Casden walked through the tunnels; naked, wet and cold, He had arrived at the wharf by swimming through an arch opening and leading into a dark tunnel. From there he continued swimming until he had stumbled upon a very busy wharf that was full of life. When he saw this he was rendered completely shocked.

Casden had quickly hid himself out of fear within the darkest corners of the tunnel, and looking out at the strange people surrounding the area with pointy ears and purple or white eyes. Some even had wings and were flying about in the air.

When two of these strange people came towards his hiding place, Casden tried to press his naked body further into the shadows. Only it was already too late and the pointy eared people who came of a steam boat, had already spotted see him.

The two elves stood together, staring right at him with their ghostly pale eyes and skin that glowed ethereally. They held an eternal beauty that had Casden transfixed and frozen on the spot. When they started to talk, the sound was unlike anything he had ever heard before and he ended up using his trembling hands to cover his ears.

"Puer autem qui estis?" [Are you OK child?]

"Non puto nos scire milina." [He can't understand us, Milina]

The lady still tried to speak to the frighten Casden but the boy really couldn't understand a single word she was saying. Frowning, Milina glanced at her partner who wore a sceptical look on his face. She could tell that her partner didn't want to help the boy but Milina couldn't just leave the naked youngling in the open like that, she was no fool and could see that the boy looked nothing like her kind. He was smaller, his colouring was different and his eyes were so warm and bright, he was a very beautiful creature.

Not to mention, Milina also felt something within her calling towards the youngling and she knew she couldn't just ignore it. it was part of her magic empathy; Casden couldn't understand the creature who tried approaching him nor did he know that she meant him no harm, which is why he let out a whimper of fear and tried to disappear into the walls of the wharf, anything to get away from their prying eyes.

These people aren't human, Casden thought. I need to run and hide, No matter how beautiful the beings were before him, something like this cannot and should not exist; is what he thought. No matter how he looked at all of them around the crowded area, no matter what his eyes were trying to show him, Casden was in denial that all this was  not real because elf’s and fairies should not even exist.

The only obvious answer in his head was - he must be dead, Casden's mind was running a mile a minute while he bit his nails until they became stubs. He huddled further into the corner, seeming to forget the beautiful elf woman who was reaching out to touch him. "It's a dream; this has to be a dream..." Casden murmured incoherently as he rocked back and forth on the spot. He was now wondering how long it will be before they realize he's not of their world.

Opening his eyes that had closed sometime earlier, Casden stared straight at the tall elf standing behind the woman, the one who was guarding her and who appeared extremely intimidating. Seeing this kind of intimidating man made Casden whimper and close his eyes again,Casden was afraid and felt that nowhere was truly safe.

"Milina, make haste before we draw attention to ourselves; Leave this youngling be." Kallian said, looking desperately at his joining partner. The whole city is on edge because of the broken barrier. he did not want to be caught anywhere near the unknown youngling. But the elf woman was having none of it. "Shh! gods, we are not brutes, you're scaring the poor creature."

Milina reprimanded and further ignoring her partner, she then reached her hand out again but this time with caution and gently placing it on the top of the boy's head. Her magic flowed calming the youngling but instantly, she picked up on many emotions coming from the young boy and fear was the most potent one. Her hand touching his head caused Casden to flinch and try to resist but the strength in which her hand was placed upon his head wouldn't move an inch.

Finding it futile, Casden decided to withdraw further into himself and only then did he feel a trace of calm. Only then did he feel that he was safe. It was like some kind of warmth had started to flow through his body but he didn't know where this warmth came from or that the source of this warmth was actually coming from the woman's hand still on top of his head.

Suddenly, he heard a soothing melody playing inside of his head. Melina's hand glowed brightly as she  let her magic searched through the small being's thoughts, trying to find his language that was unknown to her. Once she found it, she infused it into her learning; she was learning the unknown younglings tongue through his thoughts. Milina tried talking with the boy by calming his spirit with the melody of her language, and then she picked up on his confused state and put part of her knowledge of Thelinora into the boy's thoughts

"Can you understand me?

The voice came as a gentle whisper inside of Casden's head-Casden’s eyes popped open in surprise and met the beautiful pale grey's across from him. He was so shocked that the only answer he could give was a trembling nod. The elf lady smiled brightly at him and the warmth he felt earlier grew within her touch.

Milina smiled. Seeing that the youngling’s spirit has calmed down, she tried looking through his mind to find the place he hails from but it was so dark and that took her by surprise. There was just so much darkness and this darkness told her something very bad was here.

"You shouldn't be here, white one."

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