Chapter II- Part 2

TSA saw Dustin sitting on their usual eating place as her scooter stopped at the parking area. He did not look in her direction or even noticed her because he was staring blankly ahead. Her forehead knotted as she took off her helmet and hung it on the clutch.

Dustin called her when she was almost finished with her delivery. Something was off with her friend. But what could it be?

“Hey.” She slapped Dustin’s shoulder, startling him, and sat on the empty seat next to him.

Dustin smirked as he tapped his shoulder.

“What is it this time? And…” Tsa raised an eyebrow as she studded Dustin’s get up. He was wearing a white, long-sleeved shirt and black slacks which are ‘un-Dustin-like.’ “You’re dressed up. Is there an occasion?

He shook his head. Dustin looked uninterested with the world ‘again.

“What?” Tsa asked, looking impatient.

“Mom wanted me to wear this for breakfast this morning.

Tsa snorted.

“It’s not so bad. You look human,” she said, gesturing her hands.

Dustin’s already chinky eyes narrowed.

“She’s setting me up again with a daughter of her friend’s friend’s relative.

“Is she pretty?” Tsa asked with keen interest. She leaned on the table and propped her chin on her hand. “She must be.

“Are you kidding me?” Dustin sighed and leaned on the seat.

Tsa could only imagine how Dustin compelled himself to go along with her mother’s matchmaking antics.

“What should I do?” he asked after a while.

“I’m sorry I took too long to come back, Boss!

Both of them turned to Jo, who appeared carrying a large box of pizza.

“Gosh, they took forever to make the order.

“You’re an errand girl too, now,” Tsa remarked.

“As long as it comes with extra pay,” Jo replied.

“Jo, sit here for a while. I have something to ask you.

“Eh?” Jo turned to Dustin, reluctant.

Their boss nodded.

Jo sat on the chair beside Tsa. “What is it?

“You have chinky eyes. Do you have Chinese blood?

“I don’t think so. I don’t know a relative with Chinese blood either.

“Dustin’s mom is setting him up with a Chinese girl, but he doesn’t look happy about it. I thought you could pretend to be his girlfriend so his Mom would stop meddling with his love life.

“So, you two are really just friends?” Jo asked.

Tsa gave her a ridiculous look. “Of course!

“Is that why you two are not together? Because you’re not Chinese?

Tsa waved a hand near Jo’s face. “Stop talking nonsense. That’s not the question. I can pretend to be Dustin’s girlfriend if only my eyes aren’t these big. Happy?

Jo laughed.

“Don’t mind Tsa. You can go back to work now,” Dustin said in dismissal.

Jo’s face turned somber. “I hate it when two people can’t be together even if they want to. I know you’re a great guy, Boss.

“Really?” Tsa butt in.

“He wouldn’t hire me if he wasn’t,” Jo confirmed matter-of-factly. “I pray that your Mom understands who you really want to be with. If I can see it in your face, I’m sure she does, too.

Dustin stared at Jo. He looked uncomfortable. And sad. Tsa looked at the two, confused.

“Take some pizza before you go.

Jo’s face brightened. She opened the pizza at once and took two slices.

“I’ll go ahead, guys. Thanks for this, Boss. You’re the man!

None of them spoke until Jo disappeared into the coffee shop. Tsa took a slice of pizza and ate.

“What do you want to do now?” she asked.

“Nothing. I just want a hug.

Tsa moved her seat closer to him at once. She dropped her pizza on the box and threw her arms around him.

Dustin brought her head to his chest. Tsa could hear his heartbeat. It was louder and faster than normal.

“You should give it a chance, what do you think?” she said.

“I don’t want to talk about it.

“Okay. Then you can hug me until you feel better.

“Thanks,” he said wanly.

“JO, THERE’S a sale at the bookstore at midnight, and they will give as much as fifty percent discount. Would you like to come?” Tsa put the creased flyer on the counter.

“Really? I’d love that.” Jo’s face brightened up as she picked up the paper and read it. “But I’m broke right now.” She pouted her lips. “How do I say ‘no’ to books, though?

“I know, right?” Tsa pointed two fingers at her. “Should we meet an hour before midnight here?

“That would be a great idea. Leave me your number so I can update you.


Jo took out her phone and gave it to her.

“Is Boss Dustin okay now?” she asked as Tsa began to type her number.

“He should be. I’m a great comforter,” Tsa replied nonchalantly.

“Your friendship is interesting.

“That’s what you get when you’re friends with a writer. There.” She gave Jo’s phone back. “Give me a call.

“Got it!

“I CAN’T believe we write for the same publishing company,” Jo exclaimed in amusement.

“It’s no surprise. Every writer I know wants to write for Silver Plume Publishing.

They grabbed coffee at the convenience store just in front of Endless Stories Bookshop. They sat near the glass wall, facing the street. The place felt alive even though it’s almost midnight.

“How long have you been writing?

“Do you mean how long I’ve been writing for them?

“Yeah,” Jo said before taking a sip.

“Wait…” Tsa thoughtfully stroked her chin. “I was twenty years old when I finally got my first manuscript approved. It got published a year later and… I stopped submitting to them four years ago. Though, of course, I never stopped writing. I had other jobs to get by. My mother almost kicked me out of the house. Imagine not making use of your education because you want to do someone else?

They both laughed.

“I feel you,” Jo remarked. “In my case, I did not imagine becoming a writer. I thought I could become a full-time writer just like everyone else, especially the veteran writers. Did they not offer you an exclusive contract?

Tsa shook her head.

“I used to envy writers who secured an exclusive contract.

“I know. If you’re an exclusive writer, you’re a priority.

“Supposedly,” Tsa stressed, raising a finger from her hand holding the coffee. “But the publishing industry isn’t the same anymore.

“Right. Even if you’re bound to the contract, but if your book doesn’t sell well, do you think the publisher will keep printing your books?

Tsa pointed a finger at Jo and clacked her tongue

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