Chapter 4: The Classic Trip, Twirl, and Catch

In the conference room….

At the conference table, on the side near the door, sat Zoe and the other finalist. While the interviewers, consisting of the top executives of Érevna, sat on the other side.

Zoe recognized a couple of people on the panel, who had interviewed her previously.

She was impressed by the level of interest taken by the senior management in hiring an employee. It was praise-worthy that they took time out to ensure that the right person joined their organization.

She was still marvelling at Mr.Prakash Kohli’s foresightedness in the matter when the door to the conference room opened.

Zoe was glad she was seated because she was sure she would have collapsed had she been standing! The ‘Adonis with mile long legs’ standing at the door was of the mind-losing, breath-hitching, collapsing-in-a-puddle, drool-worthy variety!

Though he did look somewhat familiar, Zoe couldn’t place him. Notwithstanding the goo that had become of her brain seeing such a delish man walk in the door just now, she decided to just enjoy the unexpected sight and use her brain later!

Her ‘fan-girl mode’ was rudely interrupted by the questioning voice of Danny in her ear. He couldn’t make out what was happening as everyone in the room had suddenly gone completely quiet!

Danny had been insistent on helping her out in her mission since she had told him of her intentions.

She had expected opposition and enumerated reasons for why doing such a thing was wrong and not safe for her.

But what she got instead was unrivalled support and an instantaneous partner/back-up.

Zoe hadn’t planned on involving Danny in her actions. Just in case something happened to her during her quest, Meera mom would have at least Danny by her side.

But Danny hadn’t let her give any excuses. He had ‘volunteered’ to join her mission against the Mahantas. She had a choice between accepting his help or forgoing the who thing altogether.

Since letting go wasn’t an option, she currently had a contemporary-in-crime!

Her biggest fear was Meera mom finding out about their actions and putting a stop to their plans.

The lady was too sweet for her own good. Even then the world felt not even an ounce of compunction when taking advantage of her gentle nature.

Unbeknownst to everyone though, her forbearing nature hid an underlying strength. She let things go because she concentrated on important matters and not every slight and insult and betrayal coming her way.

That is why she had been able to come out of the pit Saavri Mahanta had dug for her and raised herself and two orphaned children, all on her own and triumphantly at that.

Even in the face of adversity, the lady had taught them compassion and kindness. Is it any wonder that Zoe and Danny had grown up to be such successful human beings?

In their hearts, Meera mom was on a pedestal that no one could reach. They had not forgotten the injustices towards the three of them, but since Meera mom wasn’t keen on hanging on to the past, they had respected her wishes and learnt to look forward as well.

But Carina Mahanta’s actions had been like the rock that disturbed the calm waters that finally tipped the scales against them.

Zoe and Danny were no longer the helpless children who could do nothing but cling to Meera mom and cry at the unfairness of it all.

The likes of Mahantas needed to be taught a lesson. They needed to understand that they are not superior to others in any way and others’ life was not a cheap commodity that they can trample on at their will.

They were lucky that Saavri Mahanta had such overconfidence in her power that she didn’t confirm whether her two unlucky grandchildren had succumbed to the fate she had arranged for them or not.

If she had, then they wouldn’t be alive and well and living a good life with their savior, their Meera mom.

And Meera mom would have probably suffered a fate worse than what she had already suffered at their hands.

That is why Saavri Mahanta and her ruthless name needed to go. Danny and her might have the Mahanta blood running through their veins, but they had Meera mom’s courage and love and kindness sinewed in every atom of their being.

Her coming to Érevna was an important part of their plan. Her meeting the Greek God entering the conference room right now was a gift from fate. And if he felt a bit familiar, well, that’s just destiny!

Quietly reassuring Danny & herself that everything was fine, Zoe marshalled her thoughts and faced the intruders with a calm that hid the bellowing internal hurricane.

Zen nodded a greeting at his dad’s senior colleagues before glancing at the top 2 choices for the post of his PA.

Then thunder boomed and lightning stuck as his gaze got arrested at the sight of the petite bespectacled person sitting there!

Next, uncaring of propriety or manners, Zen hypno walked towards this ‘person of interest’!

For some unfathomable reason Zen felt compelled to approach the person sitting there. He felt an unerring sense of familiarity with that person, even though there was no hint of recognition for him on that face.

But Zen was helpless against this feeling.

So like a kite urged by the wind, he too single-mindedly drifted towards that person.

And that's why, he didn’t see the serpentine wires carpeting the floor in front of him.

One second he was walking dazedly towards that person and the next he was whooshing towards the ground like a floppy dolly.

Snaking wires and inattention granted the ‘beauty’ a not-so-graceful landing-on-the-face opportunity in front of his ‘object of attention’.

But before Zen could lament on his inopportune fate, Zoe reacted on a subconscious level and managed to catch Zen before his body hit the floor.

Recalling all her strength, she managed to hold-on the caught-by-the-wires ‘demigod’ in her arms and twirled him around to instantly bring his face up towards herself.

Although it took Zoe a fraction of a second to react and break ‘the hero’s’ fall, for some reason, the viewing audience experienced the thrilling sequence in slo-mo!

Then they stood unmoving like that for what seemed like eons and centuries but could not have been for more than a few seconds.

Faces just inches apart, staring at each other intently, recognition blazing through their systems but no cognizant memory of each other’s identity.

The potent eye-lock got broken by the insistent sounds of “Sir!”.

The up close and personal view of the face she had been admiring from far made Zoe realize whom she had inadvertently caught in her arms; Zen ‘The Moron’ Kohli!

Mrs.Lobo had been walking besides Zen reporting on different project developments. They had entered the conference room together until Zen had decided to act and walk so out of character!

There she witnessed, for the first time in her career, a scene that felt too intimate and private to be viewed by the others! She didn’t know why, but at this particular moment, she felt like a voyeur!

On waking up from what seemed like a private dream sequence, both Zoe & Zen wore an almost identical expression of shock and embarrassment and a rather becoming shade of red!

Releasing themselves from the awkward position, both quickly catapulted to their respective rightful corners to contemplate and collect the remains of their remaining officious dignity!

Next chapter