Chapter Five

She’s wrong. Again.

She’s tempted to ask if he’s got a twin. Maybe she met his twin. This guy in front of her is completely different from the one she encountered previously.

Yes, his patience did run out. He expected her to be his by now. His gaze is a bit disconcerting. Jill wasn’t sure how to react.

When he turned up in her room, he invited her over to his. She accepted, wanting to see how much of a big shot he actually is. Now, she’s trapped.

She’s not sure if he won’t get violent, though. In her experience, you really can’t judge a guy based on his appearance alone. No matter how gentle they seem. There are really some good actors out there. Josh happens to be one of them.

He looked brooding as he waited for her answer. She can’t reconcile his crude words earlier from her first impression of him when they first met.

She almost wanted to laugh. She writes fiction, but she tries to make things believable. Okay, so maybe these things do happen, but they’re clearly wrapped up.

He propositioned her to be his woman. No strings. Not even friends, but with benefits. He stated it very clearly and very seriously. She didn’t realize he finds her attractive. Okay, she would admit she gets into a number of troubles because of her looks. She should really consider getting a surgery. Too bad her face always attracts the wrong kind of guy.

“So, let me get this straight. The inns, and every accommodation I went to yesterday… was that you?

He didn’t bother replying to her.

“I would assume your answer is yes. I didn’t realize you’re this kind of jerk.

“Well, if you’re smart, you’ll know what answer you should give, no?

“I could report you to the police. This is harassment.

“No, sweetheart. It isn’t. And I would have a few cases already filed against you before you even arrived at the station, just in time for them to arrest you.

“Wow, you’re much bigger than the jerk I initially thought you were.” Despite her calm exterior, she’s starting to fear this man. Just how powerful is he? Well, that’s how the rich roll.

But there’s something odd, though.

“If you already expect me to say yes, what’s the point of asking?” She’s naturally puzzled.

“You get to say the words on your own.” He shrugged, losing his fearful aura from earlier. She almost grinned. He’s two-faced, but it would seem he’s actually both the masks he wears.

“I don’t get it, though.” She voiced out, as she props her chin on her joined hands. Something else baffles her.


“You’re extremely attractive. I’ll give you that. And if I’m honest, you’re definitely my type. Is there really a need to do all of this shit? Why can’t you simply ask me out? Let’s go on dates. Buy me some flowers, and milkshakes. You get what I’m saying?

“Well, if you listened to me earlier, I don’t do feelings. No strings. If you start whining about how you feel about me, I’ll leave. Move on and find a new girl.” Inside, he was secretly celebrating the fact that she does find him attractive. But he can’t do those things she’s requesting.

She grinned, though.

“Really? So, if I gush over you now, and say how much I love you, I can’t live without you, and all that shit, you’ll actually let me go? Let’s start, then. What particular phrases do you hate hearing? Pick-up lines? I have a few of those.” She stunned him.

“From watching reaction videos, you know.” She felt the need to add when she saw his incredulous look.

He realized he’s no match for her wit. She actually interpreted it that way?

His expression darkened. Jill grinned.

Maybe she shouldn’t have. She didn’t expect him to actually kidnap her a few days later. When he let her go that day, she didn’t see him afterwards. She thought maybe he didn’t like her after all. Now though…

She sighed. What is wrong with this man? If there’s one thing she understood, he hasn’t been violent on her yet. He did say he wants her, but he hasn’t even tried to kiss her. She would probably kiss him back and get lost in it. His sex appeal is that strong. She could even forget that he’s a little unhinged.

“You’re really forcing my hand, aren’t you?” Jill asked as she surveyed the room, noticing the open balcony on the side. She slowly moved around, on the pretense of checking things out.

“You only realize that now?” His expression was still nonchalant.

“How about I force your hand, then?” A small smile appeared on her lips.

“What do you mean?” He was frowning now. He never did figure her out.

“I’m not afraid of death, handsome. How about you? How do you feel about finding a corpse inside your house?” If creepy gets creepier, this is it. It’s not that she doesn’t value her life, but yeah, it’s actually like that. More like… she’s about ready to die any second. It doesn’t make a difference to her. She had a fulfilled life already. She already ticked off everything in her bucket list, she could hit the bucket. If she’ll lose her will, she might as well lose everything.

“Are you threatening me with suicide?” He caught on, but he doesn’t believe her. Not one bit. Even the women who begged him to stay and continue the arrangement with, who threatened to do harm to themselves, ended up not doing it.

“No. I’m not threatening you. I’m just telling you what I can do. If push comes to shove, what do I have to lose? You’re this big ass jerk, why can’t I be a crazy bitch? You get what I mean? No? Okay.” She moved towards the balcony and leaned over the railing. Josh stepped forward while frowning. She can’t be serious, right?

Jill closed her eyes as she leaned backwards. She’s really not afraid of anything. She gets those one-second, two-second fear, but they don’t last. She’d been to worse. As a reader, what else hadn’t she read about? If he’s as bad as he tries to portray, if he’s as evil as he claims, her end would be the same. If she can’t force his hand, it would be her hand being forced. What would be the results, though?

Josh ran the moment she closed her eyes. He couldn’t let her fall. Is she crazy? It’s the third floor. It probably won’t hurt as bad if it’s the second floor, but damn, it’s the third floor and she choose to fall backwards. Is she crazy?

He grunted as he collided with the railing, it hurt his chest and the momentum of being dragged by her body pulled at his joints as well. He managed to catch her arm, but her short scream told him she probably injured her joints as well. He cursed as he pulled her back and over the railing. She was unconscious when he turned her over to see. He yelled for Ryan and asked for a doctor.

Is she crazy? He couldn’t help repeating that question in his head. She never does what he expects her to do. Never would he imagine that she’ll do something like this.

When Jill opened her eyes later, she sighed in relief. Well, it told her a lot of things. Josh doesn’t seem to be as evil as she thought. He’s trying to show her who’s the boss, but well… she can’t be bossed around. It’s the main reason she quit her job. She doesn’t like being bossed around.

Before she can even move, he loomed over her.

“Are you crazy?” He really asked.

Why is he so loud? She closed her eyes as she felt her head ache. She frowned as she tries to re-assess this guy.

How would she describe him? An alpha billionaire. She heard from his assistant that he owns the damn five-star hotel they were previously staying at. Given his behavior of wanting to have his way and expecting her to comply, through whatever means, unrelenting, not backing down… yes, he’s an alpha. She should really look into that. What makes a man an alpha? She’s pretty sure what she knows is convoluted. She once read an article that a true alpha male is actually one you want to keep, like boyfriend material and long-term. She snorted. Maybe she’s remembering the wrong article.

“How are you feeling?” He asked, his tone tinged with anger. She can tell that much. Well, she’s not aching in too many places, just her right shoulder. It was pulled really badly. There’s that buzzing in her head again. She probably has a fever as she’s feeling cold and tired.

“Fine.” She croaked as she turned on her side, burying herself into a soft pillow. Bliss.

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