If the cold hospital walls of Houston’s New Haven Hospital were anything to go by, Justin would have fled the hospital long ago, but his fiancée would have none of it, she was so sympathetic it was a pain to watch most times. It is a beautiful feeling though, thinking about her caring and supportive characters. The woman was the most kindhearted woman he had ever met, even his own mother had not been that kind to him which was why he had no intention of letting her go. She has a flame that would last forever with any man, and she was a keeper that was for sure; the type of flame that Taylor lacked he thought sadly. With Evelyn, he was so cheerful and happy he sometimes wondered if he had ever faced any difficult moments in his life before he met her. Taylor was always self centered, and put her own happiness above his at all times. Her moods were never stable, it got to a point they were constantly fighting anytime they were alone. He had tried talking to her about the issues most times, but her status as a world class celebrity made her pompous. It was true he had loved Taylor, theirs had been an open love, the media were constantly on them from the beach, to parties and tours, it had been a roller coaster ride with her, always bubbly. The night the broke up was still fresh in his memory no matter the number of times he willed himself to forget about the horrible occurrence.


He had just returned from an impromptu meeting with his producer Gary, who had also been a childhood friend of him. He had been friends with Gary right from childhood days. Their parents lived in the same environment. That fateful afternoon, Gary had wanted to sign him up for an important movie production and during the meeting a few drinks had been shared and he had gotten slightly drunk. Gary had dropped him off at his doorstep, but immediately he got home, his head was aching badly. Taylor was sitted in his living room patiently waiting for him that night. He remembered how beautiful she had looked, her curls falling on her shoulders, a few straining into the plunging neckline of the short dress she wore, she looked so sweet just sitting there until she opened her mouth to speak.

Taylor had shouted at him in anger after he told her of his whereabouts. She did not forget to add that she had waited for him for three hours. She then pretended to kiss him, only to smell his breath which was reeking from the alcohol he and Gary had drank. She had raved madly when she learnt that he went out with Gary without considering the fact that she told him about her function only the day before.

Justin knew he was in the loop, and tried to explain his situation to her but she had been unnerving and wouldn’t bulge, continually insisting on the same thing over and over again. She had gotten so annoyed that she declared she wanted a break from him, he had been shocked but resolved to let her have her way, she would probably come crying the next morning, he thought. Instead she had taken the case to her social Media announcing their break up. The next day, he got called to many shows and interviews asking for his opinion on the matter, but he was always reluctant about saying anything so as to help her save face. The mean comments on his twitter had made him quit social media for a long time, still he patiently waited for her till a fluffy ball named Evelyn had played herself into his life. He had been so drawn to her positive nature and her happiness radiating to his every nerve. By then, all his attempts of talking to Taylor had been futtile; her idea of a break had been too extreme. He decided to leave her alone, to eat the bitter medicine of her rejection. The day the media had found out he was dating Evelyn, hell broke loose. Taylor called him non-stop that day, and also sent him messages through friends that she wanted to see him, but his mind was made up. She had been happy playing the victim, there was nothing wrong in her playing it any further but why settle for her moody behavior when he had Evelyn cheerful and bright personality to make his life happy at all times.

Looking at it now, He felt guilty at his rejection of her, all of her three relationships since he left her have been a wreck. The first two had been just to spite him when he officially announced he was with Evelyn, but he had thought she sincerely loved Mike and had fully gotten over him but the events that happened told him otherwise. Mike had discovered something about her, what could she have been hiding for Mike to do that, he thought.


Justin sighed in despair, he raked his hands through his hair as his thoughts troubled him. He thought about Mike's reaction and the reasons for that. He also remembered Mike had mentioned Red Valley, Justin knew there wasn’t much at Red valley; It was a very quiet neighbourhood, retired folks mostly stay there. It is a countryside, quiet and peaceful. Half of the small towns population consisted of old people, there wasn’t anything eventful about the city and definitely not a place for someone like Taylor to visit, or could she have changed, he shrugged people do not change that easily Taylor Bay changing was a total farce. He needed to know what has she had done at Red Valley for Mike to behave the way he did.

The cheerful voice of Evelyn brought him out of his thoughts,

“What did you say?” he asked since he did not hear her the first time, he had been too busy thinking about Taylor. She wasted no time in replying

"The doctor said she would be fine and not to worry, he gave her some pain relievers just in case though” she explained to him, but his non-challant attitude told her he did not care, she supplied the information anyway. He would have to care for her at some point, she was only bidding her time to tell him what had been bothering her, he seems to have a lot on his plate now.

Evelyn found it strange though, he had kept a straight face when she had asked if he still had any feelings for Taylor. He had denied it but a guy who had no feelings for the girl wouldn’t have acted the way he did tonight. The punches he threw at Mike were out of anger spiced with jealousy, she thought.

“You were amazing tonight” she chipped in, he immediately angled his face to give her an assessing look which told her she was messing with trouble. He shrugged “any one would have done that, it’s no big deal” he leaned on the wall staring at the hospital wards, he was sure he would rather be taking a shrink than be at the hospital at that moment.

“Lest I forget, the doctor said she is awake and could receive visitors, do you want to come?” she asked hopefully...

“No, I will pass” came the quick reply deflating her hope, he hadn’t even batted an eyelid when he refused.

Evelyn deliberately let the matter slide, she was however not daunted, she was going to carry out her mission and no one would stop her. She needed Taylor as her backup plan and she wouldn’t allow Justin to soil it or ruin it, he was good at observing things but so far she had been able to hide herself.

She reflected a little on her decision, a mistake on her plan could backfire and even warrant Justin hatred which was the last thing she wanted. He was the sweetest man alive and she was lucky to have found him and Taylor foolish to have thrown him away.

She stood up from Justin side on the bench, "I am going to see her and probably to receive her thanks", she giggled to herself, knowing fully well that was never going to happen. “I do not want it to get awkward when she meets us outside again and I need to discuss how to clear the mess off social media" she said and was about leaving when Justin stopped her saying "that stupid manager of hers knows how to handle this kind of situation” he answered reflecting on his own experience with Taylor. "Do not involve yourself in her matter, she might try ridiculing you since you both are not of the same celebrity status, you are a university lecturer and she’s a singer, I do not want her to be mean to you” he said worryingly, distrust edging its way across his handsome face.

His blue eyes were stuck on her grey eyes making her face flush. Seeing the blush on her cheeks, he drew her closer with his hands wrapped around her waist. Evelyn melted into him, a tingle began to spread in her stomach expanding to other parts of her body. Finding her voice, she teased him "wasn’t it the same for us? You never acted out of proportion for me, just because I was a lecturer, Instead you gave me love in a way no man had ever shown me, you made me drunk in love. Justin, I have never been sad with you” she confessed loving the way his hands were rubbing her legs. She was not a bit ashamed that they were in the corridors of one of the most prestigious hospitals in Houston, they could easily get captured by the CCTV camera that was fixated right in their direction. "I love you, the happiness you have brought into my life is immeasurable. I will love to spend forever with you baby” he said dreamily, no doubt thinking about their future. A tear slipped down her face at the realization of the words he was saying to her, Justin raised his hand to her face using a thumb to wipe her tears away.

“Why are you crying? It’s no secret how I feel about you and this feeling between us, I will like it to be forever” he was silent for a bit then suddenly bursted out laughing.

“What is it? “she asked

“I am making such a lousy job of proposing to you, am I not? I know this might look like a spur of the moment idea to you but it is not, I have been thinking about it for quite some time now. We are in a hospital lobby, one which my ex-girlfriend is currently at, no one would ever believe a superstar like me asked his fiancée to marry him in an hospital corridor” his voice was shaky a bit. laughter bubbling in his chest

At the mention of Taylor, her head chimed. She had forgotten her game plan, she needed to set things in motion before Justin makes plans to announce their plan to marry to the public. Then there would be no solution to the problem on ground anymore. “So what is your answer?” Justin asked interrupting her thoughts, looking at her with those icy blue eyes, they were stayed with moisture now, they were wet.

She raked her hands into the softness of his hair, in response, loving the way it felt in her hands. She also liked the idea of forever but fate wouldn’t let her have her way. She didn’t care her position, she was straddling him on the chair now, forcing out a throaty ‘Yes” it sounded hoarse to her own self. Her voice was stained with tears she couldn’t believe it, fate had cheated her once again.

One of the reasons her plans have to work was that she didn't want him to lose twice. All Taylor had to do was sit and listen to her because Justin's happiness lies in her hands and she won’t let the silly girl ruin it, she was going to fight for what was rightfully hers.

Next chapter