MHN 9 || Oath

•~Rhyna and kidnapper~•

He watched with utmost interest the exact moment when her eyes opened. He saw her trying to move around but her restraints stopped her from doing so.

The next moment when she was unable to move, she winced. The exact moment when her eyes drifted to her injured arm and the shocked expression on her face when she found it operated and on the way of healing.

He got up from his position in the corner of the room and moved towards her as she looked around, still looking slightly disoriented.

"How does your arm feel?" He smiled at her, knowing that it would tick her off.

Surprisingly, she didn't react. "Better now, it wasn't my first bullet." She smiled tightly at him.

He chose not to reply and very smartly so. While she was asleep, he thought about all the ways he could make her speak and answer her queries and he was shocked at all the sexual suggestions that filled his mind.

The results could be way more fruitful after all, he could get his answers as well as his dose of fun.

"Why have you restrained me? I am trapped anyway when you are the one with the weapons I do not have anything with me." She asked in a tired tone.

"What's your real name Rhyna?" He questioned her, looking straight into her eyes.

Almost immediately, she looked away. There was another name, her behavior confirmed that there was indeed another name.

"What do you mean? You have stalked me enough to know that my real name is Rhyna." She looked straight into his eyes, unblinking.

Impressive, she was a wonderful liar indeed. She was well trained to kept secrets after all. She had taken the oath. He was sure of it now.

"I won't ask again. You know what I am capable of. You are restrained. I have the weapons, think again." He cocked his head to the side, observing her closely.

Her body flinched just a little, if he wasn't observing her so closely, he would have missed it but because he was looking for the signs of a lie, he caught the movement and knew now that she was lying.

"I don't know what you want from me. My real name is Rhyna Arnolds. I thought you were a good stalker but now I doubt that." She smirked at him.

He smirked back. "So you didn't take the oath Rhyna?"

Her face paled and instantly she looked so scared, he wanted to laugh at the sudden change. She had taken the oath. He just wasn't sure before but now looking at her, he had no reason to doubt.

"What oath are you talking about?" She acted like an innocent, just how much could she act, he wondered. She spoke lies with such confidence, no remorse, without a flinch, it amazed him really.

"Enough of your bullshit Rhyna, if you don't play the game with my rules, this game will turn dirty."

He moved closer to her and saw her visibly flinch when he took her gun out and pointed at her face.

He was satisfied with her reaction, she knew her place, she was scared and she knew he wasn't afraid to shoot her again. She made her job a hell lot easier now.

It wouldn't be a difficult thing to intimidate her now. He chucked and that made her eyes snap open.

"I can easily extract secrets out with the use of force, I have extreme methods planned for you really." He looked at her with a poker face.

"All you can do is shoot a bullet so do it! Right through my chest!" Oh, oh, she was getting all the adrenaline back and that wasn't good for him.

"Are we wishing for death Rhyna? Not at all! I am thinking more on the lines of torture. I have innovative ways to make you start speaking."

"Give it a try, you won't get anything out of me now." She was getting bolder, oh, how amazing it will be to break her down.

"I can just start by ripping your nails for every time you lie, that will give you twenty turns, enough time to think, what say?" He snatched her hand and held her wrist in a steady hold and was thrilled to see the fear on her face.

"Or I could just use this exquisite body of yours for my play, that would be better and way more humiliating, don't you think?" He laughed merrily, knowing that it was ticking her off.

"Don't you dare touch me!" She sneered at him and that was sexy. She was hot when she was being feisty, even though restrained.

He trailed his fingers from the front of her dress, down her cleavage as she struggled, and then further down but he stopped when she spat at his face.

He really liked to test his patience. In one go, he looked at her and smiled. The next second, he had torn her dress right from the valley of her cleavage and almost down to her stomach.

"You better start speaking now Rhyna. Let's start with your real name, shall we?" She breathed heavily but still didn't cry, she was a tough one, he would give her that.

"I'm on my last threads of patience, you just spat on me, should I return the favor?" She looked at him with the same arrogance and defiance.

He took one look at her silky black bra that was now showing her perfect breasts and that almond-colored skin was taunting him to do something to her.

"I am beginning to think that you enjoy me forcing you. Do you? Is that the reason why you aren't speaking?"

She had the guts to spit at his face again as she breathed heavily.

That was it!

He snapped her bra in 2 pieces with such force that she whimpered in pain. She had tearful eyes now, looking at him pleadingly.

"Please don't do this." She looked at him pleadingly.

"You should have thought of that before spitting on me." He looked at her with a dark expression, not caring anymore.

"One last chance, what's your name?" He looked at her with no expression on his face.

"Vanessa. Vanessa Smith." She murmured, a tear slipping from her eyes.

He wasn't expecting an answer and was surprised that she gave in, just like that.

"Did you take the oath?" She stayed quiet as he looked at her.

He went forward and snatched her bra, her chocolaty brown nipples were hard and prominent now, her almond skin, her beautiful breasts, he wanted to devour her. But he didn't as he stared at her, waiting for her to give in and she did when she murmured another reply, barely audible.


Well, that changes things, didn't it? He smiled to himself.