to give them their space and privacy, Haldir crossed his arms. "She's going to be alright then?"

"Eventually," said Eliphas as he started to tend to her face. " The man who did this?"

"He was gone by the time I found her." Haldir looked back at Rosemary. "I'm so sorry."

Taking a deep breath through his nose, Eliphas shook his head. "She is safe now because of you. Do not burden yourself with guilt."

Once the girl's wounds had been tended to, a Raven was sent to Nicholas as promised. Haldir sat and waited by her side. He didn't know Rosemary at all but after finding her the way he did, he felt bound to stay and make sure she was alright. Haldir's visions often had disastrous consequences and the remorse he felt now for his faulty gift was taking its toll on the age-old Viking. 

As the morning sun broke through the red, green and blue glass beside him, Haldir woke in his chair to find Rosemary watching him through her swollen black and purple eyes. He smiled softly and pulled his chair closer then leaned over. "Hello Rosemary, I'm Haldir. I brought you back to the realm after I found you in London. Do you remember that?"

Pushing her lips together as the pain of what happened to her ripped through her body and soul, Rosemary clucked out from her throat as she started to cry.

Hesitantly taking her hand in his, Haldir's face pulled down into a scowl that only a tortured soul could make. "I'm so sorry. I should have walked you home, I knew you didn't belong there."

Swallowing down through her throat, sore and puffy from the finger marks around it, Rosemary shook her head slightly. "Thank you for coming for me. I was so scared."

Clicking his tongue as he fought back his own tears, Haldir curled his lips under and shook his head before he placed a soft kiss on the back of her hand. "That is all over now. We've sent for your father. You'll be home soon."

Trying to cough through the hoarseness of her parched mouth, Rosemary looked to the pitcher of water by her bed.

Following her eyes, Haldir sat up and turned to the table beside them. "Here child, let me help you." Rosemary tried to lift herself to sit up but whimpered and fell back to the mattress beneath her. Haldir knelt by her side and slid his hand under her back and lifted her then brought the glass to her lips. "It's alright. I have you."

Panting as she sucked back the water like she'd been trapped in the hottest desert, Rosemary finally licked her lips and collapsed in Haldir's arm as her sweet voice became clearer. "Thank you. I will never forget what you've done for me."

After he fluffed the pillows under her head and straightened her blankets over her, Haldir sank back into his chair. "I'll be heading off to the East lands to visit some friends in the morning, I hope you don't mind if I hang around with you until then."

An angelic smile curled up on her split lip as her heavy eyes began to close. "I'd like that."

Waiting on the young noble woman the entire day and night, Haldir tried to snuff out the bight on his conscience before he finally dozed off in the uncomfortable chair he sat in.

Walking through the dense dark forest in his dream, Haldir came upon a mountain with a castle built into the side of it. Massive gargoyles glowered down at him as he came to the wooden doors and walked inside.

Coming to the King's room, Haldir saw Rosemary sitting on a throne dressed in the finest blue silken gown he'd ever laid his eyes upon and a golden crown on her head. From all around him, an unworldly male voice spoke to Haldir. "If it weren't for you, Haldir, I would have nothing at all."

As the next mornings sun woke him again, Haldir looked over the frail, trampled girl before him. "Well, your Majesty, seems I finally got something right."

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